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CT Only: Retyped LBBs?


Hi All,

It's been a long time since i've been around here. :) I was bitten by the Traveller bug again, and so have begun rereading all the old material I have and trying to generate characters.

There's a certain charm to the old CT material, which I have in OCR'd PDF, but the recognition quality leaves something to be desired, at least where the tables are concerned. Has anybody tried to retype this stuff, or perhaps made the tables available in another format?

I could use character generation programs, but that doesn't really appeal in quite the same way for me. I'm in the mood for a minimal skill list, and no real character sheet as such. Mongoose is a great game, but has a lot of extra info on its sheets.

For reference, here is what the "Prior Service Table," looks like to my screen reader.


Enlistment DM of+1 if DM of+2 if Draft Survival DM of +2 if Navy Intel 8+ Educ 9+ Intel 7+ Commission 10+ DM of +1 if Social 9+ Promotion 8+ DM of +1 if Educ 8+ Reenlist Navy Ensign Lt Cmdr Commander Captain Admiral PRIOR SERVICE TABLE Marines Intel 8+ Stren 8+ Endur8+ Educ 7+ Social 8+ Arm Dext 6+ Endur 5+ Educ 6+ Endur7+ Educ 7+ Scouts Intel6+ Siren 8+ Endur 9+ Merchants Other Siren 7+ Intel6+ Intel 7+ Intel6+ 10+ Intel 9+ Intel 9+ rank, if a commission is re- Ranks, commissions, and pro- Merchants 4th Officer 3rd Officer 2nd Officer 1st Officer Captain Other Characters cycle through this table during each term of service.

Needless to say, that's kind of incomprehensible. :)
Already have it…

I appreciate the links, but I already have electronic copies of the books, both the LBBs and the Traveller book proper.

My problem is that the OCR scan plays badly with my screen reader, so I was wondering if anybody had made the various tables, in particular, available in any alternate formats. The issue I have is that the tables currently don't read well at all, so I have a lot of trouble parsing what they're trying to impart. In case it wasn't obvious from my handle, I'm totally blind. :)
Even if it did, it would have to be a Braille version, and that's harder to get than a more friendly electronic copy.

BLind means, "Can't read regular print books," among other things. ;)
Sorry, I can't really think of anything helpful.
The two big hurdles are
1. There are just so many tables
2. Posting all of them would violate both fair use and copyright.

If you need help with any one specific table, just send me a PM and I can see what I can do with it.

I will flag this topic for all of the moderators and administrators to see if the powers that be have a better idea that I am unaware of.
BLind means, "Can't read regular print books," among other things. ;)

Maybe I assumed too much. The way you were writing, it seemed to me that you had a device that translated regular print books. I was thinking that the tables in the print version might be better read by your reader.
Unfortunately not. :( The closest thing I have is a variety of ways to scan books, but that brings us right back to square 1 as far as CT is concerned. I doubt the scanner would handle the tables in the printed book any better.

I appreciate the problems with copyright and fair use. maybe I'm better off sticking to Mongoose, though I hope some other solution might be found. I doubt I'll gain miraculous sight anytime soon. :)
BlindGuy: The 1977 edition PDFs are retyped by DonM. All the other CT books are scans with various qualities of OCR

The problem is that almost all the CT books were manually typed into a lead-moulding typsetter; they never were electronic files until they were scanned.

S4: BlindGuy is BLIND. Print books are of little use, and automated braille-ing of standard PDF tends to mangle tables.

Let me clear it with Marc, but I think we can certainly make you a set of the CT core career tables cleaned up.

BlindGuy, which is easier:
Mode A:
Service: Navy
Enlist 8+
DM+1 if Intelligence 8+
DM+2 if Education 9+
Survival 5 +
DM +2 if Intelligence 7+
Commission 10+
DM +1 if Social 9+
Promotion 8+
DM+1 if Education 8+
Reenlistment 6+

or Mode B:
Service: Marines
Enlist: 9+ DM +1 if Intelligence 8+ DM +2 if Strength 8+
Draft: 1
Survival: 6+ DM +2 if Endurance 8+
Commission: 9+ DM +1 if Education 7+
Promotion: 9+ DM +1 if Social 8+
Reenlist: 6+

As for the rank tables, benefits tables, and cash tables
Mode C
Navy Rank Table
1 Ensign
2 Lieutenant
3 Lt. Commander
4 Commander
5 Captain
6 Admiral

Mode D
Navy Benefits Table (1d6, DM+1 if rank 5 or 6): 1 Low Passage, 2 +1 Intelligence, 3 +2 Education, 4 Blade, 5 Traveller's Aid, 6 High Passage, 7 +2 Social
FYI folks, I've met several blind gamers. Tables are one of the biggest issues in braille versions of almost any game. Braille uses a mixture of 1 and 2 block letters (capitals and numbers are wider than lowercase).

Many of the braille displays are under 50 spaces wide, and generally are between 1 and 4 lines. Being able to read the headers and the table together can be a real problem. The local guy I have met prefers his tables be a separate table for each column, so that he can read the header, then the a and b entries.

And I've already sent an email off to Marc. I have no doubt that it's going to be a "Sure, make it happen", but it's still best to ask.

Thanks for chiming in here. :) I think the PDFs I have are the 1981 editions, which explains why they're scanned.

If Mark agrees, I think I prefer mode A for tables, it definitely makes it a little easier to understand.

For the curious, I've only ever seen one Braille RPG book, which was the 1977 D&D Basic set, I believe. It went up to level 3, and was a couple of fairly thick volumes. I wish I still had it, but it was a library book.

The problem of tables is a bit less annoying with a speech program, but even then obviously if the table isn't properly marked up in the file, or is a scanned image, I have no luck. ;)
Hey All,

I was wondering if there had been any movement on this. :) I've actually managed to clean up the character creation tables from the Starter Traveller Charts booklet—they are more or less readable now.

My issue at the moment is with the combat section. There seems to be one table in particular which has base weights for weapons and the like, among many other details. I can't figure out how it fits together. Combat matrices are yet another question—I've seen references to some kind of document which combines them all into one place, but haven't been able to find it.

I've been applying errata along the way as I go through these books. I think part of my dislike for Mongoose and T5 is that both seem to have lots of errata which hasn't yet ben clarified, and that bothers me. CT at least seems to have most ambiguities straightened out.

Thanks for any help with the combat tables. :)
My issue at the moment is with the combat section. There seems to be one table in particular which has base weights for weapons and the like, among many other details. I can't figure out how it fits together.

Which book is the table in?
Starter Traveller or LBB1?
BOth, really, but…

I've been working with the Starter Traveller Charts and Tables booklet lately, as that seems to be a well-edited version of the rules.

The table I'm referring to is "Weapons and Equipment," and it has been mangled badly by my screen reader.
I think that I know exactly the table you mean ... it is hard to follow even if you aren't blind. Let me see if I can help.

I really appreciate the community's willingness to help with this. :) I think that after the combat section most of the rest of the tables are smooth-ish sailing. Of course if I"m proven wrong I'll post an SOS. ;)

Happy holidays, by the by. I wonder what the 3I thinks of Christmas and so on? Do they still celebrate? NO need to answer, it's derailing my own topic. :)

Animal Weapons
The following weapons have no modifiers
Claws, Teeth, Horns, Hooves, Stinger or Thrasher

Brawling and Blade Weapons
1. Hands
Strength less than 6 = -2 DM
Strength of 9 or greater = +1 DM
Weakened blow or swing = -2 DM

2. Club
Base Weight = 1000 grams
Overall length = 800 millimeters
Base Price = 0 credits
Strength less than 5 = -4 DM
Strength of 8 or greater = +2 DM
Weakened blow or swing = -1 DM
Tech Level = 0

3. Dagger
Base Weight = 250 grams
Overall length = 200 millimeters
Base Price = 10 credits
Strength less than 4 = -2 DM
Strength of 8 or greater = +2 DM
Weakened blow or swing = -2 DM
Tech Level = 1

4. Blade
Base Weight = 350 grams
Overall length = 300 millimeters
Base Price = 50 credits
Strength less than 5 = -2 DM
Strength of 9 or greater = +1 DM
Weakened blow or swing = -2 DM
Tech Level = 3

5. Foil
Base Weight = 500 grams
Overall length = 800 millimeters
Base Price = 100 credits
Strength less than 5 = -1 DM
Strength of 10 or greater = +1 DM
Weakened blow or swing = -2 DM
Tech Level = 3

6. Cutlass
Base Weight = 1250 grams
Overall length = 800 millimeters
Base Price = 100 credits
Strength less than 7 = -2 DM
Strength of 11 or greater = +2 DM
Weakened blow or swing = -4 DM
Tech Level = 3

7. Sword
Base Weight = 1000 grams
Overall length = 800 millimeters
Base Price = 150 credits
Strength less than 6 = -2 DM
Strength of 10 or greater = +1 DM
Weakened blow or swing = -3 DM
Tech Level = 1

8. Broadsword
Base Weight = 2500 grams
Overall length = 1200 millimeters
Base Price = 300 credits
Strength less than 8 = -4 DM
Strength of 12 or greater = +2 DM
Weakened blow or swing = -4 DM
Tech Level = 2

9. Bayonet
Base Weight = 250 grams
Overall length = plus 200 millimeters
Base Price = 10 credits
Strength less than 5 = -2 DM
Strength of 9 or greater = +2 DM
Weakened blow or swing = -3 DM
Tech Level = 3

10. Spear
Base Weight = 2000 grams
Overall length = 3000 millimeters
Base Price = 10 credits
Strength less than 5 = -1 DM
Strength of 9 or greater = +2 DM
Weakened blow or swing = -3 DM
Tech Level = 0

11. Halberd
Base Weight = 2500 grams
Overall length = 2500 millimeters
Base Price = 75 credits
Strength less than 6 = -2 DM
Strength of 10 or greater = +2 DM
Weakened blow or swing = -3 DM
Tech Level = 2

12. Pike
Base Weight = 3000 grams
Overall length = 4000 millimeters
Base Price = 40 credits
Strength less than 7 = -3 DM
Strength of 10 or greater = +2 DM
Weakened blow or swing = -3 DM
Tech Level = 1

13. Cudgel
Base Weight = 1000 grams
Overall length = 1500 millimeters
Base Price = 10 credits
Strength less than 5 = -1 DM
Strength of 8 or greater = +2 DM
Weakened blow or swing = -1 DM
Tech Level = 0

14. Body Pistol
Base Weight = 250 grams
Overall length = 100 millimeters
Base Price = 500 credits
Ammo Weight = 50 grams
Ammo Clip = 6 rounds
Ammo Price = 20 credits
Dexterity less than 8 = -3 DM
Dexterity of 11 or greater = +1 DM
Maximum effective range = medium
Tech Level = 7

15. Automatic Pistol
Base Weight = 750 grams
Overall length = 175 millimeters
Base Price = 200 credits
Ammo Weight = 250 grams
Ammo Clip = 15 rounds
Ammo Price = 10 credits
Dexterity less than 7 = -2 DM
Dexterity of 10 or greater = +1 DM
Maximum effective range = long
Tech Level = 5

16. Revolver
Base Weight = 900 grams
Overall length = 200 millimeters
Base Price = 150 credits
Ammo Weight = 100 grams
Ammo Clip = 6 rounds
Ammo Price = 5 credits
Dexterity less than 7 = -2 DM
Dexterity of 9 or greater = +1 DM
Maximum effective range = long
Tech Level = 4

17. Carbine
Base Weight = 3000 grams
Overall length = 750 millimeters
Base Price = 200 credits
Ammo Weight = 125 grams
Ammo Clip = 10 rounds
Ammo Price = 10 credits
Dexterity less than 5 = -1 DM
Dexterity of 9 or greater = +1 DM
Maximum effective range = very long
Tech Level = 5

18. Rifle
Base Weight = 4000 grams
Overall length = 1000 millimeters
Base Price = 200 credits
Ammo Weight = 500 grams
Ammo Clip = 20 rounds
Ammo Price = 20 credits
Dexterity less than 6 = -2 DM
Dexterity of 8 or greater = +1 DM
Maximum effective range = very long
Tech Level = 5

19. Automatic Rifle
Base Weight = 5000 grams
Overall length = 1000 millimeters
Base Price = 1000 credits
Ammo Weight = 500 grams
Ammo Clip = 20 rounds
Ammo Price = 20 credits
Dexterity less than 7 = -2 DM
Dexterity of 10 or greater = +2 DM
Maximum effective range = very long
Tech Level = 6

20. Shotgun
Base Weight = 3750 grams
Overall length = 1000 millimeters
Base Price = 150 credits
Ammo Weight = 750 grams
Ammo Clip = 10 rounds
Ammo Price = 10 credits
Dexterity less than 4 = -1 DM
Dexterity of 9 or greater = +1 DM
Maximum effective range = very long
Tech Level = 4

21. Submachine gun
Base Weight = 2500 grams
Overall length = 450 millimeters
Base Price = 500 credits
Ammo Weight = 500 grams
Ammo Clip = 30 rounds
Ammo Price = 20 credits
Dexterity less than 6 = -2 DM
Dexterity of 9 or greater = +2 DM
Maximum effective range = long
Tech Level = 5

22. Laser Carbine
Base Weight = 5000 grams
Overall length = 800 millimeters
Base Price = 2500 credits
LC Power Pack weight = 3000 grams
LC Power Pack = 50 rounds
LC Power Pack base price = 1000 credits
LC Power Pack Ammo Price = 200 credits
Dexterity less than 6 = -3 DM
Dexterity of 10 or greater = +2 DM
Maximum effective range = very long
Tech Level = 8

23. Laser Rifle
Base Weight = 6000 grams
Overall length = 1000 millimeters
Base Price = 3500 credits
LR Power Pack weight = 4000 grams
LR Power Pack = 100 rounds
LR Power Pack base price = 1500 credits
LR Power Pack Ammo Price = 300 credits
Dexterity less than 7 = -3 DM
Dexterity of 11 or greater = +2 DM
Maximum effective range = very long
Tech Level = 9

24. Telescopic Sights
Base Weight = 800 grams
Base Price = 200 credits
Tech Level = 6

25. Electronic Sights
Base Weight = 1500 grams
Base Price = 2000 credits
Tech Level = 9

26. Silencer
Base Weight = 600 grams
Overall length = plus 200 millimeters
Base Price = 200 credits
Tech Level = 6

27. Shoulder Stock
Base Weight = 1000 grams
Overall length = plus 350 millimeters
Base Price = 75 credits
Tech Level = 5

28. Folding Stock
Base Weight = 500 grams
Overall length = minus 300 millimeters
Base Price = 100 credits
Tech Level = 6

Body Armor
29. Nothing
Weight = 0 grams
Price = 0 credits
Tech Level = 0
Description = Standard clothing worn for fashion, comfort, or modesty.

30. Jack
Weight = 1000 grams
Price = 50 credits
Tech Level = 1
Description = Leather or synthetic jacket / body suit.

31. Mesh
Weight = 2000 grams
Price = 150 credits
Tech Level = 7
Description = Leather or synthetic body suit reinforced with metal mesh lining.

32. Cloth
Weight = 2000 grams
Price = 250 credits
Tech Level = 6
Description = Ballistic cloth (bullet-proof) jacket.

33. Reflec
Weight = 1000 grams
Price = 1500 credits
Tech Level = 10
Description = Reflective material body suit for protection against laser fire.

34. Ablat
Weight = 2000 grams
Price = 75 credits
Tech Level = 9
Description = Ablative (vaporizing anti-laser) jacket.

35. Vacc Suit
Weight = 10,000 grams
Price = 10,000 credits
Tech Level = 8
Description = Personal space suit. Includes communicators, oxygen tanks for six hours, and acts as cloth armor.
Requires skill vacc suit-0.
Vacc suit weight is reduced 2 kilograms per TL increase (to TL 13, where weight is zero).

36. Combat Armor
Weight = 6000 grams
Price = 20,000 credits
Tech Level = 11
Description = Metal and synthetic array of military-type personal armor.
Can be used as personal vacc suit with similar accessories.
Requires skill vacc suit-1.

37. Battle Dress
Weight = 20,000 grams
Price = 200,000 credits
Tech Level = 13
Description = Acts as combat armor, plus doubled personal strength, unlimited endurance, and DM+2 for surprise.
Requires skill vacc suit-1.
Last edited:
I've been working with the Starter Traveller Charts and Tables booklet lately, as that seems to be a well-edited version of the rules.

The table I'm referring to is "Weapons and Equipment," and it has been mangled badly by my screen reader.
I posted the Weapons and Equipment table.

Do you need the Weapon vs range and weapon vs armor matrix tables as well?
Much Appreciated :)

This is very helpful, thank you! :) I hope it doesn't violate fair use—I don't want to get anybody in trouble. I'll definitely copy this into my ST booklet for future use.

If the matrices won't be too difficult I'd appreciate them as well—they're definitely a bit hard to reconstruct.