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2d6 Microlight Rules


SOC-14 1K
Admin Award
Mongoose's 2d6 OGL deserves a Microlight version along similar lines to what Greywulf has done for the D20 OGL. The idea is to create a very minimalist set of rules using the OGL alone (not the TLL), which would still work quite well with existing adventures and settings.

What I'm thinking about is:

Stats and Skills:
Three Stats: Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX) and Mind (MIND). Stats generated by rolling 2d6 three times and assigning as the player wants (this is OGL alone, not TLL, so I can tell you how to generate stats).

Stat DMs are (Stat-7)/2 , rounded down.

In addition, roll 2d6 for your Endurance Pool (END). It is not used in task resolution unlike the usual stats, but instead represents your body's ability to withstand abuse. Damage is always taken off your END first. As long as your END is above zero, you aren't wounded in any serious way, but rather bruised, fatigued, scratched etc. Once your END reaches zero damage applies to STR or DEX (defender's choice).

Six Skills: Physical, Technical, Stealth, Knowledge, Space and Social.

You should be able to simulate any OGL skill by a combination of a 2d6 Microlight stat and skill. For example, Gun Combat would be DEX+Physical (or DEX+Technical for complex vehicle weapons, or MIND+Space for ship gunnery); Melee would be STR+Physical; Science would be MIND+Knowledge; Engineering (or Computer) would be MIND+Technical; Mechanic would be DEX+Technical; Leadership would be MIND+Social; Pilot would be DEX+Space; Vacc Suit would be STR+Space; Medic would be DEX+Technical for first aid, MIND+Technical for high-tech medical care, and MIND+Knowledge for complex diagnosis; Recon would be MIND+Stealth; Stealth would be DEX+Stealth; Drive would be DEX+Technical and so on.

At the most basic level all characters should be assumed to be 30 years old and after three terms of service. Career should determine your starting skills:

Marines: Physical 2, Technical 1, Stealth 0, Knowledge 0, Space 1 and Social 0.
Navy: Physical 0, Technical 2, Stealth 0, Knowledge 0, Space 2 and Social 0.
Army: Physical 2, Technical 2, Stealth 0, Knowledge 0, Space 0 and Social 0.
Scouts: Physical 1, Technical 1, Stealth 1, Knowledge 0, Space 1 and Social 0.
Merchants: Physical 0, Technical 1, Stealth 0, Knowledge 0, Space 1 and Social 2.
Noble: Physical 1, Technical 0, Stealth 0, Knowledge 1, Space 0 and Social 2.
Rogue: Physical 0, Technical 1, Stealth 2, Knowledge 0, Space 0 and Social 1.
Scholar: Physical 0, Technical 2, Stealth 0, Knowledge 2, Space 0 and Social 0.
Belter: Physical 1, Technical 1, Stealth 0, Knowledge 0, Space 2 and Social 0.
Agent: Physical 1, Technical 0, Stealth 2, Knowledge 0, Space 0 and Social 1.

Additionally, each character would have an Expertise - a specific field in which he'll have an additional +1 DM. For example, a character might be a Pilot - and would have a +1 DM when piloting things, but not for other Space or Technical rolls. Or a Doctor would have a +1 DM for medical purposes - but not for other Technical rolls. As a rule, Expertise fields should always be significantly narrower than standard Microlight 2d6 skills.

Each character gets 2d6x1,000 Credits in starting funds, but could only buy up to Cr2,000 worth of gear prior to actual play. A ship (or vehicles or other gear more expensive than Cr12,000) is assigned to the group if the referee deems it fitting; otherwise she might decide that they'll have to work hard to get a ship.

Task Resolution is 2d6 + Stat DM + Skill + Difficulty DM. A roll of 8 or more is a success. The roll's result minus 8 is the Effect. If desired, roll 1d6 for Timing.

Easy tasks have a DM of +4.
Routine tasks have a difficulty DM of +2.
Average tasks have a difficulty DM of +0.
Difficult tasks have a difficulty DM of –2.
Very difficult tasks have a DM of –4.
Formidable tasks have a difficulty DM of –6.

There is no initiative - everything happens simultaneously, and the results of combat actions (e.g. wounds) are applied AFTER all combat actions are resolved.

Ranged attacks are DEX+Physical.
Melee or Thrown attacks are STR+Physical.
Vehicle Gunnery attacks are DEX+Technical.

Damage is by weapon, with the attack's Effect added to it. Armor is subtracted from the damage.

When using automatic fire, roll a number of dice equal to the Auto rating of the weapon and sort them into pairs as you wish. Each pair is an attack. Auto-fire attacks can be allocated to any target within six meters of each other. Auto-fire attacks cannot benefit from a skill any higher than level 1. Auto-fire in SMGs and rifles uses up half the clip; autofire in machine guns uses one tenth of the ammo belt.

Jack       1        1                    50
Mesh       6        2                   150
Cloth      7        3                   250
Flack      7        4                   100
Vacc       8        4                 7,000
Reflec     10       10 vs. lasers     1,500
Combat     11       12              200,000
Battle     13       16            2,000,000

IMPLANT               TL       COST     EFFECT
Neural Comm           12      5,000     Implanted Computer/communicator
Subdermal Armour      11    100,000     Armour 3
Aug. Stat             12  1,000,000     +2 to any single stat (taken only once)
Aug. Skill            12     50,000     +1 to any single skill (taken only once)
Wafer Jack            12     10,000     Allows direct interface with software
Aug. Vision           13     10,000     IR and low-light vision

Vehicles in Combat
Vehicles have three possible kinds of armor: Light ("soft-skinned" civilian vehicles), Medium (ATVs and light APCs) and Heavy (heavy APCs and tanks). Similarly, in regard to their ability to damage vehicles, all weapons are split into three groups: Small-Arms (pistols, rifles and light machineguns), Support (heavier machine guns, man-portable lasers, hand/launcher grenades) and Heavy (rocket-launchers, rocket-propelled grenades, heavier vehicle lasers, PGMPs, FGMPs, light artillery). When you hit a vehicle, don't roll damage; instead, consult the following table:

LIGHT      External        Internal x2     Destroyed
MEDIUM     None            External        Internal x2
HEAVY      None            None            Internal

If the damage is External, roll once on the External Damage Table below; if the damage is Internal x2, roll once on the Internal Damage table below; if the damage is Internal, roll twice on the Internal Damage table below; And Destroyed means that the vehicle is completely destroyed.

An attack with an Effect of 4 or more moves one column to the right. For example, a small-arm attacking a lightly-armored vehicle would cause two rolls on the Internal table. You can't cause more damage than Destroyed, but Internal x2 becomes Destroyed and Internal becomes Internal x2. Heavy Artillery always destroys all player-scale vehicles.

The damage table is:

 2     Internal Roll    Destroyed
 3     Sensors          Power Plant
 4     Drive            Power Plant
 5     Weapon           Life Support
 6     Lights           Cargo
 7     Breach           Passengers
 8     Breach           Fuel
 9     Weapon           Cargo
10    Drive            Computers
11    Sensors          Cockpit
12    Absorbed         Breach

Internal Roll: Roll once on the Internal table.
Sensors: Sensors blinded.
Drive: Vehicle immobilized, but easily repaired.
Weapon: One weapon is disabled.
Lights: The vehicle's external lights are destroyed.
Absorbed: The damage is absorbed by the vehicle's armor with no significant adverse effect.
Breach: If the vehicle is pressurized, the pressure seal is broken. If it is not pressurized, ignore. All Internal hits cause a Breach in addition to their usual damage.
Destroyed: The vehicle is destroyed, everyone in it takes 4d6 damage.
Power Plant: Vehicle disabled.
Life Support: The vehicle's life support system is disabled.
Cargo: One important piece of cargo (chosen by the Referee) is destroyed.
Passengers: One passenger is hit with the weapon's full damage.
Fuel: Causes a fuel leak, mobilizing the vehicle after 1d6 turns. Further hits are ignored, unless the munition is explosive; in such a case, the vehicle catches fire.
Computer: Computer systems disabled.
Cockpit: Pilot/Driver takes the weapon's full damage.
Weapon Ranges
There are four range categories: Melee Range (up to about 3m), Pistol Range (around 3m to 50m), Rifle Range (circa 50m to 500m) and Extreme Range (more than 500m).

Range DMs are given in the following table:

Melee        +0          N/A        N/A         N/A
Thrown       +0          -2         N/A         N/A
Pistol*      -2          +0         -4          N/A
Rifle        -2          +0         +0          -4
Support**    -4          -1         +0          -4

* The "Pistol" category also includes shotguns and SMGs.
** The "Support" category includes rockets, heavy machine guns and their likes.

"N/A" means that this weapon is not capable of reaching this range.

A magnifying scope moves the range one category "down" - Extreme becomes Rifle and so on.

Melee Weapons

Unarmed        -    1d6      -
Improvised     -    2d6-2    -
Club           1    2d6      -
Dagger         1    1d6+2    10
Blade          2    2d6      50
Broadsword     2    4d6      300
Cutlass        2    2d6+4    100
Stunstick*     8    1d6      300

* Anyone struck by a Stunstick must make an Endurance check with a negative DM equal to the stun damage (after armour is subtracted). If this Endurance check is failed, the character is knocked unconscious.


Revolver       5    3d6-3    N/A    6      150    5
Pistol         6    3d6-3    N/A    15     200    10
Gauss Pistol   13   3d6      4      40     500    20
SMG            5    3d6-3    4      30     500    20
Rifle          5    3d6      N/A    20     200    10
Assault Rifle  7    3d6      4      30     500    15
ACR            10   3d6      6      40     1000   20
Gauss Rifle    12   4d6      4      80     1500   40
Shotgun        4    4d6      N/A    6      200    10

Energy Weapons

Laser Pistol   9    3d6      N/A    100    2000   1000
Laser Carbine  9    4d6      N/A    50     2500   1000
Laser Rifle    9    4d6      N/A    50     2500   1000
Plasma Gun*    12   10d6     4      **     20000  N/A
Fusion Gun***  14   16d6     4      **     100000 N/A

* Plasma Guns are heavy weapons, requiring a Strength of 12 or more. Every point by which a user’s Strength falls short is a –1 DM on any attack rolls made with it.

** Plasma and Fusion Guns are fed by internal micro-fusion cells and thus have virtually endless ammo.

*** Fusion Guns are heavy weapons, requiring a Strength of 9 or more. Every point by which a user’s Strength falls short is a –1 DM on any attack rolls made with it. Furthermore, each firing of an FGMP emits 2d6 x 20 rads affecting everyone in its vicinity.

Heavy Weapons

Machine Gun    6    4d6      6      100    2500   50
Frag Grenade*  7    4d6**    N/A    6      400    150
Grn. Launcher* 7    4d6**    N/A    6      400    150
RAM*           8    4d6**    6      6      800    150
RPG            6    4d6**    N/A    1      1000   100
Rkt. Launcher  8    5d6**    N/A    2      2000   150

* Frag Grenades are thrown. Grenade Launchers use Pistol ranges, while RAM Grenades use Support ranges.

** Do not add the Effect of the Grenade's, Grenade Launcher's, RAM's, RPG's or Rocket's attack roll to their damage but apply that damage to everything within three meters of the impact point for grenades or six meters for RPGs and Rockets.
Low-Tech/Fantasy (Low Magic) Variant

Stats and Skills:
Three Stats: Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX) and Mind (MIND). Stats generated by rolling 2d6 three times and assigning as the player wants (this is OGL alone, not TLL, so I can tell you how to generate stats).

Stat DMs are (Stat-7)/2 , rounded down.

In addition, roll 2d6+12 for your Endurance Pool (END). It is not used in task resolution unlike the usual stats, but instead represents your body's ability to withstand abuse. Damage is always taken off your END first. As long as your END is above zero, you aren't wounded in any serious way, but rather bruised, fatigued, scratched etc. Once your END reaches zero damage applies to STR or DEX (defender's choice).

Seven Skills: Physical, Stealth, Knowledge, Faith, Magic, Nature and Social.

You should be able to simulate any fantasy activity by a combination of a 2d6 Microlight stat and skill. For example, shooting an arrow would be DEX+Physical; Melee would be STR+Physical; Alchemy would be MIND+Knowledge; Dealing with mechanical traps or locks would be DEX+Stealth; Leadership would be MIND+Social; Riding would be DEX+Physical or DEX+Nature; Healing would be DEX+Nature for first aid, MIND+Nature for long-term medical care, and MIND+Knowledge for complex diagnosis; Recon would be MIND+Stealth; Stealth would be DEX+Stealth and so on.

At the most basic level all characters should be assumed to be 30 years old and after three terms of service. Career should determine your starting skills:

Soldier: Physical 2, Stealth 1, Knowledge 0, Faith 0, Magic 0, Nature 0 and Social 0.
Rogue: Physical 0, Stealth 2, Knowledge 0, Faith 0, Magic 0, Nature 0 and Social 1.
Priest: Physical 0, Stealth 0, Knowledge 0, Faith 2, Magic 0, Nature 0 and Social 1.
Mage: Physical 0, Stealth 0, Knowledge 1, Faith 0, Magic 2, Nature 0 and Social 0.
Shaman: Physical 0, Stealth 0, Knowledge 0, Faith 2, Magic 0, Nature 1 and Social 0.
Minstrel: Physical 0, Stealth 1, Knowledge 0, Faith 0, Magic 1, Nature 0 and Social 1.
Woodsman: Physical 1, Stealth 1, Knowledge 0, Faith 0, Magic 1, Nature 1 and Social 0.
Beserker: Physical 2, Stealth 0, Knowledge 0, Faith 0, Magic 0, Nature 1 and Social 0.
Crusader: Physical 2, Stealth 0, Knowledge 0, Faith 1, Magic 0, Nature 0 and Social 0.
Aristocrat: Physical 1, Stealth 0, Knowledge 0, Faith 0, Magic 0, Nature 0 and Social 2.
Monk: Physical 0, Stealth 0, Knowledge 2, Faith 1, Magic 0, Nature 0 and Social 0.

Additionally, each character would have an Expertise - a specific field in which he'll have an additional +1 DM. For example, a character might be a Swordsman - and would have a +1 DM when using a sword, but not for other Physical rolls. Or a Healer would have a +1 DM for medicinal purposes - but not for other Nature or Knowledge rolls. As a rule, Expertise fields should always be significantly narrower than standard Microlight 2d6 skills.

Each character gets 2d6x10 Gold in starting funds.

Task Resolution is 2d6 + Stat DM + Skill + Difficulty DM. A roll of 8 or more is a success. The roll's result minus 8 is the Effect. If desired, roll 1d6 for Timing.

Easy tasks have a DM of +4.
Routine tasks have a difficulty DM of +2.
Average tasks have a difficulty DM of +0.
Difficult tasks have a difficulty DM of –2.
Very difficult tasks have a DM of –4.
Formidable tasks have a difficulty DM of –6.

There is no initiative - everything happens simultaneously, and the results of combat actions (e.g. wounds) are applied AFTER all combat actions are resolved.

Ranged attacks are DEX+Physical.
Melee or Thrown attacks are STR+Physical.
Siege Engine attacks are DEX+Knowledge.

Damage is by weapon, with the attack's Effect added to it. Armor is subtracted from the damage.

Magic and Faith
My idea is to allow anyone (not just Mages or Priests) to try to use magic and faith, though any significant spell or divine effect would be hard to achieve without a significant skill. Casting a spell is MIND+Magic for mental spells, DEX+Magic for magical projectiles or STR+Magic for self-targeted body-effecting spells. Using faith is MIND+Faith for exorcism, faith healing and so on or STR+Faith for religious fortitude (e.g. using one's faith to help survive adverse environmental effects). However, if you fail a Faith or Magic roll, in addition to failing to produce the desired result, you also take damage equal to twice the negative Effect of the roll (for example, if you fail with an effect of -2, you take 4 damage).

A Crystal Ball or a Mage's Staff gives you a +1 DM to Magic rolls and halves the damage from failed spells (for example, if you fail with an effect of -2, you only take 2 damage).

A Totemic Mask or a Blessed Holy Symbol gives you a +1 DM to Faith rolls and halves the damage from failed prayers (for example, if you fail with an effect of -2, you only take 2 damage).

Spell or prayer difficulty is determine by the Referee depending on the desired effect.
Stat DMs are (Stat-7)/2 , rounded down.

Rounded down, or rounded toward zero? It makes a difference for stats below 7:

STAT 8: 8-7=1, 1/2=0.5, rounded down or toward zero, DM=0.
STAT 6: 6-7=-1, -1/2=-0.5, rounded down, DM=-1
STAT 6: 6-7=-1, -1/2=-0.5, rounded toward zero, DM=0

STAT 4: 4-7=-3, -3/2=-1.5, rounded down, DM=-2
STAT 4: 4-7=-3, -3/2=-1.5, rounded toward 0, DM=-1

which should it be?
Golan2072, between this and the Outer Veil, you are quickly becoming my favorite person in the Travellerverse.
For the fantasy version, here are the fantasy races; in a world with non-humans, use the following instead of Expertise:

Dwarves are tough and hardy - and therefore gain a +1 bonus to Physical.
Halflings are sneaky and light-footed - and thus gain a +1 bonus to Stealth.
Gnomes are bookish and well-read - and this allows them to gain a +1 bonus to Knowledge.
Humans are religious and devout - allowing them a +1 bonus to Faith.
Elves are adept at the arcane arts - and thus they gain a +1 bonus to Magic.
Lizardmen are in tune with nature - and therefore the gain a +1 bonus to Nature.
Changelings are slick of tongue - giving them a +1 bonus to Social.