Hello everyone,
This adventure could be set anywhere, in my game it is set in the Verge sector in a system that has the following:
Sun: (You choose the flavor/size)
Orbit: 3 - Large gas Giant with 2 planetoid moons
Orbit: 5 - Asteroid Belt
Orbit: 7 - Asteroid Belt
The main adventure happens on a large Asteroid in Orbit 5. There are three outposts on that asteroid :
1st Outpost: Pell Corp Mining Installation, they are mining the asteroid itself for a rare element, as well as processing raw ores from some other minnig going on within the same belt. This is the main outpost for the system and base of opperations, there are +/- 5,000 pop living and working here
2nd Outpost: Pell Corp Labs Installation, science Bio Labs and R&D center in Genetics. There are about +/- 1,000 pop living and working here
3rd Outpost: Subsector Prison, the prison is for Hard Core convicts which are given Drugs to help control them as well as used as labor in minning process too. There is nearly 2,500 pop or Convicts and Guards stationed at this installation. In my campaign the Galatic Marshals are the Law, with they run this Outpost/Base.
NOTE: There are (7) other 100 man mostly automated minig platforms with mostly AI run Droids and Robots running within Orbit 5 as well and there could be up to 100 man crew on any of them as well too. Usually there is a 10 man crew on each, but there could be more up to 100 working on or out of them.
The Adventure Starts:
The players are a team of Galatic Marshals to transport a normally schedualed to transport (20) Cryo-Sleep Prisoners, Cargo, and Supplies to the Prison Outpost. This is a standard mission that happens every 90 days, and the next one will arrive in 90 days . They got "lucky" and with their standard 200 Ton TL 12 Galatic Marshal patrol vessel with a 5-7 man crew drew the duty of Prisoner transport.
The players Jump into the system (add name and stats here) at the standard Jump Point, and ping the system beacon. No issues and standard auto comm is given and recived back, and then they make for the Prison Outpost. The team gets Automated becon from the Prison with nothing out of the norm, if the team attempts to reach the OutPost via Comm Links, they get no response at all. Also if they scan for other Comm chatter, they only get Automated chatter signals, but that is mostly standard opperations for this system.
The players approach the Asteroid and the Prison Outpost, all appears normal.
NOTE: More to follow In the next post!!!
This is the beginning...Any questions so far?
This adventure could be set anywhere, in my game it is set in the Verge sector in a system that has the following:
Sun: (You choose the flavor/size)
Orbit: 3 - Large gas Giant with 2 planetoid moons
Orbit: 5 - Asteroid Belt
Orbit: 7 - Asteroid Belt
The main adventure happens on a large Asteroid in Orbit 5. There are three outposts on that asteroid :
1st Outpost: Pell Corp Mining Installation, they are mining the asteroid itself for a rare element, as well as processing raw ores from some other minnig going on within the same belt. This is the main outpost for the system and base of opperations, there are +/- 5,000 pop living and working here
2nd Outpost: Pell Corp Labs Installation, science Bio Labs and R&D center in Genetics. There are about +/- 1,000 pop living and working here
3rd Outpost: Subsector Prison, the prison is for Hard Core convicts which are given Drugs to help control them as well as used as labor in minning process too. There is nearly 2,500 pop or Convicts and Guards stationed at this installation. In my campaign the Galatic Marshals are the Law, with they run this Outpost/Base.
NOTE: There are (7) other 100 man mostly automated minig platforms with mostly AI run Droids and Robots running within Orbit 5 as well and there could be up to 100 man crew on any of them as well too. Usually there is a 10 man crew on each, but there could be more up to 100 working on or out of them.
The Adventure Starts:
The players are a team of Galatic Marshals to transport a normally schedualed to transport (20) Cryo-Sleep Prisoners, Cargo, and Supplies to the Prison Outpost. This is a standard mission that happens every 90 days, and the next one will arrive in 90 days . They got "lucky" and with their standard 200 Ton TL 12 Galatic Marshal patrol vessel with a 5-7 man crew drew the duty of Prisoner transport.
The players Jump into the system (add name and stats here) at the standard Jump Point, and ping the system beacon. No issues and standard auto comm is given and recived back, and then they make for the Prison Outpost. The team gets Automated becon from the Prison with nothing out of the norm, if the team attempts to reach the OutPost via Comm Links, they get no response at all. Also if they scan for other Comm chatter, they only get Automated chatter signals, but that is mostly standard opperations for this system.
The players approach the Asteroid and the Prison Outpost, all appears normal.
NOTE: More to follow In the next post!!!
This is the beginning...Any questions so far?
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