The Grays are androgynous bipeds from the X system.
Standing 1.2- 1.4 meters high with gray skin.
Here is their ship. I have installed three, thirty ton labs and 100 low berths to start. What else would we find on it? We have 206 tons to fill!
Traveller(c) Starship Design
Watcher (Probe class class)
The Watcher is based on a 800T, custom hull. It mounts jump drive H, maneuver drive D, and power plant H, giving a performance of jump-2 and 1-G acceleration. Fuel tankage for 180 tons supports the power plant allowing for 1 jump-2 and 4 weeks of operation. Adjacent to the bridge is a computer Model/5.
Shape is a multi deck saucer of course!
The ship has the following accommodations:
30 stateroom(s)
100 low berth(s)
The ship has 4 hardpoints and 4 tons allocated to fire control. Installed on the hardpoints are:
4 triple turret(s)
The turret(s) are armed with:
3 pulse laser(s)
6 beam laser(s)
3 missile launcher(s)
There are 3 ship's vehicles:
2 launch(s)
1 g-carrier(s)
Cargo capacity is 296 tons. The hull is not streamlined. The ship is not subsidized.
The Watcher requires a minimum crew of 9:
1 pilot
1 navigator
2 engineer(s)
1 medic
4 gunner(s)
The ship costs MCr352.15 (not including discounts and fees) and takes 28 months to build.
Ship's Name: Watcher
Ship's Class: Probe class
Hull: 800T, custom (Streamlined)
Jump Drive: H (jump-2)
Maneuver Drive: D (1-G)
Power Plant: H
Ship's Computer: 5 (capacity 12/25)
Ship's Accommodations: 30 stateroom(s), 100 low berth(s),
Cargo Capacity: 296
Available Hardpoints: 4
Mounted Turrets: 4 triple turret(s),
Mounted Weapons: 3 pulse weapon(s), 6 beam weapon(s), 3 missile launcher(s),
Generated using the Classic Traveller Utility
296 tons of space.
Three 30 ton laboratories (-90 tons)
Standing 1.2- 1.4 meters high with gray skin.
Here is their ship. I have installed three, thirty ton labs and 100 low berths to start. What else would we find on it? We have 206 tons to fill!
Traveller(c) Starship Design
Watcher (Probe class class)
The Watcher is based on a 800T, custom hull. It mounts jump drive H, maneuver drive D, and power plant H, giving a performance of jump-2 and 1-G acceleration. Fuel tankage for 180 tons supports the power plant allowing for 1 jump-2 and 4 weeks of operation. Adjacent to the bridge is a computer Model/5.
Shape is a multi deck saucer of course!
The ship has the following accommodations:
30 stateroom(s)
100 low berth(s)
The ship has 4 hardpoints and 4 tons allocated to fire control. Installed on the hardpoints are:
4 triple turret(s)
The turret(s) are armed with:
3 pulse laser(s)
6 beam laser(s)
3 missile launcher(s)
There are 3 ship's vehicles:
2 launch(s)
1 g-carrier(s)
Cargo capacity is 296 tons. The hull is not streamlined. The ship is not subsidized.
The Watcher requires a minimum crew of 9:
1 pilot
1 navigator
2 engineer(s)
1 medic
4 gunner(s)
The ship costs MCr352.15 (not including discounts and fees) and takes 28 months to build.
Ship's Name: Watcher
Ship's Class: Probe class
Hull: 800T, custom (Streamlined)
Jump Drive: H (jump-2)
Maneuver Drive: D (1-G)
Power Plant: H
Ship's Computer: 5 (capacity 12/25)
Ship's Accommodations: 30 stateroom(s), 100 low berth(s),
Cargo Capacity: 296
Available Hardpoints: 4
Mounted Turrets: 4 triple turret(s),
Mounted Weapons: 3 pulse weapon(s), 6 beam weapon(s), 3 missile launcher(s),
Generated using the Classic Traveller Utility
296 tons of space.
Three 30 ton laboratories (-90 tons)