I found this quite interesting:
I could barely shoot the 20-inch barrel M-16A2 that well on semi. I could, on my best day back then, keep the .mil version of the MP-5 on a torso target on 3-round burst. In that case, there are people who can shoot some weapons that well.
Yep, practice and familiarity. When I was a kid I used to hit birds on the wing with a .22 at 30 yrds. But, we grew up in the middle of nowhere and were carrying at age 8...
The one that bugs me is the way people who get shot fly back through the air as if hit by a car. (I was hit by a car once and sailed about 20 feet or so though the air, and I,m a big guy) the myth busters did a show where the shot a pig carcass with various guns and the only one to cause even the slightest movement was a 12 ga shotgun. while they may have plenty of energy bullets and shotgun pellets don't pack the momentum needed to fling someone backwards. and equal and opposite reactions mean the shooter would fly back just as far. Sure it looks good on film, but is annoying to anyone who knows the least bit of physics.
I wonder where that started. In the movies of the 1930's, the target grabbed dramatically at the supposed wound and grimaced before falling, or he just crumpled and fell if he were an extra. When did Hollywood decide that bullets hit you like a semi truck?
I've heard that silencers aren't really that silent. Is that true?
From a drama perspective how do you show on stage/film/TV that someone has been shot if you aren't allowed to show blood or brains?
I've heard that silencers aren't really that silent. Is that true?
I've heard that silencers aren't really that silent. Is that true?