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Wendy's Guide to the Fleets of Franklin Subsector

Independence Games

SOC-14 1K
Admin Award
Wendy's Guide to the Fleets of Franklin Subsector is coming in PDF form from Gypsy Knights Games on August 4!

Here's a preview of the cover featuring the Ledford-class destroyer from Tal'Kalares (Franklin 0105). The Ledford-class will be detailed in the "Ships of Clement Sector" fashion within the pages of the book along with details concerning all of the fleets of Franklin Subsector.

Art by Ian Stead. Cover design by Stephanie McAlea.

And don't forget that all of our Clement Sector PDFs are currently 25% off during Drive-thru's "Christmas In July" sale. The sale lasts until July 31.

Here we see NEFS Artemis and NEFS Sif of the Tal'Kalares Royal Navy patrolling the Alpha Belt, an asteroid belt in the Tal'Kalares system (Franklin 0105). The ships are Ledford-class destroyers.

The Ledford-class destroyer, the Tal'Kalares Royal Navy, and all of the navies and system defense forces of Franklin Subsector will be detailed in Gypsy Knights Games' Wendy's Guide to the Fleets of Franklin Subsector which will be available in PDF on August 4.

Art by Ian Stead.

And, as you can see in the news section of this site, Wendy's Guide to the Fleets of Franklin subsector is now available!