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What are your favourite subsectors of the Spinward Marches?

What are your favourite subsectors of the Spinward Marches?

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SOC-14 1K
I know BeRKA of the Zhodani Base held a poll on this topic in 2011, but I thought it would be a good idea to hold a new one - both as an update, since the last poll was a while ago and the userbase has changed since then (BeRKA's poll also had to be split into two because polls couldn't have as many entries then), and to tie in with my other sector-related polls (the fact the Spinward Marches showed up as still by far the most popular Imperial sector in the first poll certainly influenced my decision). It also gives an opportunity to verify and discuss the analysis of what makes a subsector popular; and, like my other polls, it could also be useful for determining which areas could use new publications. I might even do similar subsector polls for other sectors regarded highly in that poll, such as the Solomani Rim and the Old Expanses - that certainly hasn't been done before.

Oh, and, like my other polls but possibly unlike BeRKA's one, you can vote for as many options as you like in this poll.
You didn't include a None of the Above category... :(

Right now my favorite part of the Spinward Marches is the network of A & B ports that can support Subsidised Liners.
The Sword Worlds are so fun because of the harassment factors. It is one overall political group of worlds, each with their own problems to face. Some you have to bribe everyone, while the next stop bribery is a possible capital crime for one example.
The other thing is the names of the worlds are named for weapons out of Earth literary history, on the far side of the empire, as a way to thumb their nose at the Imperium.

Some of the worlds in the Jewell subsector are just waiting for a decent twisted imagination to grab and run with. Between the Zhodani, the Vargr, and the Emperials with the occasional Aslan, Droyne, K'Kree and Hover tripping through it makes for way too many ideas to mix together. Don't forget the Darrians and Swordies to Rimward. Add in the fifth frontier war, pirates, and spies coming out your pores to mess it up. How many crews started in the Regina sector just trailing of Jewell and it turns into anything you want.
mine too=))

I like it even though the underlying political conflict (Collace v. Trexalon) seems kind of silly. Trexalon shouldn't really care if Collace and the 3I take D268. the Trexies have Menorial, Egryn, and Pax Rulin subsectors to exploit, right next door!

Pretty sure it's an artifact of being situated at the edge of the Spinward Marches map. It doesn't seem that the writers of DA6 (Divine Intervention) considered what the new maps in A4 (Leviathan) meant for Trexalon's area of interest when they wrote DA6.

Still, playing along with it makes for interesting situations.