This is a Troop Transport / Drop Ship, designed to be deployed from orbit and capable of transporting a small team (18 Grunts, 1 Sgt, 1 Lt) to a Hostile Landing Zone on-surface.
Later variants included a Missile Pod mounted on top between the two wings.
Requires 1 Pilot and 1 Navigator (who doubles as the EWO).
Hull: 40 tons
Man Drive: 2G
Agility: 2
Armour: 40G
[NOTES: Modelled in 3ds Max with 750,364 Polys. I plan on unwrapping this and texturing it.
I'd like to do a 30-second animation, showing it leaving the bottom of a BIG ship (all we see is the hanger bay door open and this drops out). We see it fall away from the camera, and then the engines fire up and it moves away under its own power.
Cut to a front shot and zoom out a little bit, showing more background, and we see a few more of these in the background/distance.
Then a fighter flies past, much faster than the transport.
Cut to upper atmosphere (more blue than black) and a transport is prominent in the foreground, with 15-20 additional transports in the background. Fighters fly past then every now and then. Black Flakk erupts around them.
The transport gets caught in some flakk and starts trailing black smoke.
Then we cut to a ground shot and the transport slams into the ground, dirt flies up, then the ramp drops down. All the while we see fighters flying over head and other transports in the background on 'terminal trajectories'.
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This is a Troop Transport / Drop Ship, designed to be deployed from orbit and capable of transporting a small team (18 Grunts, 1 Sgt, 1 Lt) to a Hostile Landing Zone on-surface.
Later variants included a Missile Pod mounted on top between the two wings.
Requires 1 Pilot and 1 Navigator (who doubles as the EWO).
Hull: 40 tons
Man Drive: 2G
Agility: 2
Armour: 40G
[NOTES: Modelled in 3ds Max with 750,364 Polys. I plan on unwrapping this and texturing it.
I'd like to do a 30-second animation, showing it leaving the bottom of a BIG ship (all we see is the hanger bay door open and this drops out). We see it fall away from the camera, and then the engines fire up and it moves away under its own power.
Cut to a front shot and zoom out a little bit, showing more background, and we see a few more of these in the background/distance.
Then a fighter flies past, much faster than the transport.
Cut to upper atmosphere (more blue than black) and a transport is prominent in the foreground, with 15-20 additional transports in the background. Fighters fly past then every now and then. Black Flakk erupts around them.
The transport gets caught in some flakk and starts trailing black smoke.
Then we cut to a ground shot and the transport slams into the ground, dirt flies up, then the ramp drops down. All the while we see fighters flying over head and other transports in the background on 'terminal trajectories'.
View other renders at:
Thank you]

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