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Some crossover fiction: Three and Forty Blackbirds

Baroun Tardis

I've been getting a ton of Youtube and posts on other social media about that other game where there's a galaxy spanning empire. You know the one.
Had this running through my head when I woke up this morning, typed it out to get it out of my system.
Sharing for the laughs..

(Bigger than 10k, won't let me paste directly, so here's the link)
I've been getting a ton of Youtube and posts on other social media about that other game where there's a galaxy spanning empire. You know the one.
Had this running through my head when I woke up this morning, typed it out to get it out of my system.
Sharing for the laughs..

(Bigger than 10k, won't let me paste directly, so here's the link)
Relativistic impactors for the coup de grâce and we're done here. :)
Round Two: Darrians.
Ship suddenly explodes for no apparent reason.

Round Three: Zhodani.
Ship's crew fights itself. The last survivors suicide.

Round Four: Grandfather.
Ship retroactively ceases to exist. The entire civilization that created it is obliterated. There's important work yet to do and the old fellow can't be bothered with petty distractions.
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Round Five: Lone Scout in a Type S.

May as well go out as a hero. Powers up the maneuver drive, muttering "Sir Isaac Newton is the deadliest S.O.B. in space."

As I said above, "Relativistic impactors for the coup de grâce and we're done here."

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Round Five: Lone Scout in a Type S.

May as well go out as a hero. Powers up the maneuver drive, muttering "Sir Isaac Newton is the deadliest S.O.B. in space."

As I said above, "Relativistic impactors for the coup de grâce and we're done here."

Sigh. Oh.... Now you just had to go there, didn't you?
I've now got a "The Old Scout" story percolating in my head. Once it's brewed, the only way to get it out is type it up.
Round Five: Lone Scout in a Type S.
I added it in the same document as the other
Scroll down to "Two Score and One"

Figure I'll just keep the whole anthology in one place.

It's a bit longer, and a bit more of a long game