mike wightman
SOC-14 10K
Begs the question - where does all that waste heat go.
250MW input, 62.5MW output, waste heat 187.5MW... per laser
250MW input, 62.5MW output, waste heat 187.5MW... per laser

Begs the question - where does all that waste heat go.
250MW input, 62.5MW output, waste heat 187.5MW... per laser![]()
Makes one wonder, but those are the numbers that Striker provides.
Honestly after playing with Striker construction one gets the feeling the 250mw number is way off the mark, say a order of magnitude off.
Well it might be in terms of reality, but at least as far as scaling up and then applying the vacuum rules, the results true up to the CT ranges near as I can tell.
I should have been clearer, I meant in terms of ship lasers, other than that I really don't have much of a problem with them.
No, I mean 250 mw lasers at the 1000x multiplication range worked out pretty darn close to the CT ship range numbers, that may be the multiplier you were looking for.
My problem isn't so much with the range as the penetration. The 250mw laser burns through the maximum High guard armor on every TL of ship. i.e. who needs a spinal or a bay mount when you have a triple Laser Turret?
Hence my reading of ship combat, that all those misses are either clean misses, EW particularly with the HG computer compare DM, or are hitting the oblique edge of the target ship, hence incurring the sloped bonus to the armor and no penetration.
Though to be honest, I only have academic objection to the 250mw number, in that how how often does come up in a game? And it only survived in MegaTraveller, which is notable for its numerous other Technological faux-pas.
TNE had laser outputs in the Mega joules. turret at 150, barbette at 300/
that darn 1 ton fire control we paid for.
"That darn 1 ton fire control" includes the turret volume (remember that the turret requires the same "fire control tonnage" whether there are weapons installed or not) - the 1 ton is for the hard point itself.
So you say.
I say it is a turret mount, but also includes a local gunner station
If no one has spotted you yet, a (relatively) low-powered laser rangefinder pulse would work nicely for that.
If everyone knows you're there and you don't care if they see you, radar is great for ranges.
In the middle of combat, there will be a whole lot of usable data to give ranges to target.