Quite right, it make sense, was done in real world, and one can reasonably take for granted that if it is not standard built it is only a minor task to fit a switch to rout PP electrical to an external connector in an emergency... and that is what I mean when I say everything have to be and can be extrapolated and does not need a luxury of details in the CT design system.
Still I need to figure out the jump capability of a 2,000 t tender using a Type A PP. And because we have no real life reference to jumpspace (none of us can say "I was in jump space last week") I have to use games rules. Under LBB2 the PP number need to equal the M number but does not need to match the J; it may take "forever" to charge large capacitors with a small PP, but it can be done as extrapolated by Canon...

o: if disregarding the table limiting the size of ships associated with Type A PP. May be this limitation is really for the "drive" alone? In HG your trick would not work because a pair of J-2 100t scout, even if you combine their power plant, do not have enough power to J-1 a 2,000t (including the scout and the mission supplies pods loaded) tender.
I love simple systems but sci-fi create a situation where some rules create the universe rather than translate the universe into a gaming system as if you were playing micro-armor.