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A Thousand Words...


SOC-14 1K
...will fit onto the cover of Freelance Traveller, if set in the right font and the right point size. However, while those thousand words may be worth the same as a cover pic, they won't be as attractive. Unfortunately, my artistic talents - such as they are - barely extend to those thousand words, and as for pictures... forget it.

Thus I come once again to the community, battered old fedora in hand, to beg once more for cover pictures. I put no restrictions on content other than two:
(1) The content must be Traveller, including any of the published alternate settings, and
(2) Keep it clean, please - I'm sure that there are minors that read the magazine, and while I have no problem with non-explicit textual references to salmon greaves (you have been reading Drop Out, haven't you?), I'd rather not lose my PG-13 rating (incurring Marc Miller's displeasure in the process).
Other than those restrictions, the subject is wide open - people (we've had a couple of those), starships (most of them), stellar scenes (yeah, I grabbed an unrestricted-use NASA pic from the Hubble for one issue), whatever - go for it. While I have no objection to starship pics - they do tend to look cool - some other subjects would be nice as well. Dirtside pics including nonhumans in their native contexts would be especially cool.

I put no restrictions on style, either - in the past two years, we've had renders, sketches, comic-style drawings, photographs, and maybe one or two types that I've overlooked. It's all good.

I ask that size/shape be suitable for both 8.5x11 (US Letter/ANSI-A) and 8.3x11.7 (ISO-A4) pages. Since I don't particularly like distorting pics, that means that they should be croppable (chopped off at the edges). A good resolution is 850(H)x1170(V). Don't go lower than that, if possible; higher is OK.

Signatures: Names, initials, monograms, etc., embedded in the pic are OK if not obtrusive. You get credited on the TOC page, whether or not a monogram/initials are on the pic. You also get credited in the cover gallery on the website when I get that set up.

File formats: PNG is preferred - but I can convert pretty much any common format. Worry about that last, if you insist on worrying about it at all. I don't.

Like last time, I'll almost certainly use everything I get - just not all on the same issue.

email to editor@freelancetraveller.com or submissions@freelancetraveller.com. Please remember to include your real name in the email so that you can be properly credited.

... and thanks, in advance, for anything you're willing to donate.