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OTU Only: 567-908

My solution doesn't need you to take tipex to your book, it explains what we need it to explain, and it leads in to the investigation of the next great mystery in Traveller ;)
So retcon a Large "warm" GG, we add GG that is not useable for fuel (skimming) thus not marked as a GG in stats. Correct?

My "warm Jupiter" is a brown dwarf. I wanted to avoid using that label.

Believe me, you are not going to skim fuel from a brow dwarf.

Next question is where does the second star fit in, the M9 V? close, far or other system in parsec? or could this be your "warm GG"?

No second star, unless you want to count the brown dwarf.

Instead, the primary is retconned into a star which is old enough to allow life to evolve on 567-908.

Just an FYI this thread has made me look at this system in a whole new light, I like it.

It is an interesting thread, isn't it? :)
My solution doesn't need you to take tipex to your book, it explains what we need it to explain, and it leads in to the investigation of the next great mystery in Traveller ;)

I quite like your solution. Having indications of non-Ancient "ancients" can only make the setting deeper and richer. That being said, I do have a problem with the Shriekers and all life on 567-908 being the result of "terra" of "kursae" forming.

Humaniti, and others, have been flitting around the Marches for thousands of years. We've got the Sindalians, refugees from all three Imperiums, the Istvan Fleet, the Darrians, the Gram Fleet, the various Sword World Polities, and plenty of others I've forgotten. The Third Imperium alone has been in the region for eleven centuries and has surveyed the system twice.

I can barely buy the Shriekers being overlooked during all that time because they had a tiny, backward, civilization on a wholly unremarkable world. I cannot buy the Shriekers being overlooked during that time if they live on a world where life should not have had enough time to evolve.

Sometime during all those thousands of years someone is going to notice 567-908 has a biosphere, a biosphere in a system which is too young for such a thing to evolve. That's going to scream outside interference and that's going to cause people to look at 567-908 and it's system far more closely.

The Shriekers cannot remain unknown until the Classic Era if they're living on what amounts to a cosmic anomaly.

Just to sum up Mike's excellent Kursae terraforming suggestion and my weaselly habitable zone loophole excuse:

Kursae Terraforming
  • Keeps canonical primary
  • Keeps 42-year orbit
  • Solves evolution time issue by having the biosphere a result of sophont action
  • Adds to the questions about of why Shriekers weren't notice earlier

HZ Loophole
  • Changes canonical primary
  • Adds brown dwarf/warm gas giant to system to keep 42-year orbit
  • Solves evolution time issue by making primary star and system older
  • Neither adds to or lessens the questions about the Shriekers weren't noticed earlier

IMEHO, Mike's solution adds to the setting's texture while my excuse is more about not snapping additional belief suspenders. Pick whichever works for you and yours.
I have noticed that GURPS did a treatment on this system "Denuli" after the 'gems' does that fit any of the, IMHO, great possible retcons?
Also would this be a good resource for the system or a dust collector? :confused:
I have noticed that GURPS did a treatment on this system "Denuli" after the 'gems' does that fit any of the, IMHO, great possible retcons?

I've got the deadtree version of that Planetary Survey somewhere around here and thought it was one of the better ones in the series.

As for fitting the suggested retcons here, I've no idea. I remember more of the "social" aspects of the booklet rather than the astronomy. I do remember that the system is described as rather dangerous for in-system travel thanks to all the "clutter" from the stuff still leftover from planetary formation. That could point to SJG keeping the young primary star.

Also would this be a good resource for the system or a dust collector? :confused:

IIRC, you can get it as .pdf from e23 for a couple of bucks. While I found the Kamsii and Granicus booklets of little use, what's a couple of dollars? :)
My solution doesn't need you to take tipex to your book, it explains what we need it to explain, and it leads in to the investigation of the next great mystery in Traveller ;)

Mike, can you shoot me a current email address? The one I've got bounced.
Well, since I'm the frontman for T5SS, and it presents the harsh retcon, I'll put my two Credits for why...

The Marches are the starting core for any potential newbie referees, and forcing odd explanations on them to the google generation is just cruel.

So, in the Marches (at least), I make a strong argument for simple explanations and forcing everything to conform to some harsher realities than Supplement 3 was matched to.

Rob follows the beat of a different drummer... but in 1981 I was barely in high school, and the father of one of my players was what I guess today would be an astrophysicist, and the other was assistant to chemist who got thanked by two Noble prize winners. My father was a Pentecostal minister.

Making me as a high schooler explain the Spinward Marches was a cruel thing I would not inflict on anyone else.

And I like the Shriekers, so I support the simplest path, which is the ugly retcon. Or, as I asked Marc on this: there's three canon facts, only two of which can be true. You pick the two, and we'll explain those.