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2320 AD and recoil



how do you handle recoil - especially from infantry weapons - in 2320AD?

In 2300AD the recoil accumulated in a round added up, when it surpased the strengh characteristic a penalty of -2 was "added" to the to hit roll.
I don't recall the 2300AD recoil rule, but it has been awhile since I looked at it. Since 2320AD is based on T20, it would use T20 system for handling recoil. I'm nowhere near a book at the moment, so I couldn't honestly tell you.

Come to think of it, I may need to edit the weapon descriptions, as T20 does have a recoil entry, and I'm not sure I used it...

I'll have a real answer later.
Hmm. T20 mentions recoil in the weapon descriptions (yes/no), but doesn't seem to actually have any rules to cover it.

2300AD did not have any recoil rules from what I can tell. Certainly none of hte weapons list a recoil stat. TNE had a rule similar to the rule you described, though.
Interestingly enough, when I was working out the recoil ratings for the 2300 weapons in my Millennium's End conversion, the whole "autofire at lower muzzle velocity" thing made very little difference to the final results (maybe a -2 or -3 all up). The mass of the round and of the weapon firing it was of much greater importance.
Colin's right. "Vanilla" 2300 didn't have recoil rules. Single shots were assumed that the firer was taking the time to steady him/herself between shots. In autofire, recoil was indirectly figured into the Area Fire Value. A weapon with a high RoF but a lot of recoil might have the same AFV as a weapon with lower RoF.
Wasn't there an update regarding recoil in 2300AD which was similar to the recoil solution in Dark Conspiracy?

Btw. there is a T20 recoil rule,
well I believe it may pending on the Zero-G Feats...

Page 154, lower left corner. Weapons that have a 'yes' have an additional penalty when firing in zero or Low G conditions.

Colin, this "lack" of some kind of penalty rule shouldn't hinder you in any way to IMPROVE the T20 rule in your 2320AD environment for lets say a malus on to hit roles based on firing a weapon with recoil in multiple attacks in one combat round.

The recoil numbers provided in the 2300AD setting adds up nicely to strength....
Dunryc: I think that you are thinking of Traveller: New Era. It used basically the same rules set as Dark Conspiracy, and Twilight 2000 v2, for that matter.
I'll look into recoil rules, but I'm not sure personally how much they add. If there is a quick and easy way to do it, then we'll see.