A successor program to Heaven& Earth
OK, a little thread recycling here!
Originally I asked if there was a successor program to heaven and earth. It seems there are some attempts, but no true successor.
However one of the board members here is able to write one, if I pay him, so if I'm going to be shelling out, I want it to be a good one. So please post below the functionalities you liked about heaven and earth and what you would do to improve it.
I know I want some pretty advanced mapping options, such as the ability to automap multiple sectors at a time, with the ability to draw arbitrary lines on the blank maps to designate this part as rift, this part as sparsely populated this area is densely populated with stars. Then have it auto generate the maps.
I also want the ability to tell it what information I want it to generate, so if I want to generate unexplored space it will generate everything but population, government type, law level and tech level, leaving them at a value of zero.
And once its got the star maps done, I want it to be able to generate the system maps, so I know every planet, planetoid, gas giant, moon and asteroid belt in the system.
Potentially the ability to generate planetary maps that allow me to decide, possibly a sliding scale, if I want the water/land masses to dispersed or clumped together. IE does the Hydrographics 9 planet have a single landmass and one big ocean, or thousands of islands and archipelagos spread all over the place dividing the oceans up, or some where inbetween.
I know its a tall order, but given enough time, and money it can grow into it.
So what would you like in this gizmo?
OK, a little thread recycling here!
Originally I asked if there was a successor program to heaven and earth. It seems there are some attempts, but no true successor.
However one of the board members here is able to write one, if I pay him, so if I'm going to be shelling out, I want it to be a good one. So please post below the functionalities you liked about heaven and earth and what you would do to improve it.
I know I want some pretty advanced mapping options, such as the ability to automap multiple sectors at a time, with the ability to draw arbitrary lines on the blank maps to designate this part as rift, this part as sparsely populated this area is densely populated with stars. Then have it auto generate the maps.
I also want the ability to tell it what information I want it to generate, so if I want to generate unexplored space it will generate everything but population, government type, law level and tech level, leaving them at a value of zero.
And once its got the star maps done, I want it to be able to generate the system maps, so I know every planet, planetoid, gas giant, moon and asteroid belt in the system.
Potentially the ability to generate planetary maps that allow me to decide, possibly a sliding scale, if I want the water/land masses to dispersed or clumped together. IE does the Hydrographics 9 planet have a single landmass and one big ocean, or thousands of islands and archipelagos spread all over the place dividing the oceans up, or some where inbetween.
I know its a tall order, but given enough time, and money it can grow into it.
So what would you like in this gizmo?
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