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Wanderer a la Rancke


Absent Friend
Some months ago I came across that wondeful photo of the Wanderer mockup. Not for the first time, but this time it fired one of my sudden enthusiasms, and I set about writing it for real. Some weeks later I found out that others had done the same before me, and were far ahead of me. At the same time my enthusiasm waned, and I put the file away. But inspired by Rob's thread, I've decided to post the bits I did manage to do. Anyone who wants to use any part of it are free to do so. If my permission is needed, it is hereby granted.

Oh, and if anyone have any ideas, suggestions or criticism, please don't hesitate to post them. Who knows, it may fire my enthusiasm again.


The following is an attempt to apply the Classic Traveller rules to a Sword
& Sorcery setting. All rules from CT: Book 1 apply unless superceded by
explicit rules in this article.

Skills not described in this article can be found in either CT _Book 1:
Characters and Combat_ or CT _Supplement 4: Citizens of the Imperium_.


Characters are generated initially by throwing 2D6 for each of the six
basic characteristics, Strength, Dexterity, Endurance, Intelligence,
Education, and Social Standing.


After rolling stats, the player may select one boon for his character. The
referee may disallow any boon that would not fit with his campaign.

* The character has magical aptitude. At the end of each term, throw a
D6. If the result is equal to or less than the term number, his magical
aptitude has been discovered. He recieves Magic-0 and is now eligible for
using the Magical Education table during subsequent terms. If the character
musters out before his ability has been discovered, he is asssumed to have
figured it out just before play begins and he receives Magic-0 anyway.

* The character started young. His first term started at age 14. To enter
the Barbarian career voluntarily, a character must take this boon.

* The character has a title. This boon may only be selected for a character
with a SL of 11 (knight) or 12 (baron). Characters with SL of 11+ without a
title are younger sons or belong to cadet branches or have been disowned or
(as in the case of barbarians) have titles that are not considered legitimate
by the nobility of the kingdoms.

* The character starts as an officer (literally in the case of soldiers and
sailors, figuratively in the case of scholars and traders) of rank 4. This
represents someone procuring such a position for him through bribery or
influence and is only available to characters with SL 9+. He may only select
one of the first four careers for enlistment, but automatically makes his
enlistment roll, no matter how unsuitable his stats are for that career. He
goes through the career normally, rolling for promotions as if he had started
at rank 1, getting automatic skills for rank-2 (if any) when he makes the
first promotion roll, automatic skills for rank-3 (if any) when he makes the
second promotion roll, and automatic skills for rank-4 (if any) when he makes
the third promotion roll (He makes a third promotion roll instead of a
commission roll). 

* Two careers: When the character leaves his first career, fate will grant
him the opportunity to enter another. The second career is selected exactly
as the first, including a draft roll if the character fails to enter his new
chosen career. His previous career may not be selected, but the draft may
land him in the same career again. In that case, some drastic change has
taken place, such as having had to leave his birth country and enter foreign
service. A character that enters the barbarians as a second career has
obviously not been born a barbarian; rather he has been captured by them or
sought refuge among them. He enters the new career at rank-1 if he embarked
on a new career and at rank-1 or one less than his former rank (whichever is
the highest) if he is drafted into the same career again.

The referee should feel free to allow any other boon of comparable value that
he or his players come up with.

When using these rules to generate non-player characters, the referee should
feel free to let them have more than one boon, such as a titled character
who starts his career as an officer at the age of 14, or a barbarian with
magical aptitude who gets to change career when the aptitude is discovered.


All beginning characters start off at age 18 unless the boon "Early start"
is chosen, in which case the character starts off at age 14. After choosing
a boon for his character, the player attempts to enlist him in his choice

SOLDIER: Someone who makes his living a a fighting man. This includes, in
addition to members of regular army units, city guards, rangers, scouts,
private guards, mercenaries, militiamen, etc. 

SAILOR: Someone who makes a living sailing a ship. This includes merchant
sailors, pirates, navy personnel, fishermen, etc.

SCHOLAR: Someone who makes a living from book-learning.

TRADER: Someone who makes a living buying goods in one place and selling
them in another. Includes tinkers, caravaneers, seatraders.

ROGUE: Someone who lives by his wits at the fringes of society. This
includes thieves, burglars, forgers, gamblers, con-men. 

BARBARIAN: Rugged individuals from the edges of civilization accustomed to
hardship and well-trained in wilderness and survival situations.

Should an attempt at enlistment fail, the character must submit to the draft.
Each of the six careers has a draft number; the draftee rolls one die, and
enters the career with that draft number. Note that a character can be
drafted into that very career which had just previously rejected him.
Draftees are not eligble for promotions during their first term; they do
become eligble during the second and subsequent terms if they reenlist. 

The sixth career, Barbarian, isn't really a career, it's a lifestyle. Nor is
there a selection board that assigns people to become rogues or barbarians.
The "draft" is a game mechanic that reflects the fickle finger of fate. The
character that applies to become a barbarian, fails, and is drafted into the
rogues 'fails' by not being born into a barbarian tribe and is 'drafted' into
the rogues by, perhaps, becoming orphaned at an early age.

Terms: Careers are resolved in blocks of four years called 'terms'. Each
completed term adds four years to the character's age. Each time a character
embarks on a new term, it is for an additional four years.

Achievement: Each term involves obstacles to overcome; during the term, a
character must successfully throw his career's achievement number to avoid
his career ending precipitously. Failure to make the achievement throw forces
the character to terminate his career after serving only two years of the
present term. This short term does not count towards mustering out benefits,
and the character must roll once on the Calamitous Career Termination Table.

Promotions: [Rank 7 only available for non-player characters]

The character must now proceed to mustering out, unless he has the boon
"Second Career".

Optional Rule: Iron Man Wanderer: If the referee and player agree, a failure
can be interpreted as a fatal ending to the life of the character, allowing/
forcing the player to roll up a new character.

Continued below.

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Part II


Draft        1          2          3         4          5          6

             Soldier    Sailor     Scholar   Trader     Rogue      Barbarian

Enlistment   5+         7+         6+        7+         6+         5+
DM +1 if     Endur 6+   Endur 10+  Educ 8+   Social 8+  Social 8-  Endur 9+
DM +2 if     Stren 5+   Stren 8+   Intel 9+  Educ 9+    Endur 7+   Stren 10+

Achievement  5+         6+         6+        5+         6+         6+
DM +2 if     Stren 8+   Endur 8+   Educ 9+   Educ 8+    Intel 9+   Stren 10+

Position     8+         7+         9+        6+         -          -
DM +1 if     Social 8+  Intel 8+   Educ 10+       8+    -          -

Promotion    6+         6+         7+        8+         -          -
DM +1 if     Intel 8+   Educ 8+    Intel 7+        8+   -          -

Re-enlist    6+         6+         5+        6+         5+         5+


         Soldier      Sailor        Scholar   Trader      Rogue   Barbarian

Rank 1   Recruit      Landsman      Student   Office boy    -     Horseholder
Rank 2   Warrior      Ord. Seaman   Senior    Clerk         -     Warrior
Rank 3   Veteran      Able Seaman   Graduate  Head Clerk    -     Sr. Warrior
Rank 4   Lieutenant   Lieutenant    Teacher   Factor        -     Sub-chief
Rank 5   Captain      Captain       Master    Manager       -     Warleader
Rank 6   Colonel      Commodore     Wise Man  Merchant      -     Chief
Rank 7   General      Admiral       Sage      Magnate       -     Warlord

Player characters may not be promoted above rank 6 unless the referee feels
like letting the characters have the social prestige of ex-generals, former
business magnates, etc. to smoothe the way of their life as wandering


Table 1 Material Benefits 

1D  Soldier      Sailor       Scholar      Trader      Rogue        Barbarian

1   Handweapon   Handweapon   xxx          xxx         +1 Knife     xxx
2   +1 Stren     +1 Endur     +1 Educ      +1 Intel    +1 Dext     +1 Stren      
3   Bow          xxx          xxx          xxx         xxx         xxx        
4   Horse        xxx          xxx          xxx         xxx         xxx
5   Armor        xxx          xxx          xxx         xxx         xxx
6   Blade        xxx          xxx          xxx         xxx         xxx
7   Armor        xxx          xxx          xxx         xxx         xxx

Table 2 Cash Benefits

         Soldier      Sailor        Scholar   Trader      Rogue   Barbarian

1      50 GP         ---            ---      50 GP        xxx     xxx
2      100 GP        ---            ---      100 GP       xxx     xxx
3      200 GP       50 GP          15 GP     150 GP       xxx     xxx
4      250 GP       100 GP         50 GP     200 GP       xxx     xxx
5      300 GP       200 GP        100 GP     250 GP       xxx     xxx
6      400 GP       400 G         500 GP     500 GP       xxx     xxx
7      500 GP       500 G         1000 GP   1000 GP       xxx     xxx 

A maximum of three rolls on Table 2 is allowed per character; all remaining
rolls must be on Table 1. Characters of rank 5+ adds 1 to the rolls.


  1  Mundane
  2  Injury
  3  Major Mistake
  4  Enemy
  5  Exile
  6  Warrant
  7  Hunted

At the player's option (decided before the roll), add 1 to the die roll.

Mundane: The reason for the termination of the career is ordinary and boring
and in no way reflects badly on the character. E.g. the unit was disbanded,
the ship sank, the business went bankrupt, the caravan was scattered by
bandits, a better job opened up, the character felt a yen to see far-off

Injury: The character suffered a grievious injury and was unable to perform
his job for many months.

Major Mistake: The character was blamed for a major foul-up (Player's choice
as to whether he was actually guilty) and left his job under a cloud.

Enemy: The character made a bad enemy who caused his dismissal.

Exile: The character was sentenced to exile. He cannot return to his native

Warrant: The character was accused of a crime and had to flee the country.

Hunted: As Enemy or Warrant (Player's choice), but the character has had a
bounty placed on his head. From time to time, bounty hunters will try to


During each 4 year term of service, a character has the opportunity to learn
a variety of skills or improve their ability scores from the experiences
gained during this time interval. 

Skills are acquired by rolling on one of the four skill tables for the
career. Personal Development, Service Skills, and Basic Education are
available to all characters, however only those with Education 8+ may roll
on the Advanced Education table. Characters with revealed magical aptitude
may chose to roll on the Magical Education table.

Characters with rank 4+ add one to the die roll.


Personal Development Table

     Soldier     Sailor       Scholar     Trader      Rogue       Barbarian

1    +1 Stren    +1 Dext      +1 Educ     +1 Intel    +1 Dext     +1 Endur                         
2    +1 Stren    +1 Stren     +1 Stren    +1 Stren    +1 Stren    +1 Stren
3    +1 Dext     +1 Dext      +1 Dext     +1 Dext     +1 Dext     +1 Dext
4    +1 Endur    +1 Endur     +1 Endur    +1 Endur    +1 Endur    +1 Endur
5    Brawling    Brawling     Mental      Bribery     Gambling    Hunting
6    Blade Cbt   Blade Cbt    +1 Educ     +1 Intel    Knife       Missile
7    Mental      Mental       Mental      Mental         ---      Carousing

Service Skills Table

     Soldier     Sailor       Scholar     Trader      Rogue   Barbarian

1                Rowing
2    Riding      Sailing
3    <scouting>  <scouting>
4    Melee       Blade
5    Melee       Gun
6    Missile     Ballista
7                Navigation

Basic Education Table

   Soldier    Sailor      Schola r    Trader      Rogue      Barbarian

1  xxx        xxx         xxx         xxx         xxx        xxx
2  xxx        xxx         xxx         xxx         xxx        xxx
3  xxx        xxx         xxx         xxx         xxx        xxx
4  xxx        xxx         xxx         xxx         xxx        xxx
5  xxx        xxx         xxx         xxx         xxx        xxx
6  Language   Language    Language    Language    Language   Language
7  Riding     xxx         xxx         xxx         xxx        xxx

Advanced Education Table (allowed only of character has education 8+)

   Soldier    Sailor      Scholar     Trader      Rogue      Barbarian

1  Leader     Leader       
6  Language   Language    Language    Language    Language   Language
7  Command    Command

Automatic Skills








Characters with discovered Magic Aptitude may elect to roll on the Magical
Education table. 

1  Magic
2  Magic
3  1d spells
4  1d spells
5  2d spells
6  2d spells
7  3d spells

Characters with Magic-4 or more may elect to add one to the die result.

Magic: The character's magic skill has gone up by one, allowing him to learn
and cast more complex spells. He also learns one spell of the new level.

xd spells: Throw the number of dice indicated. The character has learnt that
many points worth of spells. Level n spells cost n+1 spell points; level 0
spells (cantrips) cost 1 point, level 1 spells cost 2 points, etc. A
character may not learn spells of a higher level than his Magic score.

(Mustering out benefit: Spell The character has learned new spell levels
equal to his current magic skill level (Magic-0 gives ½ a spell level and
cantrips cost ½ a spell level.)  

Power: A person with Magic-0 has enough power to cast cantrips.
A person with Magic-n has 1+2+3...+n times <what?> power points.


Some adventurers are merely ordinary people who get involved in extraordinary
events, but Sword & Sorcery often involve extraordinary people getting
involved in epic events. If the referee wants to run an epic campaign, he
can allow the players to generate heroic characters. The following changes
to the basic character generation rules apply:

The first five basic characteristics, Strength, Dexterity, Endurance,
Intelligence, and Education, are generated by throwing three D6 and
discarding the lowest. Social Standing is generated in the normal manner,
heroes coming from all strata of society.

Heroes are guaranteed a minimum of four terms of prior service (If the player
wants them). If any roll mandates that a hero leave a career before the end
of the fourth term, he may immediately make a draft roll and enter the
indicated career. He does not get to try to enlist in a career of his choice.
This reflects the turbulent lives many iconic S&S heroes lead. He does not
age two years, but he does have to roll one the Calamitous Career Termination

Heroes with the boon 'Magical Aptitude' starts their career knowing about it
and thus able to use the Magical Education table. If they successfully enter
the Scholar career, they may assume that they are formally apprenticed to a

Heroes remain impressive even as age begins encroaching. After each set of
aging rolls, ONE failed roll of the player's choice is ignored. E.g. if both
the Strength roll and the Dexterity roll fails, the character loses either
one point of Strength or one point of Dexterity according to choice.


The hero may go on a minor, medium, or major quest.

Every successful quest gives the hero one, two or three hero points.

[Hero points can be used to...]
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Part III


Academic (Cascade)  [Scholar]
  Persuasion [?]
  Science (Cascade)
  +1 Educ
Admin                                Discussed in Book 1, p. 14
Animal Handling (Cascade)
  Guard/Hunting Beasts
Archaic Weapons (Cascade) [Missile Weapons]
  Battle Axe
  Hand Axe
Battle Axe (Weapon)
Biology (Serves as) [Natural philosophy]
  Genetics minus 1  [-]
Blade (Weapon)
Blade Combat (Cascade)
  Large Blade
  Small Blade
Blowgun (Weapon)
Bola (Weapon)
Boomerang (Weapon)
Bow (Weapon)
Broadsword (Weapon)
Carousing (Serves as)
  Steward minus 1
Chemistry [Alchemy]
Command (Cascade)
  <one more?>
Crossbow (Weapon)
Cudgel (Weapon)
Cutlass (Weapon)
Dagger (Weapon)
Economic (Cascade)
Environ (Cascade)
  Animal Handling
  Archaic Weapons
Equestrian [Riding]
Foil (Weapon)
Guard/Hunting Beasts
Halberd (Weapon)
Hand Axe (Weapon)
Hand Combat (Cascade)
  Blade Combat
  +1 Endur
  +1 Stren
Inborn (Cascade)
Interpersonal (Cascade)
Interview (Serves as)
  Interrogation minus 1
Large Blade (Includes)
Large Watercraft (Serves as) [Sailing]
  Small watercraft minus 1
Legal (Serves as)
  Admin minus 1
Liason (Serves as)
  Admin minus 1
  Streetwise minus 1
Mechanical (?)
Mental (Cascade)
  +1 Intel
  +1 Educ
Physical (Cascade)
  +1 Dexterity
  +1 Endur
  +1 Stren
Pike (Weapon)
Polearm (Includes)
  Bayonet (?)
Recon [Scouting]
Riding = Equestrian
Rowing = Small Watercraft
Sailing = Large Watercraft
Science (Cascade)
Sling (Weapon)
Small Blade (Includes)
Small Watercraft (Includes) [Rowing]
  Large watercraft minus 1
Spear (Weapon)
Sword (Weapon)
Vehicle (Cascade)
  Large Water Craft
  Small Water Craft
Vice (Cascade)


The Empire of the Seven Realms (usually just The Empire)
    The Central Kingdom
    The Western Marches (beyond the Great Barrier Mountains) 
The Verrailes Archipelago to the north [Werewolf Territory]
The Sunlander 'Empire' to the South
The Xxxx Steppes to the Northwest [Centaur Territory]
The [Rakshasa Territory] to the SW
The [Hymenopteran Territory] to the SE
The [Magelords Territory] to the NW
The Small Kingdoms beyond the Western Marches


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I like what you've done so far. A simple fantasy conversion.

A couple of ideas on magic.

There is only the Magic skill. No supporting skills. It's a fantasy game. Many players might jump on the magic boon if you didn't have a good role-playing group. You could end up with an entire party of various classes all with Magic which coves the entire spectrum.

Perhaps make Magic the innate ability. Something similar to Psionic strength possibly. It could be the limiting level of magical skills (can't raise any magical skills above your born Magical strength). Then add a Spellcasting skill and Runecasting skill (placing spells upon weapons, doors, people, scrolls, etc for later release).

If Spellcasting and Runecasting doesn't work for you, perhaps divide the magical skills into various specialties. Fire Magic, Earth Magic, Healing Magic, Nature Magic, etc.

Also, give the Scholar added chances in the skill tables of increasing Magic, Spellcasting, Runecasting, or whatever (through scholarly study of the magical arts). The other professions can still learn magic, but Scholar has an advantage. This way you end up with more typical wizards (the scholarly sort) and warriors, rogue's, etc that might have a little bit of magical skill. Just not so much as the Scholar that has studied magical lore for years.
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My thought on the matter at the moment, which applies to all versions of Wanderer, is that unless there's a lot of healing magic around, then most characters should start off somewhere between 13 and 16 - i.e. 12+1d4. More because most people wouldn't live past 40 or 50.

I'd like to know more about the Empire.
I really like the amount of thought and work you've put into it -- it looks like Traveller, but the chargen charts have been tweaked to fit Wanderer. It's excellent.

The 'boon' option is a fun add-on. So the player has two basic choices to make -- boon and career -- so the result is that many more types of characters. It looks like a great mechanic. And, I like the way it weaves magic into the game.

And you've really done a lot of thought and work on the skills list too. You've ended up with a LOT of skills, and yet there doesn't seem to be skill "bloat" going on. I might suggest you think about combining some of the weapons cascades, but really it all looks good.

AND you've gone as far as naming some of the polities first (defining WHAT they are is secondary to having a good name). Once again, good job.

I have a question/suggestion. Can "Heroic" be broken down into *boons*, instead of a rule for running a heroic game?
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You might want to give serious thought to making Magic a Cascade, instead of a unitary skill. The cascade would be to specific 'schools' or 'types' of magic, based on whatever you choose to use as the distinguishing characteristic. I've seen divisions based on the Alchemical Elements (Earth, Fire, Water, Air), Purpose (Healing, Scrying, Combat, etc.), Carrier (Music, Amulets, Scrolls, Potions, Wands, etc.), and so on.
Why not a quick conversion of CT psionics to magic?

As with psionics in CT, everybody has some potential, but that potential is wasted unless trained. And, the potential dies the longer the character ages without training.

Depending on the dice roll, some people have huge potential while others have next to nil.

Magic, itself, can be handled like psionics in CT. Convert the actual power categories to "Schools of Magic". And, the actual powers under each category are the actual spells in the game.

Many of the psionics in CT can be used, as-is, as spells.

Add areas like "Necromancy" or "Divinity" and such, each category with different powers (spells).

That seems the most simple, most direct way to do it.
Why not a quick conversion of CT psionics to magic?

As with psionics in CT, everybody has some potential, but that potential is wasted unless trained. And, the potential dies the longer the character ages without training.

Depending on the dice roll, some people have huge potential while others have next to nil.

Magic, itself, can be handled like psionics in CT. Convert the actual power categories to "Schools of Magic". And, the actual powers under each category are the actual spells in the game.

Many of the psionics in CT can be used, as-is, as spells.

Add areas like "Necromancy" or "Divinity" and such, each category with different powers (spells).

That seems the most simple, most direct way to do it.

It would certainly involve the least overall effort, yes - it's a decent idea.

The thing is...

Most implementations of magic seem to be able to do more than CT psionics does. I have no doubt that if one wanted to, one could shoehorn pretty much any documented effect from a RATIONAL magic system into a "lightly-expanded" CT psionics system, but it might well be a 'forced fit' at best. It's possibly just me, but I would often prefer to do a little bit more work and go for a more elegant solution, one that doesn't feel forced, but still accommodates everything I need with room for expansion.

(If needed, I'll explain what I mean by a RATIONAL magic system. Suffice it for now to say that early D&D/AD&D is not.)
Some more notes, better late than never.

First, your rules are more complete than gashnaga's. They're also covered better: referring back to LBB Traveller as arbiter lets you focus on the interesting bits. I have borrowed several rank labels. I also like the skillset; I'll be borrowing from there as well.

Suggestion. I'd suggest using gashnaga's "Path" terminology for career generation. I think your career types are better thought out and are more consistent with Traveller, but in particular I think his "Setting" bit can add some dimensions to characters without having to expand the number of careers -- for example, there's interesting color between a noble soldier and a peasant soldier. In your case, you can simply key off of SOC in order to determine some an initial skill or characteristic modification.

I figure that's they way I'll do it.

Your Kingdom List is golden, drawing from the Third Imperium I see, and screaming for details. Work it!
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I think I may go back and update the career tables for skills and muster-out benefits (I also have a weapons/armor list that I should put up).

Just so it's "more complete" at least to my satisfaction.
Just some thoughts.

A scholar would make his living not just from booklearning, but would be doubling as possibly an architect, lawyer, orator, government official, engineer, or astrologer, among other skills.

Your upper rank titles could use some work in the area of soldier and sailor, while I need to think about Scholar and Trader. Barbarian does not look too bad.

For Soldier: Velite/Miles, Warrior, Veteran, Centurion, Strategos, Legate, Tribune.

For Sailor: Landsman, Seaman, Able Seaman, Helmsman, Mate, Master, Captain.

For Magic, I sent an email to Robject with some ideas, but I was thinking of an adaption of the original Rolemaster spell system with a dash of the magic of the Lord Darcy books, with modified Psionics as an option.

I need to look over the rest of your ideas, then look at CaptainJack's material, and also go over Mercator again. I suspect that there will be a need for more character classes.
I think I may go back and update the career tables for skills and muster-out benefits (I also have a weapons/armor list that I should put up).

Just so it's "more complete" at least to my satisfaction.

So rancke, would you permit me to perform this update?