Supplement Four
SOC-14 5K
I was wondering...
You gather a few players. You create a Merc Regiment. Maybe you don't do it from scratch. You can use the merc's provided in Adv 7.
Maybe you create a world. Maybe you use one of the Traveller pregenerated worlds.
The question is: How would you run an engrossing Merc based campaign?
You could set up a Striker scenario, to be sure. But, that's can't be all of it. This is a roleplaying game. Striker alone is more of a board game.
You could set up some smaller unit stuff--interior or under the ground--using Azhanit High Lightning Action Point based rules.
And, this would be fun, allowing the players to actually play more of their characters. I assume, in a campaign like this, the players would play a variety of characters.
This DA could easily be incorporated into a Merc campaign. The players could go in search of some McGuffin. A point team. This would be more like a standard RPG with just a few characters. Exploring hexes.
We could use High Guard at the outset. Secure the System! Giant starships go at each other until either destroyed or until one has air/space superiority.
Then, the satellites are launched and fed to the downside command post.
Commence the landing operations!
There's an adventure in Alien Realms were the players come into contact with a low tech indig alien race.
That'd be cool to have in this campaign.
Plus, there could be some small unit action here, too. Standard rpg combat.
How about a missions where the players take out PCs, one character to a player, to act as spotters for either sniping or ortillery.
That'd be fun. Sneaking around behind enemy lines. Radio contact. Getting in and getting out. Random encounters!
Encounters with local beasties.
The players maybe use some local horse-analogues for transportation.
The Ref can use this, from Book 4, to keep track of the situation. Little to big engagements, rolled out. Put the players in the HQ for this--they can direct the action that way.
Put the players as commanders of some Grav Tanks, and let's move the line forward!
Your objective, gentlemen, is Setletzin. And, we want to take it in three days.
Where the hell did the enemy get those atmo fighters? Watch out, they're strafing the HQ!
What are some more ideas for varied play in this type of campaign?
You gather a few players. You create a Merc Regiment. Maybe you don't do it from scratch. You can use the merc's provided in Adv 7.
Maybe you create a world. Maybe you use one of the Traveller pregenerated worlds.
The question is: How would you run an engrossing Merc based campaign?
You could set up a Striker scenario, to be sure. But, that's can't be all of it. This is a roleplaying game. Striker alone is more of a board game.
You could set up some smaller unit stuff--interior or under the ground--using Azhanit High Lightning Action Point based rules.
And, this would be fun, allowing the players to actually play more of their characters. I assume, in a campaign like this, the players would play a variety of characters.
This DA could easily be incorporated into a Merc campaign. The players could go in search of some McGuffin. A point team. This would be more like a standard RPG with just a few characters. Exploring hexes.
We could use High Guard at the outset. Secure the System! Giant starships go at each other until either destroyed or until one has air/space superiority.
Then, the satellites are launched and fed to the downside command post.
Commence the landing operations!
There's an adventure in Alien Realms were the players come into contact with a low tech indig alien race.
That'd be cool to have in this campaign.
Plus, there could be some small unit action here, too. Standard rpg combat.
How about a missions where the players take out PCs, one character to a player, to act as spotters for either sniping or ortillery.
That'd be fun. Sneaking around behind enemy lines. Radio contact. Getting in and getting out. Random encounters!
Encounters with local beasties.
The players maybe use some local horse-analogues for transportation.
The Ref can use this, from Book 4, to keep track of the situation. Little to big engagements, rolled out. Put the players in the HQ for this--they can direct the action that way.
Put the players as commanders of some Grav Tanks, and let's move the line forward!
Your objective, gentlemen, is Setletzin. And, we want to take it in three days.
Where the hell did the enemy get those atmo fighters? Watch out, they're strafing the HQ!
What are some more ideas for varied play in this type of campaign?