Just one persons interpretation of these various fleets. Even if you disagree, hopefully it throws an interesting perspective.
The inclusion of a Strike Cruiser would indicate this fleet is intended for system raids against soft targets deep (4-10 parsecs) behind enemy lines. The fleet needs to be self sufficient and remain combat effective as long as possible before withdrawal is necessary. The escorts (Destroyers and Close Escorts) protect the three capital ships from nuisance attacks in soft systems (eg: SDB's, fighters) while the fighters carried by the Strike Cruiser conduct surface attacks on system outposts and possibly the main world if it is lightly defended. In either case supported by spinal meson fire where risk to the capital ships is minimal.
The real benefit of this fleet is not the damage it inflicts, but in the resources the opponent must divert from main fleets in order to combat it. Three Cruisers are a formidable force that will typically require a Batron, assuming the Strike force does not flee which of course it will. This dynamic increases the need to Batrons in every reachable system covering every(or many) refueling point. Or if resources are scarce (which they will be in a war) dispersing multiple BBs to merely inflict damage sufficient to encourage the Strike Fleet to head home for repairs.
The six destroyers will typically dominate refuelling points in a system, leaving the BB's to support the destroyers. The Fleet Couriers in addition to fleet communications, will also serve as pickets in enemy systems, using their range to monitor systems up to J3 away safely.
Two possibilities spring to mind. Escort support for a Batron like BatRon 154 below or for chasing down (non-capital ship) infiltrators in rear areas where the Cruron may be split into three or more elements to force an infiltrator into confrontation. Ideally this will force it to flee and short of jump fuel, it will flee to the outer system. A DE will then stay on picket to ensure its ultimate surrender or death by fuel starvation.
Battle Riders are Alpha Strike fleets, best used in force to guarantee overwhelming odds. Losses if retreat is required can be crippling. BatRons will typically have supporting fleets that will contain the requisite escorts and auxiliary craft. The Fleet Admiral, typically controlling multiple Batrons, will also have Fleet Couriers attached.
Crurons like Cruron 87 above can screen the Tender should retreat be necessary, but losses will occur. Keep in mind any fleet that might result in 7 Battle Riders fleeing in the middle of combat will chew up 8 Light Cruisers. But at least the BRs will hopefully be recovered. Harking back to the escort discussion, this is a case where the CruRon has a specific escort role, placing them in the main line outside of this role risks the fleet in later engagements. In HG breaking through the thin line of Cruisers to attack a defenceless Tender loaded with BRs is every Admirals dream.
The inclusion of a Scout for communication, light escorts and single Cruiser indicates this is a fleet most likely used for waving the flag in safe areas. A Cruiser serves well to remind most imperial worlds that the Imperial fleet can dominate theirs at will, yet also shows Imperial respect that the Imperium will on occasion conduct port visits with a Capital ship, not just 400ton Patrol Cruisers. The underlying message is that there is teeth behind Patrol Cruisers.
I would expect an Imperial Diplomatic Attaché to be on board whose main role is to dine and schmooze with local dignitaries along with the Cruiser Captain.
Some "canon" squadrons:
Cruron 4221 (16 ships)
-2 Heavy Cruisers
-1 Strike Cruiser
-3 Destroyers
-4 Close Escorts
-6 Auxillaries/Couriers
The inclusion of a Strike Cruiser would indicate this fleet is intended for system raids against soft targets deep (4-10 parsecs) behind enemy lines. The fleet needs to be self sufficient and remain combat effective as long as possible before withdrawal is necessary. The escorts (Destroyers and Close Escorts) protect the three capital ships from nuisance attacks in soft systems (eg: SDB's, fighters) while the fighters carried by the Strike Cruiser conduct surface attacks on system outposts and possibly the main world if it is lightly defended. In either case supported by spinal meson fire where risk to the capital ships is minimal.
The real benefit of this fleet is not the damage it inflicts, but in the resources the opponent must divert from main fleets in order to combat it. Three Cruisers are a formidable force that will typically require a Batron, assuming the Strike force does not flee which of course it will. This dynamic increases the need to Batrons in every reachable system covering every(or many) refueling point. Or if resources are scarce (which they will be in a war) dispersing multiple BBs to merely inflict damage sufficient to encourage the Strike Fleet to head home for repairs.
A very light Batron that would retreat in the face of serious opposition, but would be used to dominate the flanks of a fleet, particularly to stop infiltrators intent on commerce raiding or Strike Fleets either entering or leaving their area of operations.High Passage 5
810th Fleet (34 ships)
Batron 490 (14 ships)
-1 Uzshu Battleship
-1 Kokirraks Battleship
-3 Gormandoacy Destroyers
-3 Chrysanthemum DE's
-6 Fleet Couriers
The six destroyers will typically dominate refuelling points in a system, leaving the BB's to support the destroyers. The Fleet Couriers in addition to fleet communications, will also serve as pickets in enemy systems, using their range to monitor systems up to J3 away safely.
Cruron 87 (20 ships)
-8 Sarmonocci Light Cruisers
-3 Gormandoacy Destroyers
-6 Chrysanthemum DE's
-3 Workhorse Ordinance Carriers
Two possibilities spring to mind. Escort support for a Batron like BatRon 154 below or for chasing down (non-capital ship) infiltrators in rear areas where the Cruron may be split into three or more elements to force an infiltrator into confrontation. Ideally this will force it to flee and short of jump fuel, it will flee to the outer system. A DE will then stay on picket to ensure its ultimate surrender or death by fuel starvation.
SM Campaign
Batron 154 (8 ships, 7 riders)
-1 Lurenti Tender/ 7 Nolikian Riders
-7 PF Sloan Escorts
200 fighters
Battle Riders are Alpha Strike fleets, best used in force to guarantee overwhelming odds. Losses if retreat is required can be crippling. BatRons will typically have supporting fleets that will contain the requisite escorts and auxiliary craft. The Fleet Admiral, typically controlling multiple Batrons, will also have Fleet Couriers attached.
Crurons like Cruron 87 above can screen the Tender should retreat be necessary, but losses will occur. Keep in mind any fleet that might result in 7 Battle Riders fleeing in the middle of combat will chew up 8 Light Cruisers. But at least the BRs will hopefully be recovered. Harking back to the escort discussion, this is a case where the CruRon has a specific escort role, placing them in the main line outside of this role risks the fleet in later engagements. In HG breaking through the thin line of Cruisers to attack a defenceless Tender loaded with BRs is every Admirals dream.
High Passage 5
Cruron? (5 Ships)
-1 Tempest Cruiser
-1 Gormandoay Destroyer
-2 Gazelle CE
-1 Scout
The inclusion of a Scout for communication, light escorts and single Cruiser indicates this is a fleet most likely used for waving the flag in safe areas. A Cruiser serves well to remind most imperial worlds that the Imperial fleet can dominate theirs at will, yet also shows Imperial respect that the Imperium will on occasion conduct port visits with a Capital ship, not just 400ton Patrol Cruisers. The underlying message is that there is teeth behind Patrol Cruisers.
I would expect an Imperial Diplomatic Attaché to be on board whose main role is to dine and schmooze with local dignitaries along with the Cruiser Captain.