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Traveller 5th Edition

I'm sure its been asked but with kickstart working out is their an ETA on T5 coming out in book form... I thought I read something about Spring 2013?
It's meant to be in shipping early 2013 (mid-January) as of the last update from Marc. He mentions it here if you want the full details.
Awsome thanks for the info, I'm sadly not a backer... just found out about the Kickstart yesterday so I couldn't read that info.
You might want to drop Marc an email, I know he was allowing post-kickstarter signup for awhile. You might still be able to get in on the order.
I read somewhere that January is the new release date (due to the schedule with the printer).

I have no idea how to order at this point, but I imagine it will be through FFE when the book is available.

[I am just patiently waiting for a PDF version of the final book ... which I am assured will happen 'sometime' in the future. I can live with that.]
I've been patient < or a patient :) > this long. I gues a few more weeks can't kill me. Traveller RPGs are one of my all-time favorites, and I was very sad to find out about the kickstarter too late to participate. So, here I'll sit in anxious anticipation!
I was very sad to find out about the kickstarter too late to participate.
With the thing at the printer, it is probably too late to jump in at the $3000 level and get an Admiral in the book named after you (or whatever the swag was), but I am pretty sure that you can still get in on the $51 or so level and pre-order a book and dice and whatever else the swag included.

Contact DonM and he'll know for sure, but I think that you just need to e-mail Marc at FFE to add your name to the kickstart (plus pay the money, of course).
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I've been patient < or a patient :) > this long. I gues a few more weeks can't kill me. Traveller RPGs are one of my all-time favorites, and I was very sad to find out about the kickstarter too late to participate. So, here I'll sit in anxious anticipation!
Illness in the family caused me to miss the kickstarter but I will be buying the books/pdf when they come out.
Marc Miller report on Kickstarter: "We are indeed getting close. The book is printed; it is now being bound. The slip cases are being made. The shirts are ordered. The dice have arrived. The patents of nobility lists are being finalized and the cards ordered. These will ship in February (hopefully early February)."

This forum will be very interesting come mid-Feb/two weeks by which time all the Kickstarter books should have been delivered.

Wonder what the plan timetable is for shop retail? I would love to see one of these in a shop, if just to see if its worth getting.
marc miller report on kickstarter: "we are indeed getting close. The book is printed; it is now being bound. The slip cases are being made. The shirts are ordered. The dice have arrived. The patents of nobility lists are being finalized and the cards ordered. These will ship in february (hopefully early february)."

this forum will be very interesting come mid-feb/two weeks by which time all the kickstarter books should have been delivered.

Wonder what the plan timetable is for shop retail? I would love to see one of these in a shop, if just to see if its worth getting.

whoo-hooo!!!! :D