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500 Ton Search and Rescue/Medical Assistance Corvette


The Next vessle in the family of Survey, and assistance vessels in the family.

This one has a brighter..If faded and abused paint job, but lacks the battle, and accident scars of the Long suffering Survey Scout.

It's stats are roughly the same as the Survey scout I posted earlier..although most Emergency Services vessels are Independent operation vessels with Jump 3 capability.


"For the Forgotten", ( Name of the pictured Vessel)

the name and Creed of the Scout Services Vessel SAR-221. A specially outfitted long endurance, Long range Search vessel assigned to respond to ship in distress calls, and Ship overdue alerts. Built on the same hull as the Survey Corvette and laid out in much the same way all of her facilities and labs have been replaced by those needed to locate, Board, and evacuate ships in distress, or survivors left stranded by a ship coming to grief on an inhabitable world.

She carries a full compliment of medical professionals. EVA?hostile environment specialists, and engineers specializing in salvage and recovery methods, and equipment. Her small squadron of work pods, robotic probes, and Medevac craft, allow her to carry the entire passenger and crew load of all but the largest passenger liners in , albeit spartan barracks, low berths, and emergency medical low berths.

Other ships of her class can be outfitted for medical assistance ranging from Disaster response, to Epidemic investigation and response operations. Several of the ships are deployed as fully functional medical centers capable of providing both basic and advanced care to patients on worlds with limited or non-existent medical facilities. While supported and operated by the Scout Services, the medical relief and assistance vessels are largely funded by contributions from local governments, corporations, and large shipping lines.

Unarmed and lightly armored the vessels have no defense against hostile attack. However few groups will attack a hospital ships. The policy of the Medical staff to treat any patient, of any race, with no questions asked makes these vessels neutral ground. Any attack on a hospital ship, or Search and rescue vessel is likely to draw overwhelming retribution form any vessel, or Authority encountering a vessel that has fired on a Medical Corvette.

While unarmed and lightly armored the Search and rescue corvette, and medical corvettes are well protected against radiation, hostile environments,Biological, and chemical hazards. They can, and do operate in environments that would damage or disable less heavily protected vessels, and expose the crews of those vessels to lethal hazards.If not for the robust construction and highly reliable systems of the class, The vessels would be under constant repair from the abuse they routinely receive while on their missions.

Statistics for Search and rescue, and Medical assistance/Hospital ships are largely identical to independent operations Survey corvettes, with their internal bays, and compliment of small craft and drones optimized for search and rescue, or Medical treatment and research. To distinguish themselves form Survey Vessels, and military Space mobile Hospitals the SAR, and Medical vessels have a unique high visibility color scheme and are clearly marked as non combat vessels. In addition they have transponders and beacons identifying themselves as emergency vessels in all languages, and on frequencies used by almost all star-faring civilizations.
I like this concept, a good boat and role for the iss. I had envisioned scout service s&r posts at gas giant refueling stations for under-maintained merchants getting into trouble, but s&r for overdue boats is good too.

seems too small for j3 and all the equipment and facilities you describe.

if they're jumping in looking for who knows what who knows where who knows what kind of conditions, they'll need excellent sensor and comm suites. not to mention m3.
I like this concept, a good boat and role for the iss. I had envisioned scout service s&r posts at gas giant refueling stations for under-maintained merchants getting into trouble, but s&r for overdue boats is good too.

seems too small for j3 and all the equipment and facilities you describe.

if they're jumping in looking for who knows what who knows where who knows what kind of conditions, they'll need excellent sensor and comm suites. not to mention m3.

I am waiting for the final draft of High Guard before I properly stat them out..at current these are a rough guess at best. I expect them to change once the new rules come out.

The idea of S&R was another gap I thought needed filling. I imagine these could be deployed into systems where there aren't any facilities as mobile SAR stations.

Although I kind of figure they might use refitted cargo ships instead of purpose built SAR boats.

resupplied and maintained by tenders as well as mobile, and fast response vessels.

Actually I am working on a group of ships that might be best termed as "Rat Catchers..We're lower on the food chain than dog catchers" would probably be their dark humor way of summing up the job....Small ships designed to move out for scout bases and deal with god knows what....and a couple of the bigger support command ships that would go with them.

I thought it would be a nice optional addition to the scouts and can be dropped into non 3I settings.
I am waiting for the final draft of High Guard before I properly stat them out..at current these are a rough guess at best. I expect them to change once the new rules come out.

The idea of S&R was another gap I thought needed filling. I imagine these could be deployed into systems where there aren't any facilities as mobile SAR stations.

Although I kind of figure they might use refitted cargo ships instead of purpose built SAR boats.

resupplied and maintained by tenders as well as mobile, and fast response vessels.

Actually I am working on a group of ships that might be best termed as "Rat Catchers..We're lower on the food chain than dog catchers" would probably be their dark humor way of summing up the job....Small ships designed to move out for scout bases and deal with god knows what....and a couple of the bigger support command ships that would go with them.

I thought it would be a nice optional addition to the scouts and can be dropped into non 3I settings.

Here why is this same shape as your scout/explorer? Same hull? Also what kind of rescue ops? Environ Disaster, Health Pandemics, Former War zone or placed attacked?
Also what kind of rescue ops? Environ Disaster, Health Pandemics, Former War zone ....

way too small to make much difference in those, unless you deploy a large number.

so. what are typical s&r tasks for the iss? sure there are the "who knows what" missions, but what would be most common that 1) are doable and 2) that the imperium would have an interest in response?

(and not just iss, planetary governments probably will support the majority of s&r with subsector governments coming in second)

1) gas giant refueling mishaps (maintain commerce)
2) overdue vessels (maintain commerce)
3) ?

ships that appear to be out of control and heading towards inhabited zones or the outer system
prospector stations suffering major difficulties (think sea-going oil rigs with out-of-control fires)
response to local planetary emergencies (tsunamies, earthquakes, volcanic erruptions, forest fires - uncommon on state and national levels but reasonably common on a planetary level)
Here why is this same shape as your scout/explorer? Same hull? Also what kind of rescue ops? Environ Disaster, Health Pandemics, Former War zone or placed attacked?

All of the corvettes I have posted are built on the same basic hull, with variations on sensors, and some fixed equipment, weapons etc....since they have to be built in large numbers to do their job, a common hull makes them cheaper..and one can be hastily refitted if they need more of a certain type...with the exception of the armed escort varieties which have more armor, and fixed bay weapons.

SAR ships would do routine patrols along trade routes, or be stationed in areas where there is a history of ships getting banged up or damaged by local influences...either natural or man-made.

Medical Corvettes would be deployed to respond to

Environmental health problems
sever localized Outbreaks:
pandemics would require a small task group to deal with. basically they could/would be fitted with labs, and facilities to combat immediate problems and research ways to prevent infection/infestation/poisoning by local hazards.

Industrial disasters: such as toxic spills, radiation, chemical/biological contamination.

war zone/small scale attack recovery/assistance. this would require them to use prepacked ground support facilities and act as a mobile command hub for ground personnel.

Scheduled routes in regions where there are small populations and no local resources for severe medical issues.

Accompanying SAR ships if there is a likelihood there will be more casualties than a SAR bird can handle.

Accompanying survey, research groups to provide onsite medial assistance.

way too small to make much difference in those, unless you deploy a large number.

so. what are typical s&r tasks for the iss? sure there are the "who knows what" missions, but what would be most common that 1) are doable and 2) that the imperium would have an interest in response?

(and not just iss, planetary governments probably will support the majority of s&r with subsector governments coming in second)

1) gas giant refueling mishaps (maintain commerce)
2) overdue vessels (maintain commerce)
3) ?

ships that appear to be out of control and heading towards inhabited zones or the outer system
prospector stations suffering major difficulties (think sea-going oil rigs with out-of-control fires)
response to local planetary emergencies (tsunamies, earthquakes, volcanic erruptions, forest fires - uncommon on state and national levels but reasonably common on a planetary level)

you hit the high spots, and mentioned a few i didn't think of...

as for who would fund/operate the vessels. I imagined them as operated by Scouts, and paid for by local, sub-sector, and corporate donations/fees/tarrifs.

the basic idea is to add a branch of the Scout service that focuses on assistance as well as basic survey and exploration operation. very much along he lines of the Coast guard.

I doubt the fleet would be interested in such operations, since it has it's hands full with just defending and keeping the peace...so the scouts would probably get the job since they are non-military..and already do a lot of the grunt work in exploration/survey ops anyway.
It's a pity Traveller doesn't have FTL communication. If it did you could do games based on James White's Sector General novels. And have ambulance ships to instantly respond to accidents and disasters.

I do have insystem rescue boats in MTU. They are based in space stations dedicated to the job. One particular one that has appeared in a game was Station 51. (yes I know, it's corny) but I also have an Imperial Navy Cruiser named ISS THUNDERCHILD. On the ships coat of arms is the motto:

Defense of the Innocent, NO MATTER THE COST.
It's a pity Traveller doesn't have FTL communication. If it did you could do games based on James White's Sector General novels. And have ambulance ships to instantly respond to accidents and disasters.

I do have insystem rescue boats in MTU. They are based in space stations dedicated to the job. One particular one that has appeared in a game was Station 51. (yes I know, it's corny) but I also have an Imperial Navy Cruiser named ISS THUNDERCHILD. On the ships coat of arms is the motto:

Defense of the Innocent, NO MATTER THE COST.
It would be a fun non-standard scenario. A lot of mischief to be had just doing SAR work :D

Ah the Thunderchild :D

Still one of my favorite scense from sci-fi..and sadly this epic last stand has never been added to a movie.
About a couple of miles out lay an ironclad, very low in the water, almost, to my brother's perception, like a water-logged ship. This was the ram Thunder Child....."It was the torpedo ram, Thunder Child, steaming headlong, coming to the rescue of the threatened shipping".

Love the Jeff Wayne version too :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTF6bd1NcTA
Between them lay the silent, gray, ironclad Thunderchild. Slowly it moved towards shore, then with a deafening roar and whoosh of spray it swung about and drove at full speed..."
If you're going to borrow manes of literary warships you have to have one.
I designed a TL9 SAR small craft for the Terrans to use at their colonies and worlds prior to contact with the imperials at Bernard's star.

It's job was deploying drones with some sort of grapples for fragile hull (I'm thinking rope with a weak glue that can be turned off with application of the heater element in the sticky portion of the rope. to not tear up the things like that micron thick gold foil NASA used as heat shielding) So anyway the drones are used to stop/slow a tumble so that the rescue craft can deploy it's rescue technicians.

Of course as this was pre contact I only used technology currently or planned by today's various space agencies... drones used LOX and H2, but the craft had high delta V needs so it got a NTR (nuclear thermal rocket). So that is the concept need to go get somebody from a disabled ship this thing gets there fast stops the spin and gets life support and prompt medical care to the crew of the ship. There were no provisions for general repairs or of actually grappling the ship to apply acceleration, though a few drones might be able to apply some 10's of Newtons towards course change.
I designed a TL9 SAR small craft for the Terrans to use at their colonies and worlds prior to contact with the imperials at Bernard's star.

It's job was deploying drones with some sort of grapples for fragile hull (I'm thinking rope with a weak glue that can be turned off with application of the heater element in the sticky portion of the rope. to not tear up the things like that micron thick gold foil NASA used as heat shielding) So anyway the drones are used to stop/slow a tumble so that the rescue craft can deploy it's rescue technicians.

Of course as this was pre contact I only used technology currently or planned by today's various space agencies... drones used LOX and H2, but the craft had high delta V needs so it got a NTR (nuclear thermal rocket). So that is the concept need to go get somebody from a disabled ship this thing gets there fast stops the spin and gets life support and prompt medical care to the crew of the ship. There were no provisions for general repairs or of actually grappling the ship to apply acceleration, though a few drones might be able to apply some 10's of Newtons towards course change.

i like the use of drones. It keep the main craft away from possible collisions with a disabled ship, or debris.

gives me an idea for a tow truck type drone...docking clamps, and forced linkage systems/grappnels.
An operator would be the Ministery of Colonization, inasmuch that such exist...

Early settlements, research stations, prospector drilling or ISS Survey bases do not have the size for a cost effective high quality medical facility.

Therefore, epidemic, unexpected cataclism, piracy , failure of main Life support on a vacuum world (the S courrier jump out to call for help) calling for "the plumber" and just in case things get worst: some evac and med potential...

For world with pop beyond 1 or 2 and TL 9 or less, (a single 500 tonner is not going to evac them all) do not understimate the qualitative impact on the diagnosys and treatment of a plague of a TL15 med lab. By the way, the planet is most likely Under quarantine and evac not on the work order

have fun

An operator would be the Ministery of Colonization, inasmuch that such exist...

Early settlements, research stations, prospector drilling or ISS Survey bases do not have the size for a cost effective high quality medical facility.

Therefore, epidemic, unexpected cataclism, piracy , failure of main Life support on a vacuum world (the S courrier jump out to call for help) calling for "the plumber" and just in case things get worst: some evac and med potential...

For world with pop beyond 1 or 2 and TL 9 or less, (a single 500 tonner is not going to evac them all) do not understimate the qualitative impact on the diagnosys and treatment of a plague of a TL15 med lab. By the way, the planet is most likely Under quarantine and evac not on the work order

have fun


Ministry of colonization...works for me.

I had pretty much the same ideas for how the ships were employed and how they would be of use to smaller colonies/facilities.