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CT Only: Space Dragons

Blue Ghost

SOC-14 5K
NewbornMedium sized animal4 - 8 feet in length25 kg - 40 kgBody pistol?
YoungLarge sized8 - 10 ft225 - 450 kg
JuvenileLarge10 - 16 ft450 - 900 kgLaser Carbine?
AdultVery Large16 - 32 ft900 - 1100 kg
AncientHuge32 - 64 ft1100 -1400 kg
Mech DragonHuge50 ft1200 kgStarship Beam Laser
Replicant DragonVariousVariousVariousChemical agent
The above table is just an idea I've been toying with for years. I've never used "space dragons" in any Traveller session, and the table is a mixture of the D&D table, Imperial and metric units, and space for a speculative or suggested breath weapon.
Counter-proposal on the breath weapons.

NewbornMedium sized animal4 - 8 feet in length25 kg - 40 kgChemical Grenade
YoungLarge sized8 - 10 ft225 - 450 kgLaser Pistol
JuvenileLarge10 - 16 ft450 - 900 kgLaser Rifle
AdultVery Large16 - 32 ft900 - 1100 kgPGMP
AncientHuge32 - 64 ft1100 -1400 kgPlasma Gun Turret
Mech DragonHuge50 ft1200 kgParticle Accelerator Turret
Replicant DragonVariousVariousVariousInsidious Chemicals

Newborns basically "spit" caustic substances that are the functional equivalent to chemical grenades.
Plasma Gun and Particle Accelerator Turrets are the equivalent to starship weapons.
Insidious Chemicals functionally equates to a UWP atmosphere code of C (Insidious) "breath weapon" type of caustic gasses.

Special note; Replicant Dragons are inspired from Blade Runner where the creature is artificially grown, and can be tailored to size and taste. The mech dragon is essentially just that, an AI robotic dragon that is covered in a highly polished (almost mirror) metallic skin ... I picture it with two twin glowing eyes that may be an additional weapon.
Yeah, I was thinking an adult or ancient might be the size of a scout ship, maybe closer to a Type-R or something in the 200ton range. So eggs would have to be ... er ... maybe the size of a car or air raft. I'm not sure. It's just an idea I've had, and I'm sure other people have had similar concepts.
I think the weapon progression may be a little off. Think of it in terms of damage dice.
3D most firearms
5D laser rifle
10D plasma gun (TL12)
16D fusion gun
Actually space dragons are different critters :)

The sand serpents "dragons" are inspired from some giant sand snake thingy I saw in a comic ages ago. But it's interesting you bring that up. I'd forgotten about that aspect. :D(y)
Nice work on the dragons, always a favorite creature of mine. :)
It has been ten years since I read Castles and Dragons, I glanced at the first page to make sure it was the same thing I was thinking about. I remember it being a good adventure, and it's funny how that file has traveled across three computers since then.
Has it really been ten years? Wow. The key to that world is that it was supposed to be a "proto-Traveller" adventure where the "Imperium" was optional if the players or Referee needed to reference it or something like it for whatever reason. The world was supposed to be a thriving bronze age like civilization with natives who didn't understand what was going on when their world experienced sudden climate change. And I remember seeing some old pictures of sea-serpents on maps out of the 16th to 18th centuries, and how interesting it would be to have those kinds of critters in a desert. And so I pushed the civ forward to the middle ages, and voila! An adventure was born :)
Middle ages is good for CT, take advantage of all the pole arms, like a Halberd. Yes, ten years, how the time flies, doesn't it? Sea-serpents from old maps are a good writing prompt, sometimes when I watch a show, or read something, one can almost tell what was the core idea. That was one thing Philip K Dick said about why he liked writing short stories is that the idea is the hero. Any good idea can also be written up and put on DTRPG too, I was looking at the list of stuff there, and it is up to 710 products for Cepheus Engine.
Phillip K. Dick sure could weave a story :)

Back when I wrote that adventure I had tons of ideas that I had primed for T5 when it would come about, and so I stuck around on the forum and posting some fan fic hoping that that would show my good intentions. Truth is I'm pretty burnt out on the game and official setting for a variety of reasons, but still like posting some thoughts inspired from the game. C&D was a work of love, and I had lots of proto-Traveller-verse kind of "shorts" like C&D that I thought people would enjoy. Stuff that didn't have the OTU but was inspired by it, and made with the kind of atmosphere that GDW and Keith's sketches and Dietrick's art had created way back when I was a lad. I really don't want to write for it anymore, and Cepheus is very uninspiring for me on a deep personal level.

Space Dragons comes from SFB because I thought the Unofficial TU could use some stuff posted here. The other truth is that SFB Space Dragons are probably considerably larger than what I've posted. Probably just shy of a Federation or Klingon sized frigate, or so I'm thinking. But, Traveller is about PC interaction, so the players need something they can deal with via their hand held ACRs, FGMPs and so forth. I probably should have added a column for armor :D

I think lots of people have had similar ideas, and posted a few here and there on this forum, but this is my take for anybody wanting to chime in. :D(y)
Special note; Replicant Dragons are inspired from Blade Runner where the creature is artificially grown, and can be tailored to size and taste. The mech dragon is essentially just that, an AI robotic dragon that is covered in a highly polished (almost mirror) metallic skin ... I picture it with two twin glowing eyes that may be an additional weapon.
And as soon as I read that, I thought of the dragon from Herculoids. This guy should have a laser armed tail, as well. :D
I have to admit...
When I first read the thread title, my imagination immediately leapt to constructs of hologram and a High-tensile/High-stress but very-open framework with power systems and projectors which also used a magnetic bottle to hold in the hydrogen it uses for fuel.

Obviously, a very high tech toy that someone built, but which got loose - Leading to an Amber Zone.
A lower tech world who's dearly bought orbital systems and archologies are being "Harassed"

Obviously, the player's ship is called on for help and they can hardly say no, because they need to dock for refueling, etc...
This should be used when the players are on a tight schedule, and can't waste the time....and yet...
....It's a Dragon!!!! Living in Space!!!!

The adventure would hang on sensor rolls, piloting, etc....
And, eventually they should have a "battle" with the dragon.
How that plays out determines how badly the holographic dragon is damaged before its remains are discovered.

So, while I love the idea posited by the OP, my dementia went a different way
I have to admit...
When I first read the thread title, my imagination immediately leapt to constructs of hologram and a High-tensile/High-stress but very-open framework with power systems and projectors which also used a magnetic bottle to hold in the hydrogen it uses for fuel.

Obviously, a very high tech toy that someone built, but which got loose - Leading to an Amber Zone.
A lower tech world who's dearly bought orbital systems and archologies are being "Harassed"

Obviously, the player's ship is called on for help and they can hardly say no, because they need to dock for refueling, etc...
This should be used when the players are on a tight schedule, and can't waste the time....and yet...
....It's a Dragon!!!! Living in Space!!!!

The adventure would hang on sensor rolls, piloting, etc....
And, eventually they should have a "battle" with the dragon.
How that plays out determines how badly the holographic dragon is damaged before its remains are discovered.

So, while I love the idea posited by the OP, my dementia went a different way
Sounds like one of Grandfather’s experiments gone awry. Or his sons going off the reservation, making something cause they can.

Maybe a smaller version was loosed on Earth making an imprint on our collective genetic subconscious.