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100 dton merchant (Golf Ball) deckplans


Peter Vernon has some new deckplans at his web page for a 100 dton merchant ship.


This follows off of a discussion on the CT Starships Yahoo Group about spherical starships as an efficient hull form. The plans were done in CC2.

The ship is a cargo carrier (no passenger staterooms) and is best suited for a family crew or for a similarly close-knit group.

Peter will need to post stats.
Who let that cat in here :mad:

Look what it's done on the floor :mad:
Guess who gets to clean it up :eek: :mad:

And which idiot left their bike in the cargo hold

I like this :D
p.s if anyone doesn't understand my attempted humour make sure you look at the large one zoomed in (not the large without figures).
Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
Who let that cat in here :mad:

Look what it's done on the floor :mad:
Guess who gets to clean it up :eek: :mad:

And which idiot left their bike in the cargo hold
It took me a second -- and a close up zoom on the large deckplans -- to get what you were talking about.

Cool stuff. Nice variants. Need stats though (did they ever put out T20 stats for that Delgado cargo hauler?)

Nice CC2 work. Don't suppose he has the original CC2 format squirreled away anywhere?
Here's some quick T20 stats. I called the living area 1 small cabin + 1 stateroom. I was pretty generous with the TL to see how much cargo I could squeeze out of a 100 ton ship, but you have enough room to cut it down a little.

Edit: Woops. I noticed I left armor on it from my boilerplate. 3 more tons for a total of 50 tons. That actually sounds pretty viable, provided your two persons are pretty talented.

Tiger Woods - Golf Ball Class Flea Trader
Designed by: ADK based on deckplans by Peter Vernon

100-ton Hull (Sphere) - Partially Streamlined
AC: 10 (6 vs. Meson Guns) AR: 0 SI: 100 Initiative: 0
Starship Size: Medium Cost: 27.564 MCr (34.455 MCr without discount)
Model/2 (PP: 35/12) Computer Avionics: Less than 1,000-ton Sensors: Short Range Communications: Short Range
Cargo: 50.0-tons
Annual Maintenance = 2.756 KCr (1.378 KCr if routinely maintained)
Routine Maintenance = .689 KCr/Month (6.891 KCr per year)

Jump-1 (enough fuel for 1x Jump-1)
Acceleration: 1-G Agility: 0
Power Plant: TL-14 Fusion (2 EP output, enough fuel for 4 weeks)
Fuel Scoops,
Atmospheric Speeds: NOE = 875kph Cruising = 2,625kph Maximum = 3,500kph

Hardpoints: 1
1x Single Pulse Laser Turret TL-14, +2 To Hit, 2d10 (19/x2), Range: 45,000km

Accomodations & Fittings:
1x Single Occupancy Stateroom (1 People)
1x Single Occupancy Small Cabin (1 People)
2x Airlocks

Crew Details:
1x Pilot
1x Astrogator

A 1/2 free trader based on plans by Peter Vernon
:cool: swipe

I think if a family put in double bunks, hammocks in Engineering, and wall bed (fold up onto the wall) mats, futons, roll up mats, etc. wherever you could easily use this as a Family trader in frontier/fringe areas that were closely connected. Or just a family trying to make a living where they can wherever.

Now where does the kitty litter box go? ^_^

Personally I see these being used something like a Modular Cutter in that the cargo decks would be very modular and customizible so no two ships of this class would look the same.

Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
Who let that cat in here :mad:

Look what it's done on the floor :mad:
Guess who gets to clean it up :eek: :mad:

And which idiot left their bike in the cargo hold

I like this :D
"baka Asu-chan
o.o OOP
sigh...baka Asu-chan
baka Asu-chan-"

Yes I like this one as well.

Why not have two married couples run it? Looks like they'd have to be friend - oh yeah, those're double bunks!
Could you use this:
<a href="http://www.travellerrpg.com/cgi-bin/Trav/CotI/Discuss/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=4;t=000021#000000" target="_blank">AK109
Architect: Andrew Moffatt-Vallance</a>

basic design from a couple years ago as a base? It was originally concieved as a flattened sphere, but would making it a regular sphere change it that much? Just convert the passanger cabins to cargo and maybe make the two half cabins one double cabin for design purposes, and It should work...
Here are the stats for the Golf Ball. I think you will find that they are very similar to the others that have been posted. Also someone noted that these ships would be very modular so that they would all be somewhat difforent, this was on my mind wile I was doing the design. If someone wanted to do a variation on this design and has CC2 I could be persuaded to send them a copy of the .fcw file.

Ship: Muligan Class: Golf Ball
Type: freighter Architect: Peter Vernon
Tech Level: 15

A-1511111-000000-00000-0 MCr 24.600 100 Tons
Bat Bear Crew: 1
Bat TL: 15

Cargo: 54 Fuel: 11 EP: 1 Agility: 1
Fuel Treatment: Fuel Scoops

Architects Fee: MCr 0.246 Cost in Quantity: MCr 19.680
Detailed Description
(High Guard Design)

100.000 tons standard, 1,400.000 cubic meters, Sphere Configuration


Jump-1 (1 Dton), 1G Manuever (1 Dton), Power plant-1 (1 Dton),
1.000 EP, Agility 1

Bridge (20 Dton), Model/1 Computer (1 Dton)

1 Hardpoint (1 Dton)

1 None Empty Turret



11 Tons Fuel (1 parsecs jump and 28 days endurance)
On Board Fuel Scoops, No Fuel Purification Plant

2 Staterooms (8 Dton), 54 Tons Cargo


MCr 24.846 Singly (incl. Architects fees of MCr 0.246),
MCr 19.680 in Quantity

38 Weeks Singly, 30 Weeks in Quantity

Looks nice! I like little ships like that. It's a sweet design.

It gives me some thoughts on a ship I've got, too. I used an X-boat, and then crammed the deck plans of a standard Type-S scout into it. Because of the shape, I think I'll call it the "Shuttlecock" class scout. :)
