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A Tale of Two Cetis (Map)


SOC-14 1K
Admin Award 2022
A Tale of Two Cetis

Tau Ceti looked to carving out a little empire from the Terra República, they had built up their fleet, aligned their allies, and the apple looked ripe for the picking. Nevertheless Prime Minister Sato and Space Admiral Park were to show them a place where hopes are smashed, and dreams get crushed...

Full size map on the forum here: https://solisrpg.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=75

This map is adjunct to the earlier "Old Earth Main" map, as one can see looking at both there are systems in alignment. Of course the full story is on dtrpg/itch in my Solis People of the Sun and Andromeda Dragons PDF's.

Dark Paradise small.png
I have a tendency to squirrel away conversations from other areas, I like the way it organizes information over someplace like discord.
It could co-exist with an entirely different star system that's almost completely identical with it except for culture/language, but whose residents cannot see it (and vice versa).

The Ceti and the Ceti. (Wikipedia)
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