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Maker Technology-Chapter One


SOC-14 5K
“So, you want one personalized Battle Dress, is that correct, sir,” asked the counter clerk?

“Yes, just one, form fitted, I am tired of the generic sized ones.”

The clerk, looking at the burly, but short, customer, could understand that. Finding anything in his size off of the shelf was going to be tough.

“Let’s see, that will be 100 Credits per kilogram for 20 kilograms of raw materials, 500 Credits for personalized fitting, and one hour of Maker time at 1000 Credits per hour, which gives a total of 3500 Credits. Will that be cash or charge?”

Before ringing up the sale, after taking the cash, the clerk escorted the customer to the body scanner, and opened the door.

“Please put your feet on the footprints on the floor, and extend your arms straight out for a proper scan. It will take only a minute or so. Try not to move, please.”

Shutting the door, the clerk looked over at the other counter where his partner was working with a second customer.

“So, that will be one personalized vacuum suit, with 50 Credits per kilogram for 10 kilograms of raw materials, 500 Credits for personalized sizing, and 15 minutes of Maker time at 250 Credits, for a total of 1250 Credits. Will that be cash or charge? Step over here please to the sizing scanner.”

After telling the Combat Dress customer to return in an hour and a half for final fitting and payment, and telling the vacuum suit customer to be back in two hours, the clerk looked at his partner. Both customers looked very pleased with the low prices.

“Hey, Ilmig, do you think that these rubes are ever going to catch on to the fact that our ‘Raw Materials’ are just garbage that we reprocess? And get paid for taking it too!”

“I hope not, Odorf, this is one really good set up we have. Our last accounting statement showed us netting over 60,000 Credits last month, and we are only working 5 days a week here. Although setting the Maker up to run over the weekend does help that good old bottom line.”

“What up for this weekend, Ilmig? That 8 tons of Extra-Terrestrial Ration Number Three for the Navy Base?”

“Yeah, that and running a load for plastics and metal to ship out on the Crazy Minstrel next week. He does like our prices. By the way, how do you loose EIGHT TONS of ExTee Three?”

“No idea, Ilmig, and I guess if they had some sort of a reason to give to the Inspector General, they would not be in such a panic. Maybe someone was feeding their pet it.”

“Odorf, what pet is going to eat eight tons of that stuff? Have you ever had to eat it?”

“Yeah, a couple of times when things were really tough. I did get some hot sauce to put on it though. Tastes like sugared sawdust.”

“Hmmm, I have heard rumors that the current Base Commander likes fresh pork. And the Base has some area for animals on it. Environmental maintenance I think that it is called. Maybe they are feeding some hogs with it. Hogs will eat anything. Or maybe they have a supercow or two they are feeding.”

“Not my worry about the stomach of the Base Commander. How much are we charging them, Ilmig.”

“I quoted them a price of 40,000 Credits plus 2000 Credits processing time, and they did not bat an eye. They must really need the stuff. I might have priced it too low.”

“Tell you what Ilmig, make the run 16 tons, and see if the Crazy Minstrel will take the excess. I hear that there is a great market for titanium-tainted mix on Zarathustra, Or hit the Scouts with it. They generally will buy anything that they think might be good for making contact with something.”

“Okay, Odorf. If the Scouts pay the same price, and I suspect that they will, given their contact budget, that sale will cover the Maker payment for the month. Everything else then is pure baksheesh”
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