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Your Favorite Sophont in the Marches

What's your favorite alien in and around the Marches?

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I should add that Droyne are my favorite sophonts after humans. That is distinct from the Zhodani, whom I do not like at all.
Why isn't Humanity listed?

There are SEVERAL very alien human variants in the marches!
Humans are humans, except...

Most of the "alien" humans in the Marches are not particularly alien in that they're easy to understand from an early-21st century point of view.

Sword Worlders are Space Vikings, presumably having since settled down a bit.

Darrians are Space Elves; smug and smart with a veneer of wisdom.

Zhodani are weird. Ok, they're psychic space Soviet Socialists, but what does that mean? They don't think or act the way 21st century Westerners (or, really, anyone currently alive) would. They don't even think or act quite how you'd expect individuals with psionic abilities would, because in our present context they'd be isolated people with super powers rather than part of a culture built around and upon psionics.
Why isn't Humanity listed?

There are SEVERAL very alien human variants in the marches!

Fine, fine. Added a few human aliens. Although, frankly, I DON'T think of Darrians and Swordies as significantly different from Impies. I guess that's another poll...
I'm calling the Thought Police!

Most of the "alien" humans in the Marches are not particularly alien in that they're easy to understand from an early-21st century point of view...

Zhodani are weird. Ok, they're psychic space Soviet Socialists, but what does that mean? They don't think or act the way 21st century Westerners (or, really, anyone currently alive) would. They don't even think or act quite how you'd expect individuals with psionic abilities would, because in our present context they'd be isolated people with super powers rather than part of a culture built around and upon psionics.

I have to admit I was one of the few that voted for the Zhodani as my "favorite sophont in the Marches." Because they are written in, (what would become,) a classic GDW fashion. And frankly, they were my first experience with that style of writing.

First, I think it's important to remember that in the first edition of the little, black books, there really wasn't any mention of aliens. The rules were written around a human-centeric universe, with no thought of any sort about aliens. So, when GDW got around publishing their alien modules, the first few were about cat-people and dog-people. Science-fiction staples, I'm the first to grant. But hardly ground-breaking.

It seems it took several years of trial and error for GDW to stumble across, what I feel, is one of the most inspiring methods of writing about aliens. Take one little thing, the smallest change from the human condition, and expand upon it to the nth degree.

Personally, I think this came to a pinnacle in 2300 AD, and the aliens therein. But you can certainly see it in the development of the Zhodani.

They asked a very simple question... "What if a significant number of people were psionic? How would this change society?"

Other science-fiction venues, particularly Babylon 5, have expounded upon this question. But as far as I'm concerned, Traveller was there first! (Well...right after Isaac Asimov.)

(Interestingly, I believe it's worth mentioning that, (if I understand correctly,) MWM has a degree in sociology.)

By following a thread that psionicly endowed people would use their abilities to control society, that led down to the logical conclusion the all of that society would be essentially brainwashed. The psionics would control the populace by "adjusting" any unwanted thoughts among that populace. And they'd be happy about it! Because, if not, you'd just "adjust" them until they were.


And to my way of thinking, a little disturbing. Which made them the perfect "bad-guy" for the Imperium. After all, who would ever want someone to come in and, *poof*, suddenly you were not allowed your own thoughts and feelings? Those thoughts and feelings were now dictated by the state. I can certainly see why the Imperium would fight to the death, if needs be, to prevent that from happening.
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Sorry, I generally do all my stuff on the "other" side of the Imperium. :coffeesip:

I have Droyne there too, so my vote works either way. Also Humans, and a few Aslan, mainly for the Space Vikings to raid. They think that a Roast Aslan makes an excellent main dish, especially barbecued on a spit over a charcoal fire.
While they're not my favourite lot, the Zhodani provide an excellent opportunity to showcase a Humaniti culture that is alien and in many ways antithetical to open democratic societies that exist now. Mind you, the 3I is also a ways along that axis on the spectrum...
I think Craw is getting short shrift. I found the example world-builder JTAS articles to be inspiring and interesting, churning out what seems to be to be a well-developed world ready for both hijinks and capers.

I have Droyne there too, so my vote works either way. Also Humans, and a few Aslan, mainly for the Space Vikings to raid. They think that a Roast Aslan makes an excellent main dish, especially barbecued on a spit over a charcoal fire.
Space Viking eat other sophonts? Seriously? Or is that just propaganda? Becuase that seems like some sick and dangerous people, you'd think that everyone would form an alliance and smoke those evil monsters. I mean anyone who eats fellow sophonts is a danger to all.
Space Viking eat other sophonts? Seriously? Or is that just propaganda? Becuase that seems like some sick and dangerous people, you'd think that everyone would form an alliance and smoke those evil monsters. I mean anyone who eats fellow sophonts is a danger to all.

Aslan and Vargr appear to both eat defeated opponents, and everyone likes roasted K'kree except the K'kree, who are out to exterminate all carnivores, and realistically, all other life except K'kree. After all, other herbivores are competing with the K;kree for food.

As in another thread, I believe that Aramis said that in one of the modules, a K'kree killed another sophont, I think a human, because it smelt milk on its breath. That pretty much makes the idea of human servants for K'kree a total non-starter for me. Killing lactation human females is going to rapidly eliminate human slaves.

And are you ready to swear with complete and absolute certainty that canabilism is not still taking place on Earth?
Where is the canonical evidence for Vargr and Aslan eating defeated enemies? I'll have to go and search the alien modules again :)
I know of many historical human cultures who practiced this, but I don't recall reading about the Aslan or Vargr practicing it.

It's no worse than soylent green in any case...