Disclaimer: once again remember I only talk about what I've read in this board (and what I think could be logical), as I have not read T5, so I might well be ignoring parts of T5 that have not been commented (or I have not read) in this board.
I resist to think money is the true exchange means among countries/planets. The true exchange is in goods and services, money being just a means to measure its value, that can change with the time due to needs, availability, etc.
Even gold and gems are just a means to measure it, as its true value (seen as usesfulnees and need) is limited. A society may have easier life without them than (to give just some examples) without food, fuel, iron or aluminium.
Imagaine in a ressource deprived society with no high autority (think on a post disaster world,
à la Mad Max). You have a T$ in money, I have just a million $ worth in food, fuel, medial supplies and weapons. Who is really richer? While you have a billion more money than me, you can as well starve while I am fed and healthy...
Starport upgrades is a trickier one. Upgrading ports from X -> E -> D -> C is largely just an investment of money. But the inherent difference between a C port, a B port, and an A port is the presence of a starship repair and construction industry. Creating a successful industry like that does require the expenditure of RU.
I disagree here. Maybe it's a different way to see what a straport means, but as I understand it, just the needed supporting infrastructure and industry means that more than money is needed (ressources, knowledge, etc), and all of this should be aart of the RUs.
Pardon me for jumping in here, but why wouldn't a negative RU mean that the system is not just incapable of initiating any long-term projects on its own, but also incapable of independently maintaining those it already has? Surely there are examples of such places in real life, and as long as the TU isn't ludicrously riddled with such cases I don't see a problem with them there, either.
Again I disagree here. A country (or planet/system in Traveller) may well be in the situation you talk about (unable to maintain its infrastructure/services), and so deficitary, but:
- How long can it maintain this situation
- Is its GDP (or GWP in Traveller) negative?
To question 1, I guess not for a longtime (surely not enough as being really counted as UWP) before falling into banckrupcy (sorry, any example would enter in RW politics).
As to question 2, no, its GDP will still be positive, as the country still produces goods and services. Another question is that what it produces is not enough to maintain its infrastructure/services/whatever it needs. I guess all those things also require RU to be maintained, and when the RU prodcued are not enough, the planet/system is in trouble, but its RU production should (IMHO) still be positive (while its balance can surely not be so).
T5 Core Rulebook, p.427:
Resource Units = R * L * I * E
If any value = 0, use 1 (to avoid multiplying by zero). Resource units can be negative: a world can be a net drain for Resource Units.
T5 Core Rulebook, p.435:
Resources = 2D (If TL 8+, + GG + Belts)
Labor = Pop- 1
Infrastructure = 2D + Importance (If Ba, Di, Lo, then = 0. If Ni, then 1D.)
Efficiency = Flux
As for those formulas, what is hard to swallow to me is that efficiency might be negative, so turning al lthe rest to negative too (and the higher the rest of the result is, the more negative is the result).
IMHO, a planet with higher pop (so lab), higher ressources and better infrastructure will be richer (have higher GDP, and so RU) than one with lower numbers, and lower efficiency migh reduce this difference, but cannot turn this higher nubmer into negative, while this balance can surely be so, if it has more things to maintain (e.g. armed forces that it cannot maintain). And with the same efficiency (if negative), the higher pop, etc. system will be in very
serious trouble, while the lower pop will be in less so. Efficiency can mean only a fraction of the RUs are really produced, but not, (again IMHO) that they are deficit instead of production (while if it tries to spend the same than a higher efficiency system, it will surely incurr in such deficit).
And this efficiency must be influenced by infrastructure, TL, Starport, perhaps gov, etc., not be just a random number.