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New Equipment: Cosmetic Autodoc 30Kcr


Here's a sneak peek of some content from my upcoming publication (enjoy!):


Any Drifters looking to make some side money? I just built this new Cosmetologist Autodoc and I need volunteers to test it. Who's first?

Cosmetic Autodoc (Cosmedoc)
The cosmedoc is a specialized autodoc meant to function as a barber, dentist, cosmetologist, and plastic surgeon. It’s extensive fashion database contains every known style of haircut, beard, piercing, tattoo, and makeup configuration. It can perform corrective eye surgery and change eye color. It also does face lifts, nose jobs, and so forth. If given a 3D model, the cosmedoc can reconfigure the patient’s facial structure to look like anybody. The cosmedoc can also remove wrinkles and scars.

The cosmedoc looks like an old-school beauty parlor hair drier that pulls down completely over the patient’s head. If the user doesn’t know what kind of haircut they want, they can ask the cosmedoc to analyze their face and make recommendations.

TL 11
DEX 18
END 18
INT 10
EDU 12
Hull 0
Struct 0 (any damage destroys the delicate cosmedoc)
Integral System (TL 11 medkit)
Specialized (+2) Computer Model 2
Intelligent Interface/1
Expert Medic/2
Expert Cosmetology/1
Haircut/makeup gives +1DM to SOC skills for 72 hours
Cosmetic optimization surgery gives +1DM to SOC skills for 1 month

Does manicures, removes hand wrinkles and age spots, does custom iris colors, and fingerprint etching. Also cures carpel tunnel and arthritis of the hands.

For genetic manipulation, you'll have to go for a higher end auto doc.

Add genetic manipulation, iris alteration, and fingerprint scrambling.

That's for the special product line- the one you don't even hear about unless someone trusted tells you, and you need a 'safe' go-between introduction for them to even talk about the 'options'.

Obviously a tool for the 'illegal entrepreneur', but also for sensevid stage stars, theater, spies, luxury liners, and first contact scouts.