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A Cargo Discussion


SOC-14 5K
The following is a discussion which takes place on the planet of El Paso, D767444 TL 4 (located at 0810, Sword Subsector, Piper Sector, Far Out Rim Expanses). El Paso is Tech Level 4 by choice, has knowledge of higher Tech Levels, and does have some higher, in certain cases, much higher Tech Level equipment. For trade purposes, the planet is Non-Industrial, and borderline Agricultural. The planet population is about 76,000, composed of an extremely independent group of people who view High Tech civilization with disgust, and are interested in living in the manner of their understanding of the Old West (North American Earth, circa 1880). The Law Level is deceiving, as just about all inhabitants have some knowledge of blackpowder weaponry, carrying and using said weaponry with considerable abandon. Visitors are allowed one, repeat one, mistake, after that, it is their problem. If such ratings were allowed, this would definitely be an Amber Zone. Refined fuel is available, and if you land at the starport, a ship must purchase refined fuel. OR ELSE.

In the office of the Starport Administrator/Custom Inspector/Planetary Broker, three different people, one office. This is a “D” starport. The Free Trader “Simple Simon” has just landed with speculative cargo for sale.

Admin: “So, what does he have on board?”
Customs: “Well. some good, some not so good, and some downright illegal. Have to see about impounding the whole ship for import violations. When is Wyatt in town next?”
Broker: “What’s the good stuff?”
Simon’s Captain: “What do you mean, impound my ship? For what reason? And what is illegal?”
Customs (ignoring the Captain): “The good stuff is 240 metric tons of saltpeter, the bad news about that it is in bulk, and not the 25 or 50 pounds kegs or 50 pound sacks that we normally order it in. The not so good stuff is 480 tons of steel, half in the form of 550 or so pound ingots, and half in the form of 5 centimeter sheet. The illegal stuff is 6 containers of synthetic cloth, about 6 tons of cloth per container. That is in 80 kilogram bales. The saltpeter is in 6 containers, and the steel is in 12 containers.”
Broker: “What are we going to do with all those steel ingots and sheets?”
Captain: “Why, they are all ready to go to your rolling mill for cold or hot rolling.”
Broker: “We don’t have a steel rolling mill.”
Captain (stunned look on face, realizing that maybe he really, really, really made a mistake with this cargo): “Oh.”
Captain: “And what is this about the cloth being illegal? It is high-quality synthetic, in a wide range of colors, and water-resistant.”
Customs: “The only legal cloth imports are all natural, mainly wool, cotton, and some linen. We haven’t had any silk imports for a few months, and the ladies clothiers are getting a bit upset about that. Didn’t you bother reading your Trader Import and Export Guide to the sector?”
Customs (continuing): “As for steel, I will show you what sort of steel we import, other than bars and small pigs.”
A Cargo Discussion Cont.

Leading the group outside, the Custom official headed for a large, warehouse-type of building with several pairs of steel rails leading to it. On the large sliding door, there were two large padlocks, which did not have any opening for a key. but rather a protected key pad. The Customs officer put his thumb on a square spot on the lock and then punched a combination into the key pad. The Star Port Administrator did likewise to the second lock. Both popped open and were removed from the locking bar. The Broker grabbed the door handles and rolled it open to the side. The light switch was turned on and the Simple Simon’s Captain found himself looking at row upon row of what appeared to be steel rails, identical to the ones running into the warehouse.

Admin: “That is the kind of steel we import, steel rail for the railroad. which is one of our main means of land communication. Our mill has a limited capability to re-roll existing rail, but your ingots and sheets are not something it can handle. We might take it to swap for our next shipment of rail from New Texas, or at least reduce the cost of it. May have to call a meeting of the country officials for that. Besides, that is a specific kind of steel, designed for extended use on railroads, and not just mild steel plate. Goes 110 pounds per yard of rail as well. We tried lighter rail, but the heavier stuff wore a lot better and lasted more like three times as long as rail half of the weight.”
Captain (stunned look on his face): “I thought that steel was steel.”
Broker: “Well, you have just paid a fair price to be educated otherwise.”
Customs: “The biggest headache now is getting the saltpeter containers out and then broken down into something that we can manage. We do want that, even if it more than we will use in 20 years.”
Captain: “What do you mean, 20 years? That is good fertilizer. You should use it a lot faster than 20 years.”
Broker: “We don’t use saltpeter for fertilizer. That goes into making black powder, and short of a major civil war, 240 tons is a lot of powder to shoot off. We might make up 10 to 15 tons in a year at the powder mill. Plus, it will need to be up to spec for powder making. Some captain came in with a load like yours that had so much other garbage in it that all we could use it for was fertilizer. Did work well for that. He wasn’t very happy with what we paid for it though.”
Captain: “You mean that there are different grades of saltpeter?”
Broker: “You really are getting an education, aren’t you?”
Customs: “Now, with respect to the textiles, my men will put their own seals on the containers, once we can get to them, and make sure they are not opened while you are on planet. Just before you lift, we will take them off. If any of your crew tries to sell them, whether on the star port or off, we will want the crew member, and the cargo will be impounded for destruction. And tell your crew not to get any ideas of bribing the Customs people, as we take a dim view of that. We might be Tech Level 4 for most things, but we are not fools. All Customs and for that matter, all Law Enforcement personnel get veridicated once a month for any attempts at bribery or other questionable activities. Failure to report a bribery attempt gets a year on Survival Island. Accepting a bribe gets a necktie party.”
A Cargo Discussion Cont.

Admin: “The last Custom guy to take a bribe thought that he could get off-planet before he would be checked, but forgot that he would be under veridification prior to leaving. He got caught, this was about 5 years ago, and people still talk about how many were at his execution. The party went of for a couple of days. He let a party of hunters from Baldur bring in smokeless powder ammunition labeled as black powder ammo, to shoot megaphants with. We thought that the guns they were using were a little light for megaphants, and with black powder, they would be. With smokeless, they would be okay, just. Their guide got hung too, one reason for the big party was the double hanging, while the hunting party all got 2 years on Survival Island 2. That was because, in theory, they were all outdoors types. When we went back to pick them up, no survivors after 2 years. Any crew member of yours that get caught trying to sell something illegal earns a year on Survival Island. Two is reserved for special cases. Do you understand all of that?”
Captain (very quietly): “Yes, and I will make it very clear to my crew as well.”
Broker: “Okay then, I will check with the country government on the steel, but I can offer you 20 cents a pound, or about 440 dollars a metric ton, for the saltpeter, if of acceptable quality. Normally, we pay 25 cents a pound, but then we get it in 25 or 50 pound kegs. Payment will be made in gold at 20 Dollars to the ounce of gold. As gold is worth about 200 credits elsewhere, you should not complain. We will check with Wyatt about the textiles, but the three of us will recommend that ignorance of the law is an acceptable defense in your case.”
Captain: “May I ask who this “Wyatt” individual is you keep mentioning?”
Admin: “Oh, sorry about that. Wyatt Holliday is the county sheriff, who doubles as the Customs Enforcement Officer. Right now, he is off on his annual buffalo hunt. He should be back in a couple of days. The country reps should be able to meet day after tomorrow with respect to the steel. We will need to test both the steel and saltpeter before final payment.”
Broker: “And I will start right away to work up some cargo for you. Where are you headed next?”

Excerpt from "Guidebook to the Piper Sector", published by the University of Baldur Press.

0810: El Paso D767444 TL 4 (see remarks) Trade Classification: Non-Industrial Gas Giant present, along with asteroid belt. No bases, Hazard Potential: Moderate (The local population has been known to “shoot first and apologize later”.)

El Paso was settled about 100 years ago by a disgruntled group from New Texas. Feeling the independent spirit of the Texan was being eroded by the frivolities and glitter of higher Tech civilization, this group wished to return more to the spirit of the Old West (of North American Earth circa 1880). As such, the population represents the most independent of an already highly independent group. They are choosing to live at Tech Level 4, although they are aware of what higher Tech Levels have to offer, and have strong restrictions on what can and cannot be imported.

Excerpt from an advice booklet distributed by the El Paso Space Port Authority to all visiting star ship crew and planetary visitors.

If you cross the Barbed Wire Deadline at the Starport wearing recognizably starship crew clothing, you are subject to being shot without notice. If the shooter has lost relatives to Space Viking raids in the past, he or she may be only cited for firing a firearm within the city limits, a misdemeanor with a small fine. If using a blade weapon or axe, the person responsible must clean up the mess. If not a relative of prior Space Viking victims, a sterner approach will be made, maybe even some jail time. Oh, and you eat in a local cafe at your own risk. The ladies in town tend to prefer poison to making bloody messes. The clothing store located within the confines of the small Space Port does a booming business in local clothing, and will guarantee a well-fitting outfit within an hour. For an small additional fee, they will make the outfit from previously worn clothing, avoiding that annoying "brand new outfit" look.

The men of the local populace are nearly all armed with revolvers of various sizes, and sawed-off shotguns for personal carriage are not unknown. Bothering a lady is a very good way for an outworlder to get either shot or his or her own "personal" necktie party. Low-heeled shoes are acceptable, as the high-heeled boots suggest some acquaintance with riding animals. The boys of El Paso "love" to allow the spacemen to show off their expertise, or lack thereof.

The finest hotel in the main city of El Paso, also called El Paso, is Rosa's Cantina.
Hey Timeover51, This is pretty neat. Reminds me quite abit of some of the outer worlds of "independents" from Firefly. I would like to play a scenario/campaign in this setting. Maybe utilizing Aces and Eights system from Kenzer and Company (by Dave Kenzer). I love the campy use of the OK Coral group, Wyatt Holiday, Sherrif. :)
Hey Timeover51, This is pretty neat. Reminds me quite abit of some of the outer worlds of "independents" from Firefly. I would like to play a scenario/campaign in this setting. Maybe utilizing Aces and Eights system from Kenzer and Company (by Dave Kenzer). I love the campy use of the OK Coral group, Wyatt Holiday, Sherrif. :)

I am working on a full write up on El Paso, as I already have generated a world map using my Civilization 3 game editor. That lets me figure out the lay of the land, and work up possible adventures. The settlers brought American bison and Texas Longhorns with them and both run pretty much free. Then there are the native Megaphones, about the size of a BIG mammoth, but more of a browser than a grazer, so mainly in the forests. More will be coming from the University of Baldur professor getting his first experience at low-Tech living.

"Wooden 3-story structures!" OH MY!!!
Very well written, I like how the Admin and Customs agent explains the cargo issues to the captain. Your "Survival Island" sounds like an interesting prison sentence - how does that work?
Very well written, I like how the Admin and Customs agent explains the cargo issues to the captain. Your "Survival Island" sounds like an interesting prison sentence - how does that work?

I will work up an article on how the Survival Islands function on El Paso. I do have basic images of both islands from the Civilization 3 editor. Survival Island in about 50,000 square miles in size, while Survival Island 2 is about 108,000 square miles in size. If I can figure out a way of posting images of the islands, I will. I am not sure if an article on the Traveller Wiki would work, with the images in the image library.
I will work up an article on how the Survival Islands function on El Paso. I do have basic images of both islands from the Civilization 3 editor. Survival Island in about 50,000 square miles in size, while Survival Island 2 is about 108,000 square miles in size. If I can figure out a way of posting images of the islands, I will. I am not sure if an article on the Traveller Wiki would work, with the images in the image library.

I'm curious to know if it's like the 1994 movie "No Escape"? Basically prisoners are allowed to roam the island, sometimes forming communities for self-protection, while any attempt to leave the island will be intercepted by a patrol.

To post images, I usually upload them to PhotoBucket - http://www.photobucket.com then copy the IMG link. Large and/or multiple images should be hidden under spoiler tags ([spoiler]text or image[/spoiler] to keep from overwhelming those with slow Internet.

PhotoBucket is just one of many image hosting services, several offer free storage. If you're going to host the images at DeviantArt, for example, you want to right-click on the image and select "Open Image in a new tab" to get the URL.

Sister to PhotoBucket is TinyPic, which has an unfortunate habit of opening a new page to spam you with. YMMV.
I will work up an article on how the Survival Islands function on El Paso. I do have basic images of both islands from the Civilization 3 editor. Survival Island in about 50,000 square miles in size, while Survival Island 2 is about 108,000 square miles in size. If I can figure out a way of posting images of the islands, I will. I am not sure if an article on the Traveller Wiki would work, with the images in the image library.

You can take a snipit image with Windows 10 or a Screen shot of it with other OS. Then post them in the image gallery. :D
Problem is, anyone does come out of those survival islands, they will be the meanest person on the planet, and VERY angry at EP LE.

Get groups of them, and you are breeding a superrace.
I'm curious to know if it's like the 1994 movie "No Escape"? Basically prisoners are allowed to roam the island, sometimes forming communities for self-protection, while any attempt to leave the island will be intercepted by a patrol.

Basically, both islands work in a similar manner, and are used only for male prisoners. (Females needing incarceration are shipped to New Texas for imprisonment under a government contract with the New Texas government.) A prisoner is issued a survival kit, similar to what is carried by a starship's lifeboat, containing a Marble Game Getter (.22 Rimfire/smoothbore .44-40 combination) with ammunition, fishing gear, lots of matches, a burning glass for using the sun for firestarting, a solar still, multipurpose tool, entrenching tool with saw edge, survival knife, basic first aid kit, along with additional material, and a survival handbook (hard paper copy). He is dropped off at a specified spot, and told to be there for pickup in a year (he is given a calender for the local year, slightly longer than 365 days). As both islands are large, prisoners are typically not really near anyone. Survival Island 1 is sub-tropical, with considerable game and lots of fish, along with pretty much year round fruiting trees, and the local equivalent of the breadfruit tree (cross between breadfruit and durain) and sago palm equivalent. Survival Island Two is a little south of the local Arctic Circle, larger, with a fair amount of volcanic activity, with corresponding hot spring areas, and again, considerable game and fish. Survival One is about 400 miles from the nearest land, with Survival Two about 300 miles from the nearest land, and neither is anywhere near the primary inhabited area. If someone manages to get to one of the continents, they are a very long way from any form of civilization. Planet residents fully understand that fact.

The primary planetary population is in the eastern area of Hardin Continent, with both islands well to the westward of Hardin. With Survival One being south of the equator, all of the winds and currents work against someone trying to get to the east, while Survival Two is north of the smallest continent, Holliday, which is separated by a fair amount of water from the western shore of Hardin. The smaller island is 25% larger than Iceland, while the larger island is larger than the island of Britain.

The islands are used because the local population really has no interest in seeing men getting housed and fed at public expense without doing anything productive for extended periods of time. Any offenses deem deserving more than a year in jail (note, work is required of inmates), and not severe enough for a "necktie party" or summary shooting qualify one for a year-long survival lesson.

To post images, I usually upload them to PhotoBucket - http://www.photobucket.com then copy the IMG link. Large and/or multiple images should be hidden under spoiler tags ([spoiler]text or image[/spoiler] to keep from overwhelming those with slow Internet.

PhotoBucket is just one of many image hosting services, several offer free storage. If you're going to host the images at DeviantArt, for example, you want to right-click on the image and select "Open Image in a new tab" to get the URL.

Sister to PhotoBucket is TinyPic, which has an unfortunate habit of opening a new page to spam you with. YMMV.

I will check them out, I have used Dropbox, or at least have some knowledge of it.

What is the hot commodity that gets people to show up to this recreationist fantasy world of killers?

Seriously, this word is not an Amber, it's a Red Zone: Primitive TL, sexist, with arbitrary and overly murderous "laws", xenophobic culture.

What is it that brings any starship that is not chartered to bring more play actors to their sandbox? It got to be something, right. I mean it ain't those friendly natives...
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What is the hot commodity that gets people to show up to this recreationist fantasy world of killers?

Seriously, this word is not an Amber, it's a Red Zone: Primitive TL, sexist, with arbitrary and overly murderous "laws", xenophobic culture.

What is it that brings any starship that is not chartered to bring more play actors to their sandbox? It got to be something, right. I mean it ain't those friendly natives...

Gold idols such as Raiders for instance.....


Raiders of the Rio Grande?

Pretty much any Western movie meme should do as McGuffins for such a planet.

Vast amounts of material to mine-

For those who feel a need to push the envelope of steam technology-
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What is the hot commodity that gets people to show up to this recreationist fantasy world of killers?

Seriously, this word is not an Amber, it's a Red Zone: Primitive TL, sexist, with arbitrary and overly murderous "laws", xenophobic culture.

What is it that brings any starship that is not chartered to bring more play actors to their sandbox? It got to be something, right. I mean it ain't those friendly natives...

A week of recreational gunplay for retired Imperial Marines?
What is the hot commodity that gets people to show up to this recreationist fantasy world of killers?

Have you ever read any of H. Beam Piper? Specifically, have you read any of the following: Lone Star Planet, a.k.a A Planet for Texans, or 4-Day World, and even Little Fuzzy to a degree?

Seriously, this word is not an Amber, it's a Red Zone: Primitive TL,

They are Tech Level 4 by choice, and in certain areas, they are considerably higher than Tech Level 4. Thumb print locks with keypads are not Tech Level 4, neither are veridicators for checking on the fidelity of Civil Servants, government officials in general, and those charge with serious crimes. The school in the capital, El Paso, does use computers in teaching and students may go to universities off-world for study. Off-world visitors, who are not starship crew, are not bothered and are welcome, as long as they behave. If they get overly obnoxious about how primitive things are, they probably will have problems. Medical care, including antibiotics imported from New Texas, is also higher than Tech Level 4, especially prenatal and postnatal care. With a population of circa 76,000, a 10% death rate in pregnancy cannot be tolerated.

There is also a Space and Planet monitoring station on the closer of the two moons, in a 15-hour orbit.

This comment I do not understand at all. Perhaps some more explanation?

with arbitrary and overly murderous "laws",

The legal system is based on that of the Old West, circa 1880, as understood by the populace.

xenophobic culture.

The city of El Paso has been hit a couple of times by Space Vikings, with considerable casualties among women and children, including the principal school being shot-up twice. Things like that get remembered.

What is it that brings any starship that is not chartered to bring more play actors to their sandbox? It got to be something, right. I mean it ain't those friendly natives...

There is a monthly cargo and passenger ship from New Texas. El Paso is metal-rich, with considerable quantities of gold, silver, platinum, and native copper, among other metals. The planet uses a gold and silver-based currency system, with gold at $20 per ounce, and silver at $1.00 per ounce of sterling silver, 0.900 fine, and payment for imported goods is made in gold and silver, with platinum one of the exports, along with copper. The planet pays based on how they value the goods in terms of planetary currency. If you go with the value of an ounce of gold in interstellar commerce being 200 Credits per ounce, see Research Station Gamma (Adventure 2), being paid in gold is not a bad thing at all. Aside from the hunting and fishing, the hides of El Paso oxen are highly sought after for final razor and knife sharpening, while New Texas has a strong interest in the vari-colored hides of the Longhorns along with genuine buffalo meat. Some of the native fruits are valuable commodities in interstellar commerce, while the pemmican made from El Paso buffalo is a component of the New Texas variant of Extraterrestrial Ration Three (a.k.a. Ex-Tee Three).

The head of an armor-plated chomper fish is especially sought after by off-world fishermen. (The fish is the local version of the Dunkleosteus. Catching a full-sized one is just about impossible, but the smaller ones are doable.)

Net gain of population from immigration over emigration is about 500 per year as a minimum, with several small colonies of Old Order Mennonites and Amish present. Their draft animals are particularly prized, especially by wealthy New Texans with hobby farms.