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Concept: uncanny valley “humans”

Description: look normal at a distance or in poor light, but up close the differences become apparent: dull eyes, subtly skewed proportions of face and body, manic grimaces, and graceless movements. They sometimes make strained vocal noises, as if attempting speech and failing. They tend to stare at people without blinking. They wear vacc-suits with feeding catheters protruding from the collars, and often slurp pink or green slime out of these plastic tubes without any apparent regard for etiquette.

CT stats (provisional)
DEX -1, END +1
INT and EDU unknown
SOC 1 among humans (may be dealt with, but no one likes them and many humans react with disgust and hostility)


The Un-men trade with humans for goods of various sorts, showing a strong preference for acquiring frozen human corpses. They pay with (I haven’t decided yet. Something valuable and exotic/alien origin). Unable to speak, they use gestures and numbers only to conduct trade. Meaningful intercourse beyond the level of “two of these, exchange for three of those’’ hasn’t been achieved to date.

They operate starships of inferior make that resemble old Terran designs.

Tests on captured Un-men have shown them to be biologically human with signs of cryogenic damage to tissue repaired by microsurgery, lower than normal body temperature, and abnormal brain activity. None have survived longer than 72 hours in captivity; their major body systems fail.

The most popular theory holds that the first Un-men must have been created by an as-yet-unknown alien species that found a sleeper ship in deep space and did something to the humans in low berth.

Un-men merchants never trade with non-humans, nor even attempt to communicate with them.

Although their ships carry crude armament, they have never been known to attack humans, not even in self-defense. Any Un-man will stand still and let a human hack him to death, his crazed smile never altering. If the droning sounds they make as they are cut up mean something, no one has proved what it is.
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I thought them up for my ATU, but they may actually be a better fit for something with cold sleep tech more like the low berths of the OTU/core CT rules.

Tech that ends up making lots of frozen dead people suddenly becomes a valuable trade resource. You'll get more from these guys than from a medical school or your garden variety black market organ-dealer.
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Very chilling...


I'm glad you like them.

I was going for "creepy, but not a direct threat."

RE the Un-men, cold sleep/low berths, and my ATU

Some guys (you? It's hard to keep track of all the great ideas and their sources) have suggested that maybe low berths might be more reliable at higher TLs. That fits my not-yet-set-in-stone ATU notes about low berth being more reliable.

The oldest of the arks might have used low berths for humans (not only livestock) as an emergency measure. Better to lose some people to the low berths than stay on Earth and lose many more/all on to engineered and natural plagues, fallout, nuclear winter, famine, roving hunter-killer bots, and so on. I'm not sure I buy that, but if it could be made to seem plausible, it would really stress how desperate the ark-survivors were. Medical slow drug would have replaced the early, crude freeze tube human packaging on the later arks.

Hmmm, maybe some worlds warehouse their prisoners in low berth? Would that be less costly than maintaining them in normal cells, active and moving about?

Maybe cold sleep never did get better, and a Low Passage remains a craptasic option for a traveller, a really desperate move? Freeze him in carbonite.

It bears thought.

However I handle all that, for the Un-Men to work best, I'll need a small but steady stream of corpsicles.
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The problem is, that barring really distressing circumstances, no one will opt to travel in a low berth which will kill you on 5- on 2d6. This is too risky... Great for last-chance arks filled with desperate survivors from a dying Earth, but not really economical on a commercial starship as a travel option. Maybe good for refugees of all kinds, who opt to travel in livestock coolers rather than die on their war-torn/failed home-colony.
Between your Un-Men and my Matriarchate (if you choose to use it), your players will have plenty of unsettling techno-horrors to contend with.
The problem is, that barring really distressing circumstances, no one will opt to travel in a low berth which will kill you on 5- on 2d6. This is too risky... Great for last-chance arks filled with desperate survivors from a dying Earth, but not really economical on a commercial starship as a travel option. Maybe good for refugees of all kinds, who opt to travel in livestock coolers rather than die on their war-torn/failed home-colony.

Yeah, I tend to agree.

Thus my earlier Library Data ATU entry on cold sleep.

A good compromise might be to retain the mechanics but refocus use of the low berth. It's still used for livestock. Cold storage of people becomes a prison ware-housing method and a tool of smugglers/traffickers. Legit ships don't freeze people under normal circumstances because, as you point out, the risk of death is too great to sustain a profitable business in low berths for passage.

That pretty much eliminates the low lottery, but that's not a big loss for me.



Now I'm thinking of a prison moon whose warden has been making money by trading corpsicle prisoners to the Un-men, taking exotic alien goods in return, and using info tortured out of live convicts (revived and threatened with a return to deep freeze?) to fence the stuff.
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Yeah, that is some right unnerving space yarn you whipped up there. Let me get this round and not think about mysterious aliens "doing things" to low berthed folks and corpses. *shudders* Yep, definitely creeptastic. Nice going.
Yeah, that is some right unnerving space yarn you whipped up there. Let me get this round and not think about mysterious aliens "doing things" to low berthed folks and corpses. *shudders* Yep, definitely creeptastic. Nice going.



I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.

I'll likely use them in play if I get a Trav game going next year.
:file_19: Dude. Seriously creepy. *shudders*. Love it. Keep up the good work!
:file_19: Dude. Seriously creepy. *shudders*. Love it. Keep up the good work!


My wife also said they were very creepy.
I was describing them to her before she went to bed tonight.

Heehehehee, sweet dreams, honey.

I'm somewhat tempted to strip down buck naked, go stand outside in the night air holding a Ziploc bag of ice, and get nice and cold before I crawl into bed next to her and begin making hoarse, almost-human sounds.

But if I did that, I'm pretty sure she'd kill me.
You should try writing childrens' stories for a change. Then again, maybe you shouldn't...

Where were you going to situation them, or is this way outside or just not in the OTU?
You should try writing childrens' stories for a change. Then again, maybe you shouldn't...

Where were you going to situation them, or is this way outside or just not in the OTU?

I may add some contextual notes for both OTU and an ATU/IMTU versions, sure.

Right now I'm letting the brew a bit I my mind.
Very interesting concept.

I think I'd have them be mules for some sort of ET intelligence that uses these drones to probe human activities without exposing themselves or itself to danger. Violence committed against the drones provides valuable insight into human behavior and weapons capability at little expense to the puppet master, thus the lack of negative reaction from the victim. The acquisition of frozen corpses either for study, use as drones, or even consumption seems to follow suit.

So who dares follow an Un-men ship back to its hidden base to meet the Master? Could be a fun shipboard and ground based game of hide and seek.
The Hive Federation has a terrible secret related to the minor human races that live therein.

What if these ur-men are the first attempt at Hiver bio-engineering humans for contact purposes? Lots of STL sleeper/colony ships sent in the direction of the Hinterworlds and Spica...

Or borrowing from T2300, the pentapod make them, again as first contact intermediaries... or a version of the AGRA intelligence that studied the corpsicles but couldn't put them back together agin properly.

Of course we all know who really makes them, the meta-conscious jump space entities some call the Old Ones....
Of course we all know who really makes them, the meta-conscious jump space entities some call the Old Ones....

Are you saying that THAT system isn't really a binary one, but that the secondary is really a living but insanely malevolent and impossibly inscrutable sophont??
I'd been contemplating putting some of those sorts of elements into my campaign. Not a lot, but just scattered about here and there.

Maybe the Ancients weren't the most ancient of those that came before...