Have you ever read any of H. Beam Piper? Specifically, have you read any of the following: Lone Star Planet, a.k.a A Planet for Texans, or 4-Day World, and even Little Fuzzy to a degree?
Own and have read all of Piper's works, in fact I have a collected and illustrated copy of it all. I dig the works, but much like the cyberpunk novels I read, nice place to visit but sure wouldn't want to live there.
They are Tech Level 4 by choice, and in certain areas, they are considerably higher than Tech Level 4. Thumb print locks with keypads are not Tech Level 4, neither are veridicators for checking on the fidelity of Civil Servants, government officials in general, and those charge with serious crimes. The school in the capital, El Paso, does use computers in teaching and students may go to universities off-world for study. Off-world visitors, who are not starship crew, are not bothered and are welcome, as long as they behave. If they get overly obnoxious about how primitive things are, they probably will have problems. Medical care, including antibiotics imported from New Texas, is also higher than Tech Level 4, especially prenatal and postnatal care. With a population of circa 76,000, a 10% death rate in pregnancy cannot be tolerated.
There is also a Space and Planet monitoring station on the closer of the two moons, in a 15-hour orbit.
Then they're really aren't TL-4, which doesn't surprise me since this seems to be a planet of people who can't hack the modern world and so run away to play cowboys. These people lie about what they are and what they have. That makes them very dangerous because they already show a predispotion to lying when they find it convenient. Creepy.
This comment I do not understand at all. Perhaps some more explanation?
They sentence males to some crazy island but ship the females off to a regular prison on another world. Pretty self explanatory.
The legal system is based on that of the Old West, circa 1880, as understood by the populace.
Which seems to be not that well. That is the one understandable thing about them, they know next to nothing about the history they are playing at. The wild west wasn't actually all that wild. Or lawless.
The city of El Paso has been hit a couple of times by Space Vikings, with considerable casualties among women and children, including the principal school being shot-up twice. Things like that get remembered.
Yeah, and it seems to have made them extremely xenophobic. What with their you have to dress like us.
There is a monthly cargo and passenger ship from New Texas. El Paso is metal-rich, with considerable quantities of gold, silver, platinum, and native copper, among other metals. The planet uses a gold and silver-based currency system, with gold at $20 per ounce, and silver at $1.00 per ounce of sterling silver, 0.900 fine, and payment for imported goods is made in gold and silver, with platinum one of the exports, along with copper. The planet pays based on how they value the goods in terms of planetary currency. If you go with the value of an ounce of gold in interstellar commerce being 200 Credits per ounce, see Research Station Gamma (Adventure 2), being paid in gold is not a bad thing at all. Aside from the hunting and fishing, the hides of El Paso oxen are highly sought after for final razor and knife sharpening, while New Texas has a strong interest in the vari-colored hides of the Longhorns along with genuine buffalo meat. Some of the native fruits are valuable commodities in interstellar commerce, while the pemmican made from El Paso buffalo is a component of the New Texas variant of Extraterrestrial Ration Three (a.k.a. Ex-Tee Three).
Gold, how quaint. Radioactives now there is a metal with actual use and value. I mean yeah gold has some nice industrial uses but otherwise is not that useful.
Why hides to sharpen blades when all you need is a rock and some oil? And how? That is a method I've not heard of before.
I always had the impression that XT3 rats were mostly synthetic and nutrient paste. But okay.
The head of an armor-plated chomper fish is especially sought after by off-world fishermen. (The fish is the local version of the Dunkleosteus. Catching a full-sized one is just about impossible, but the smaller ones are doable.)
Okay, not my bag but I can see the appeal for some.
Net gain of population from immigration over emigration is about 500 per year as a minimum, with several small colonies of Old Order Mennonites and Amish present. Their draft animals are particularly prized, especially by wealthy New Texans with hobby farms.
I suspect the religious orders are probably the only people who actual are truly a TL-4 society. The rest of the population sure isn't, not with all those truth detectors and teaching computers and thumbprint locks and the watch stations.
On a somewhat related matter, is the site in your sig your site? Because I think I have it bookmarked from way back. Makes a nice resource.