A Larger map version. The data is incorporated via API call to travellermap. I select most of the sectors except those that are very distant. From each world I take the allegiances of the world (really the hex that the world is in) and find clusters of the same allegiances, then form a region around those clusters and do a series of dilations and erosions to smooth out the border and get rid of regions that are too small to plot. Each world is plotted with a point with a size somewhat proportional to the combined absolute magnitudes of the stars in that system, that is to say, bigger points on this map represent brighter stars.
The Aslan regions are a mess - there are numerous allegiances and some of them overlap others, and that gets represented on this map. The manual part is placing the large labels, which I did to try to take inspiration from the style and position of the Seeker Gaming Systems map labels.

The Aslan regions are a mess - there are numerous allegiances and some of them overlap others, and that gets represented on this map. The manual part is placing the large labels, which I did to try to take inspiration from the style and position of the Seeker Gaming Systems map labels.