Relay Class Armed Packet
Type: Merchant, Gunned, Packet
Architect: Roger Stenning
Tech Level: 13
Cargo: 83; Passengers: 4; Crew Sections: 1 of 9; Emergency Low: 13; Fuel: 69; EP: 9; Agility: 2; Pulse Lasers
Fuel Treatment: Fuel Scoops and On Board Fuel Purification;
Architects Fee: MCr 1.541; Cost in Quantity: MCr 123.304
Detailed Description
(High Guard Design)
300.000 tons standard, 4,200.000 cubic meters, Flattened Sphere Configuration
Pilot, Navigator, 2 Engineers, Steward, Medic, 3 Gunners
Jump-2, 3G Manuever, Power plant-3, 9.000 EP, Agility 2
Bridge, Model/2fib Computer
3 Hardpoints
3 Triple Mixed Turrets each with: 1 Pulse Laser (Factor-2), 1 Missile Rack (Factor-2).
1 Sandcaster in each Mixed Turret, organised into 3 Batteries (Factor-3)
69 Tons Fuel (2 parsecs jump and 28 days endurance)
On Board Fuel Scoops, On Board Fuel Purification Plant
13 Staterooms, 13 Emergency Low Berths, 4 High Passengers, 83 Tons Cargo
MCr 155.671 Singly (incl. Architects fees of MCr 1.541), MCr 123.304 in Quantity
71 Weeks Singly, 57 Weeks in Quantity
Designed to meet an Imperial Mail requirement for a fast, smaller freighter to transport Imperial electronic communications (Email and similar), physical documents, packages, and occasional personnel transfers between various staging points across the Third Imperium, the type QG Relay class Gunned Auxiliary was designed along the Merchant Packet principle, to be a reasonably swift, lightly armed, mail ship.
Formed as a branch of the IISS Communications Office, the Imperial Packet Service runs in conjunction with the X-Boat service at its route hubs, taking the Imperial Mail and physical packages, to distribute it to destinations that
were off the X-Boat routes.
The Relay class was intended for use purely as a mail freighter, not a merchant. Given the small cargo space percentage compared to its size, this was acceptable to the IISS Communications Office.
Given its purpose, ships of this class were never intended to carry any form of ships craft; newer classes have fixed this omission with ships boats and air/raft, at the cost of a slightly reduced cargo capacity.
Over time, newer and more efficient classes of Packet were built, and the Relay class, designed with a nod to the Solomani Fast packet freighter of a much larger size, was withdrawn and sold off as surplus to the merchant trade, where its 83 tons of non-standard cargo spaces lent it to be used as more of a speculative trading ship than a standard freighter.
The design looks, in part, similar to the Solomani "Sundowner" class of merchant ship, due to its flattened Sphere configuration, but that's where the similarities end; the Relay-class is a 300-ton hull, whereas the Sundowner is 1,000 tons, and it has a reasonably swift 3G manoeuvre drive to aid in the swift delivery of the Imperial Mail.
Given the Commercial Efficiency Ratio (CER) of 4.86, ship of this class, when operated commercially, can only ever realistically turn a profit is run from either purely speculative trading, or a mix of both speculative trading and common carriage, with more emphasis on the speculative side of things.
Relay-class vessels are a fairly common sight in the border sectors of the Third Imperium, where speculative trade is more profitable.
Relay Class Merchant, Gunned, Packet
Hull: 0.000 Td; MCr 24.000
Armour Factor-0: 0.000 Td; MCr 0.000
M-Drive Factor-3: 24.000 Td; MCr 12.000
J-Drive Factor-2: 9.000 Td; MCr 36.000
P-Plant Factor-3: 18.000 Td; MCr 54.000; +9.000 EP
P-Fuel: 9.000 Td; MCr 0,000
J-Fuel: 60.000 Td; MCr 0.000
Scoops: 0.000 Td; MCr 0.300
Purification: 5.000 Td; MCr 0.030
L-Hyd Drop Tanks: 0.000 Td; MCr 0.000
Bridge: 20.000 Td; MCr 1.500
Computer Model/2fib: 4.000 Td; MCr 14.000; -0 EP
3 x Mixed Turrets: 3.000 Td; MCr 4.500
13.0 x Staterooms: 52.000 Td; MCr 6.500
13 x Emergency Low Berths: 13.000 Td; MCr 1.300
Cargo: 83.000 Td; MCr 0.000
(Designed using High Guard Ships v
Design notes:
Note this is a CT Book 5 design, good for both CT and MT and, with some ignorance of the rules, later rules sets as well
Inspired by the 4th April (Star Wars Day), this is yet another rework of the Millennium Falcon, but, when I get around to it, without the ridiculous starboard offset bridge position, which blocks a mahoosive amount of the ship from the pilots' view, which is hazardous in landing and take off phases of operations, let alone flight through hazardous environments.
Not including any ships craft (including an air/raft) was a deliberate decision, as was limiting the cargo capacity; my previous designs have been far too kind to players, and it's time to a return to the principles of Marc Miller: A Hungry crew is an adventurous crew
A copy of the HGS file is available here: Gunned Auxilliary Fast Packet.hgs
Constructive comments and observations welcome
Type: Merchant, Gunned, Packet
Architect: Roger Stenning
Tech Level: 13
AG-36233B1-030000-20002-0 MCr 154.130 300 Tons
Bat Bear 3 3 3 Crew: 9
Bat 3 3 3 TL: 13
Cargo: 83; Passengers: 4; Crew Sections: 1 of 9; Emergency Low: 13; Fuel: 69; EP: 9; Agility: 2; Pulse Lasers
Fuel Treatment: Fuel Scoops and On Board Fuel Purification;
Architects Fee: MCr 1.541; Cost in Quantity: MCr 123.304
Detailed Description
(High Guard Design)
300.000 tons standard, 4,200.000 cubic meters, Flattened Sphere Configuration
Pilot, Navigator, 2 Engineers, Steward, Medic, 3 Gunners
Jump-2, 3G Manuever, Power plant-3, 9.000 EP, Agility 2
Bridge, Model/2fib Computer
3 Hardpoints
3 Triple Mixed Turrets each with: 1 Pulse Laser (Factor-2), 1 Missile Rack (Factor-2).
1 Sandcaster in each Mixed Turret, organised into 3 Batteries (Factor-3)
69 Tons Fuel (2 parsecs jump and 28 days endurance)
On Board Fuel Scoops, On Board Fuel Purification Plant
13 Staterooms, 13 Emergency Low Berths, 4 High Passengers, 83 Tons Cargo
MCr 155.671 Singly (incl. Architects fees of MCr 1.541), MCr 123.304 in Quantity
71 Weeks Singly, 57 Weeks in Quantity
Designed to meet an Imperial Mail requirement for a fast, smaller freighter to transport Imperial electronic communications (Email and similar), physical documents, packages, and occasional personnel transfers between various staging points across the Third Imperium, the type QG Relay class Gunned Auxiliary was designed along the Merchant Packet principle, to be a reasonably swift, lightly armed, mail ship.
Formed as a branch of the IISS Communications Office, the Imperial Packet Service runs in conjunction with the X-Boat service at its route hubs, taking the Imperial Mail and physical packages, to distribute it to destinations that
were off the X-Boat routes.
The Relay class was intended for use purely as a mail freighter, not a merchant. Given the small cargo space percentage compared to its size, this was acceptable to the IISS Communications Office.
Given its purpose, ships of this class were never intended to carry any form of ships craft; newer classes have fixed this omission with ships boats and air/raft, at the cost of a slightly reduced cargo capacity.
Over time, newer and more efficient classes of Packet were built, and the Relay class, designed with a nod to the Solomani Fast packet freighter of a much larger size, was withdrawn and sold off as surplus to the merchant trade, where its 83 tons of non-standard cargo spaces lent it to be used as more of a speculative trading ship than a standard freighter.
The design looks, in part, similar to the Solomani "Sundowner" class of merchant ship, due to its flattened Sphere configuration, but that's where the similarities end; the Relay-class is a 300-ton hull, whereas the Sundowner is 1,000 tons, and it has a reasonably swift 3G manoeuvre drive to aid in the swift delivery of the Imperial Mail.
Given the Commercial Efficiency Ratio (CER) of 4.86, ship of this class, when operated commercially, can only ever realistically turn a profit is run from either purely speculative trading, or a mix of both speculative trading and common carriage, with more emphasis on the speculative side of things.
Relay-class vessels are a fairly common sight in the border sectors of the Third Imperium, where speculative trade is more profitable.
Relay Class Merchant, Gunned, Packet
Hull: 0.000 Td; MCr 24.000
Armour Factor-0: 0.000 Td; MCr 0.000
M-Drive Factor-3: 24.000 Td; MCr 12.000
J-Drive Factor-2: 9.000 Td; MCr 36.000
P-Plant Factor-3: 18.000 Td; MCr 54.000; +9.000 EP
P-Fuel: 9.000 Td; MCr 0,000
J-Fuel: 60.000 Td; MCr 0.000
Scoops: 0.000 Td; MCr 0.300
Purification: 5.000 Td; MCr 0.030
L-Hyd Drop Tanks: 0.000 Td; MCr 0.000
Bridge: 20.000 Td; MCr 1.500
Computer Model/2fib: 4.000 Td; MCr 14.000; -0 EP
3 x Mixed Turrets: 3.000 Td; MCr 4.500
13.0 x Staterooms: 52.000 Td; MCr 6.500
13 x Emergency Low Berths: 13.000 Td; MCr 1.300
Cargo: 83.000 Td; MCr 0.000
(Designed using High Guard Ships v
Design notes:
Note this is a CT Book 5 design, good for both CT and MT and, with some ignorance of the rules, later rules sets as well

Inspired by the 4th April (Star Wars Day), this is yet another rework of the Millennium Falcon, but, when I get around to it, without the ridiculous starboard offset bridge position, which blocks a mahoosive amount of the ship from the pilots' view, which is hazardous in landing and take off phases of operations, let alone flight through hazardous environments.
Not including any ships craft (including an air/raft) was a deliberate decision, as was limiting the cargo capacity; my previous designs have been far too kind to players, and it's time to a return to the principles of Marc Miller: A Hungry crew is an adventurous crew

A copy of the HGS file is available here: Gunned Auxilliary Fast Packet.hgs
Constructive comments and observations welcome