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A second idea for an adventure, Cribbed from history

My adventure idea for active duty Marine/army/scouts.

I am reading a multi volume set called United States Marine Corps in the Civil War. I just went back to volume one, the first chapter.

Situation was that a violent anti-slavery activist got shipped a load of some modern breech loading rifles and lots of pikes(!) by supporters. He and small team assaulted the US arms factory and storage area at Harpers Ferry, and defeated the local security. Federal Col Robert Lee (yes, that one) was recalled to active duty from leave and sent to take charge, because the local militia once called up was more interested in getting drunk than assaulting the rebel stronghold where they had forted up in the engine house with hostages.

The rebel leader had an idea that thousands of black slaves would kill their owners and join him to be armed, whence from they would march to freedom as an ad hoc army. That didn’t work out so well. In fact, the first man killed was a free black employee of the railroad who came on the scene checking track, killed by the rebels.

Anyway, the feds had no local troops, so they sent to the Washington Marine barracks for a task force. Besides the commandant, there were three line officers, one of whom was sick. So one officer Lieutenant, one sergeant, and 80 Marines were dispatched. At the last minute the Marine Major Paymaster was sent along to advise the Lt–the major was a staff officer and could not command.

Lots of travel fun and games, and meetings on site, later, and Lee gave the clearance to assault after one last chance for the rebels to give up. JEB Stuart, Lee’s ADC, went up to the door to demand they give up, the rebels refused, and he jumped to the side and waved his hat as a sign for the attack to start.

The Lt had set up his forces with an element with sledges to break in the door, that didn’t work so they switched to a ladder to bash the door.

Once in the house the Lt tried to kill the rebel leader, but the Lt brought his dress sword instead of his combat sword, and it bent on a stab after the first slash.

The rebels got hung.

Make Lee an admiral or imperal legate or ambassador, make the Major Paymaster an MOJ agent or scout admin or Office of Calendar Compliance guy, and make the armory almost anything. Ready made adventure. Since the 3I will have battle dress or combat armor, drop the number of Marines (army/scouts) to the number of PCs, and let the fun begin.

Drunk and rowdy local law, some of whom secretly wish they were with the rebels, and no one willing to directly command, only advise and request. The chance of other locals rising in revolt.

As a side adventure, the rebels had broken into the home of a relative of General Washington and stole his sword and kidnaped the descendent. The relative, during a parly session, demanded that the federal troops assault and kill the rebels even though that would endanger him. Lee remarked that the request proved the Washington blood ran true in the family.

In real life, the rebel leader set the sword aside to reload his rifle during the final attack. Chasing that might be more of an adventure, though.

Good stuff. The more I think about it, the better it looks for a party of 4-6 players.

A side note is that of the federal officers who were at Harpers Ferry, only the Major Paymaster remained in Union service. All the rest resigned and took commissions with the South.

John Brown's body lies a-moldering in the grave...
John Brown's body lies a-moldering in the grave...
John Brown's body lies a-moldering in the grave...
But his truth goes marching on!

Nifty adventure seed and a sharp eye for plundering real world history there.

You should write it up and submit the results to Freelance Traveller, after uploading a copy to the Free Library of course. I almost missed this thread as it was slowly slipping down the forum.


P.S. Stonewall Jackson requested pikes for his troops in late1861/early 1862 when CSA musket inventories got low.
Good Idea. Here are my 2Cr on above.

I'd make it Ine Givar (Rule of Terra etc) seized Instellarms plant making Gauss or PG's or FG's for the Imperium. Very aesthetic looking brick building but for local appearence, in reality near impenetrable Blasfoam built. Having kidnapped Baron Washington Cooper on their way one of his servents tipped off the governor. He sent local Colonial troops to surround building but with Cloth and ACR 7mm no urge to storm building. He called SPA. They rounded up Scout Security Branch Forces (no S-3), a dozen Marines transiting the port PC's are Scouts, Marines or merc types dragooned into 80 man force.

Ine Givar had planned on loading up weapons for arming IG rebels but grabbing Baron has got them bottled up. Hooks, they have 2nd force outside, bombs scattered about to use as bargaining chips.

An Imperial army Colonel is nearby and assigned command, has Lt with him. A scout bureaucrat is assigned to Imperial reaction forces as advisor. Locals want the glory not the blood. Local governor wants it over. Imperial forces have no scout armor or BD just 12 combat armor and ballistic cloth suits, two LAG's, ACR 9mm and Snub autos available for the 80.
John Brown history is second nature for me, but I certainly did not consider him for Traveller fodder.

One odd situation that occurred during Bleeding Kansas was that the Sheriff of Lawrence was pro-slavery, but the citizens were anti-slavery. You literally had the law enforcement pitted against his own populace.

Could be quite the mess the players drop into.....
