Hi there.
Having run T20 a few times now, I have a few suggested house rules for combat. These aren't extensively tested as my games tend to be low-combat, so I'd appreciate feedback.
Autofire: When firing bursts or full-auto from a weapon, half the range increment, making it less effective against targets further away (this is based on me using rifle autofire on a range in training - but I could just be a bad shot
Wound effects: Every time Lifeblood is lost to a wound, make a Fort Save DC10+total LB lost or be stunned for three rounds minus CON modifier (or maybe just one round).
Wound penalties: Anyone below half LB recieves a penalty equal to half thier level (min 2) to all rolls. Anyone at 2 or less LB recieves a penalty equal to thier level. I used level, as a straight penalty is often too much or too little.
Rapid Fire Weapons: I'd allow any semi-auto and burst capable weapons to be fired as if the user has the Rapid Shot Feat (allowing two shots / bursts at a penalty). Anyone with the Rapid Shot Feat can make a third attack at a cumulative penalty. I'd possibly make the penalty for multiple burts -3 per attack instead of -2 so this doesn't become too much.
Area Fire (TA1): I'd make this a full-round action, and use the Panic Fire rules (also TA1) for any area fire used by people who move.
Any ideas and feedback is appreciated (though I'm going away for a while, so I won't be around to respond...).
Having run T20 a few times now, I have a few suggested house rules for combat. These aren't extensively tested as my games tend to be low-combat, so I'd appreciate feedback.
Autofire: When firing bursts or full-auto from a weapon, half the range increment, making it less effective against targets further away (this is based on me using rifle autofire on a range in training - but I could just be a bad shot

Wound effects: Every time Lifeblood is lost to a wound, make a Fort Save DC10+total LB lost or be stunned for three rounds minus CON modifier (or maybe just one round).
Wound penalties: Anyone below half LB recieves a penalty equal to half thier level (min 2) to all rolls. Anyone at 2 or less LB recieves a penalty equal to thier level. I used level, as a straight penalty is often too much or too little.
Rapid Fire Weapons: I'd allow any semi-auto and burst capable weapons to be fired as if the user has the Rapid Shot Feat (allowing two shots / bursts at a penalty). Anyone with the Rapid Shot Feat can make a third attack at a cumulative penalty. I'd possibly make the penalty for multiple burts -3 per attack instead of -2 so this doesn't become too much.
Area Fire (TA1): I'd make this a full-round action, and use the Panic Fire rules (also TA1) for any area fire used by people who move.
Any ideas and feedback is appreciated (though I'm going away for a while, so I won't be around to respond...).