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Just looking back at some T4 material on the WWW, there are a number of references to "T4.1". Was there such a version or is it just an offhand way of referring to the de-bugged version?

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Just looking back at some T4 material on the WWW, there are a number of references to "T4.1". Was there such a version or is it just an offhand way of referring to the de-bugged version?

The big change for T4.1 was the elimination of the half-die.

The CD-Rom has t4.0.

I don't know if the prepared draft was ever printed, and don't trust Ken's word until I've seen the product, but Ken did claim to have the 4.1 manuscript ready to go.
Thankyou both. I was looking at the DSR which were drafted I think for FFS 2 but not sure if they ever saw the light of day or remained a "mod" for v4 and exist only on the archive.

I used to have some of Marc's draft chargen for T4.1. One page per career, with a quickgen option sidebar.

I also, due to a lapse of sanity, updated QSDS to version 2.0:

* Kept the descriptor "card" and its format.

* Added ship classes to the Mission Selection section.

* Rounded the hull configuration table numbers (that drove me crazy!). I didn't feel like breaking down the hull table into independent configurations.

* Reformulated Jump, HEPlaR, and Maneuver drive tables to match T5, and referred to same for options, upgrades, etc.

* Split the Sensor and Communicator modifiers into options based on TL. This simplified the tables nicely without reducing the number of variations available.

* Weapons. Its main thing is in changing the weapons loadouts to formula for a bit more flexibility without really making it complicated - no more than a High Guard-level of complexity anyway.

* Added a reference to extra equipment, referencing the appropriate pages on Traveller5.09.

Due to the handy referencing of T5 for nonessentials, page count shrunk from 22 to 15 pages. I figure the Big Table of Hulls is still valid, since I didn't fool with the hull table except to reduce the number of significant digits.
Here's a list of what T4.1 had just before it was noticeably not T4 any longer. The most developed section was chargen and skills. All of the material shows a development towards T5 and away from the elements of T4 that were more like MegaTraveller.


128 skills, grouped in clusters AND cascades (different somehow). Each has one controlling characteristic (how old school!). 20 default skills. 46 page chapter.


- Ten careers that look very much like those in T5.
- Process similar to CT.
- Education process ?similar to MT?
- Had an "injury" step instead of "survival".
- Included a "cold sleep" step in it where you determined how long the character had been in cold sleep up to the point of the game's start.
- Included the draft AND a random career selection.
- Aging was similar to CT/MT.
- Random homeworld determination was ?similar to MT or T4?