1. The Dhoruba: a tiny gunship converted from the hull of a Type S. Its four-person crew are highly skilled and cross-trained in anti-piracy operations. Peshu Lelena, the ship's acting captain, has sworn revenge against raiders who attacked ships under his oversight several years ago. This resentment has generalized into a hatred of all piracy.
2. A derelict Maada-class free trader. Maadas have the same characteristics as all free traders. They usually are also capable of water and submerged landings, and have aerodynamic fins for increased atmospheric agility. These flexibilities come at the expense of decreased cargo space (-7 tons) and increased price (+MCr8.5). This one's drives have been blasted to scrap metal (Cr1,000 per ton for drive salvage); the drive ID numbers (DIDNs) may be detectable. The hull has several breaches, and the entire ship appears to be in vacuum. The ship is 'cold'.
3. The Holaep: a 300 ton expeditionary craft designed for chartered trips to exotic locations. The captain, Taldu Ldaso, is a Belzihe (A665A95-C) ex-pat who has no desire to return to his homeland. Unknown to most, he is wanted by the Belzihean government for fraud.
4. The Uragano: a modified fat trader. Owned and piloted by Aagnaegak Fuetaegza, a vargr raised in Tuglikki sector, who is seeking news of lost members of his family.
5. The Kaguglur: a 500 ton escort. It 'bristles' with particle accelerator and missile barbettes; gunners are housed in specialized barracks. Two gigs are nested against the hull in an over-and-under configuration. Captain Loorshgiman Bonte patrols the trade routes leading to and from Gewintan (B84A983-E). Unbeknownst to the world government, Bonte is taking payments from the Lankaothgati, a local interstellar crime syndicate, to look the other way when drugs and slaves are smuggled in to and out of Gewintan.
6. The Boshabsar: a 600 ton packet designed for carrying high passengers on the lucrative two-parsec subsidized route between Whehu (C545AAE-8) and Deracin (B48597A-D). The open-cluster design carries three fast landing boats on brackets, to accept and deliver its passengers to and from several surface locations. Adaptable life support elements allow the ship to carry passengers with non-standard atmospheric needs. The ship can carry up to 48 high passengers, including 8 in oversized luxury staterooms, 8 middle passengers, and 10 low passengers. Its owner aboard, Sir Ishumsar Satedxa, is a shrewd businessman, and was a smuggler in his previous career aboard a far trader. Nowadays he is (almost always) honest.
2. A derelict Maada-class free trader. Maadas have the same characteristics as all free traders. They usually are also capable of water and submerged landings, and have aerodynamic fins for increased atmospheric agility. These flexibilities come at the expense of decreased cargo space (-7 tons) and increased price (+MCr8.5). This one's drives have been blasted to scrap metal (Cr1,000 per ton for drive salvage); the drive ID numbers (DIDNs) may be detectable. The hull has several breaches, and the entire ship appears to be in vacuum. The ship is 'cold'.
3. The Holaep: a 300 ton expeditionary craft designed for chartered trips to exotic locations. The captain, Taldu Ldaso, is a Belzihe (A665A95-C) ex-pat who has no desire to return to his homeland. Unknown to most, he is wanted by the Belzihean government for fraud.
4. The Uragano: a modified fat trader. Owned and piloted by Aagnaegak Fuetaegza, a vargr raised in Tuglikki sector, who is seeking news of lost members of his family.
5. The Kaguglur: a 500 ton escort. It 'bristles' with particle accelerator and missile barbettes; gunners are housed in specialized barracks. Two gigs are nested against the hull in an over-and-under configuration. Captain Loorshgiman Bonte patrols the trade routes leading to and from Gewintan (B84A983-E). Unbeknownst to the world government, Bonte is taking payments from the Lankaothgati, a local interstellar crime syndicate, to look the other way when drugs and slaves are smuggled in to and out of Gewintan.
6. The Boshabsar: a 600 ton packet designed for carrying high passengers on the lucrative two-parsec subsidized route between Whehu (C545AAE-8) and Deracin (B48597A-D). The open-cluster design carries three fast landing boats on brackets, to accept and deliver its passengers to and from several surface locations. Adaptable life support elements allow the ship to carry passengers with non-standard atmospheric needs. The ship can carry up to 48 high passengers, including 8 in oversized luxury staterooms, 8 middle passengers, and 10 low passengers. Its owner aboard, Sir Ishumsar Satedxa, is a shrewd businessman, and was a smuggler in his previous career aboard a far trader. Nowadays he is (almost always) honest.