Um, Bill, didn't you argue in a recently-abandoned thread that those landless Aslans who didn't weren't true ihatei but merely colonists?
Yes, but if you remember that thread was deliberately non-OTU re-examination of the Aslan from their basic physiological and psychological descriptions in canon.
Because the term ihatei gets wrapped up so much in the "land grabbing" activities of an absurdly small percentage of all ihatei, I wanted to suggest that we avoid using the term in that thread to describe the vast majority of Aslan ihatei who move to lands already controlled and/or developed by their clans. I felt that by limiting the use of the term ihatei to specific activities we could avoid importing all the subconscious "land grabbing" assumptions into other situations.
It was just a working suggestion regarding potential semantic-based issues in a non-OTU thread.