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The Vision For T5

The INterstellar Wars were Total War in the sense that civilians were targets and the struggle was one between whole states rather than a small professional force.

While many people would still be working in "facilitating" roles, keeping society running - the post still has to move, kids are taught, etc - the entire Terran population would be behind the total-effort, so Avery's comment that everyeon was in the Navy makes sense in both a broad meaning and a specific one - all "Travellers" would be involved with or touched by the war in some way, and most would be contributing in some way.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MJD:
The INterstellar Wars were Total War in the sense that civilians were targets and the struggle was one between whole states rather than a small professional force.

While many people would still be working in "facilitating" roles, keeping society running - the post still has to move, kids are taught, etc - the entire Terran population would be behind the total-effort, so Avery's comment that everyeon was in the Navy makes sense in both a broad meaning and a specific one - all "Travellers" would be involved with or touched by the war in some way, and most would be contributing in some way.

Yes, but you couldn't cover all Terran characters with just one "career" option.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by TravelerGM:
I think the idea of jumping far ahead in the post virus timeline is an excellent idea.


T5 - The Far Future
A new vision with a fresh canvas to paint it on...


I'm with you on this Roger (et al!). The real freedom in the early CT days was the sense that one was discovering new territory. From a personal perspective that is currently missing with the current GURPS Traveller timeline. There is enough 'canon' science within the game that ideally should be included, but a new social fabric and maybe an Emerging Empire (Sector minus in size) or two would be a really good idea.
(Off topic- need to direct


to messages at the Lonestar about Striker systems and spreadsheets....didn't have his E-mail)

Sorry fot the interruption,

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Richard:
If this is the case, is there any possibilities of new CT material? Could some or all of the T5 sourcebooks have compatibility with CT as well ( assuming the rules are different enough to warrant it.)

And would this mean that CT would now be in its own alternate timeline? :)

More seriously, a core rule book with little or no background makes sense: look at D&D 3E's use of Greyhawk. People aren't going to pay for the same rules 5 times. And the less background there is, the less people will be able to take offence.

And "Far Future" should be the first mileu book released. Wipe the slate clean and move on.

The vision looks good. Really good!
I felt that TNE was an attempt to wipe the slate clean and develop/explore new territory. And look how certain sections of the fan base reacted to that!
Its all in the packaging.......the idea of mileu "free" core books is obvious. Nothing wrong with adding "flavor" at all tho...through examples, sidebars, illustrations, etc. As for Mileu choice, why not boxed sets with different "Book 4's"(assuming a classic 3 book core set), satisfying the dual urges of new material and old mileu's? and if core books are light on for mileu, it is the bk 4 that provides the "tailoring" to character gen, et al.
(quick thought, there are 4 years in every "term" used so far to gen PC's - thats 2x2.... General/tailored career paths? For the Wars eg; navy/tech support, navy/line, navy/construction worker....tho navy/barbarian might be pushing it....)
B the G "get me outta this username"
I think the multiple era idea is a brilliant vision - I particularly like the Interstellar Wars and Far Future concepts. It strikes me that all is needed from FFP for each era is a fairly comprehensive source book and maybe a few bits and bobs. The rest could be left to individual referees or to licensees.

By the way will the Primordials from Knightfall make a show in T5????
Millieu free basic rules, and a rulebook with the Information on the era included. Perhaps a boxed set of 5x8 books like the CT books? You have got to allow for free wheeling universe design, and ship designs from TL 9-15.

Just my two cents.
Hi all. First post, long time fan ('77). Many questions concerning vision:
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Vicente:
Once again this will be defined by the marketing strategy.
If the target is the grognards, it simply doesn't matter the setting, people will buy anyway, this is a faithfull public.
If the target is general public...The new players should not be limited by grognards that keep teeling the future, this is very upsetting for new players and will reduce the play value.
Best regards


For Avery, what do you see is the target market for T5? Will core rules allow for adaptability to any sci-fi or futuristic setting or have focus on the Imperium universe.