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MGT Only: 400-ton modular subsidized merchant

Brandon C

The Type RM is a more flexible ship than the standard Type R that can be customized to specific cargo and passenger needs. It can use standard modules from the 50-ton cutter. Small trader lines will have a few of each modules normally used in commercial service at each starport it serves, switching out modules as needed. Some companies lease modules to independent traders if they are travelling between certain worlds. Also, since subsidized merchants have somewhat regular routes, some minor nobles or wealthy individuals will buy their own modules and rent space on a ship. See the luxury passenger module, below.

The most common modules carried are six cargo and two passenger. The main shortcoming is that no single cargo item can be larger than 30 tons. While a greater number of passenger modules can be carried, any additional passengers would lack escape pods. In an emergency, the crew normally boards the runabout and those in low berths are left to their fates.

The modular merchant has maneuver drive C, jump drive C and power plant C, giving 1G acceleration and Jump 1. Fuel tankage of 52 tons provides for one jump-1 and four weeks of operation. There is one fuel processor. The bridge is equipped with a Model 1 computer and basic civilian sensors. There are five staterooms and no low berths. The ship has three hardpoints and three double turrets, but the ship is unarmed. It has sockets for eight 30-ton modules and carries 9 tons of cargo. Repair drones are installed. A 10-ton runabout and 10 escape pods are carried. The ship is streamlined.

The modular merchant has a crew of four: pilot, medic, engineer and steward. The ship costs MCr 109.63.

New modules

Cargo module: This has space for 30 tons of cargo. MCr 1.43

Passenger module: This is intended for the long-term transport of passengers. It has 5 staterooms, 6 low berths, a common room (briefing room) and 3 tons of cargo. MCr 5.93.

Mixed trader module: This is intended for the long-term transport of middle/low passengers and cargo. It has 4 staterooms, 8 low berths, and 10 tons of cargo. MCr 5.43.

Luxury passenger module: This is a private module, usually owned by those with not quite enough money to buy their own ship. Two of the staterooms are combined into a suite for an owner. The two common areas tend to be a dining room and den. It has 5 staterooms, 2 common rooms (briefing room), 2 tons of luxuries and 4 tons of cargo. MCr 4.63.
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