Build using 400 tons with the same engineering performance standards. Will easily run off any corsair, especially after hardpoint maximization and turret homogenation. I use 2 trip pulse, 1 trip missile, 1 trip sand. BTW, whoever made the classic utility: You are sooooo COOL!
Is the a design utility out there for HG2?
Traveller(c) Starship Design
Fat Agile Trader (Fat Agile Trader class)
The Fat Agile Trader is based on a 400T, custom hull. It mounts jump drive D, maneuver drive F, and power plant G, giving a performance of jump-2 and 3-G acceleration. Fuel tankage for 110 tons supports the power plant allowing for 1 jump-2 and 4 weeks of operation. Adjacent to the bridge is a computer Model/3.
The ship has the following accommodations:
10 stateroom(s)
30 low berth(s)
The ship has 4 hardpoints and 4 tons allocated to fire control. Installed on the hardpoints are:
4 triple turret(s)
The turret(s) are armed with:
6 pulse laser(s)
3 missile launcher(s)
3 sandcaster(s)
There are 1 ship's vehicles:
1 air/raft(s)
Cargo capacity is 146 tons. The hull is streamlined. The ship is not subsidized.
The Fat Agile Trader requires a minimum crew of 9:
1 pilot
1 navigator
2 engineer(s)
1 medic
4 gunner(s)
The ship costs MCr201.5 (not including discounts and fees) and takes 16 months to build.
Ship's Name: Fat Agile Trader
Ship's Class: Fat Agile Trader class
Build Cost: MCr201.5
Design Fee: MCr2.015
Mass Production Cost: MCr183.1635 (includes design fee)
Hull: 400T, custom (streamlined)
Jump Drive: D (jump-2)
Maneuver Drive: F (3-G)
Power Plant: G
Ship's Computer: 3 (capacity 5/9)
Ship's Accommodations: 10 stateroom(s), 30 low berth(s),
Cargo Capacity: 146
Available Hardpoints: 4
Mounted Turrets: 4 triple turret(s),
Mounted Weapons: 6 pulse weapon(s), 3 missile launcher(s), 3 sandcaster(s)
Generated using the Classic Traveller Utility