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A Traveller's Guidebook to Charted Space

A Traveller's Guidebook to Charted Space

  • The scattering of OTU background information is good just like it is.

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Do you believe a worldbook of the OTU would be a good idea?

One single massive volume dedicated to the background, history, timeline, technological infrastructure, and the wherefores, ifs, ands, and buts of the Imperium, Zhodane Consulate, Vargr Extents, 2000 Worlds, Hiver Federation, Solomani Confederation, and Aslan Hierate?
"Big" would not be the word to describe it. It would be nice to see things laid out in order with notations as to what TU it came from.
What do you mean by worldbook?

A single volume detailing the various polities in the OTU as general entities?

Or, a volume detailing all of the worlds/systems in the OTU?

In the first case, I could see some utility and practicality to it.

For the second, I don't see how such a volume would be practical to produce or economically feasible.

Originally posted by Ron Vutpakdi:
What do you mean by worldbook?

A single volume detailing the various polities in the OTU as general entities?
Yes. :D

Originally posted by Vutpakdi:
Or, a volume detailing all of the worlds/systems in the OTU?
No. The question over that is found here: Atlas of the Imperium.

Originally posted by Vutpakdi:

In the first case, I could see some utility and practicality to it.
That is most excellent to hear!

Originally posted by Vutpakdi:
For the second, I don't see how such a volume would be practical to produce or economically feasible.
Except that Second Survey has been on the production blocks for a long time now (on long-term hold).

See the following links.

FFE Second Survey Order Form (Old)

The Second Survey: Note carefully the "author" of this topic . . . yes, very carefully.

Second Survey/TAS Vol 3 Release Dates?

FFE 16: Second Survey

Have anything new been printed yet?
Yeah - I've had this idea for a while. Not every world needs to be detailed, but the backgrounds of all the main general information you would need to play in the 128 sectors of the OTU. I also think there should be a Top 100 worlds of Known Space. Along with a Seven Wonders of the Galaxy-type of thing.

I feel that one of the central purposes of the volume I have proposed here to to provide the single point of entry into the OTU for new gamers.

Right now, there is no single product that can do so. Gateway to Destiny comes close . . . but there is so much behind the scenes of GtD that a larger more general volume would be better off covering this sort of info, as it wouldn't have to focus on Gateway specifics.

Furthermore, I feel that having such a central volume of basic facts means that each product that comes out doesn't have to reinvent the wheel of explaining the background and basics of the OTU. Such basics would be found in the "Guidebook".

Explicity, this book would include major league artwork, be hardback, and have a stunning artwork cover, an absolutely 100% necessary feature. It would discard the library data entry format (ok, you might get sidebards in that format), and go for longer explanatory blocks of text that go into subjects more deeply.

I feel that having such a book would be of major benefit in attracting new (or even former) players to the fold.

I point to my posts at: Why don't new people play Traveller? Post #22, and Why don't new people play Traveller? Post #28 and the posts that follow, for futher descriptive support of this idea.
This sounds like a fantastic idea.

"Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About The OTU But Were Afraid To Ask."

<Puts on de-canonisation of game rules hat>

A volume such as this would open the way for a hugely more consistent background as a separate line of publications from the game rules. I'd buy something like this just out of interest.

<Takes off de-canonisation of game rules hat>
I think it's a great idea Chris, but I wouldn't be so quick to dump the library data format unless you are going to have a massive index at the back ;)
How about splitting the book into sections, each section covering a major feature of the setting, and keep library data as a sort of "super glossary" - sort of like TNE's Regency sourcebook did it.

Oh, and a second book with a referee's guide to the secrets hidden within the library data...
Originally posted by RainOfSteel:
[QB] I feel that one of the central purposes of the volume I have proposed here to to provide the single point of entry into the OTU for new gamers.

Well, the volume you propose already exists, albeit in an abridged form. It is called GURPS: Traveller.

It is a single, but thankfully not massive, volume that is "dedicated to the background, history, timeline, technological infrastructure, and the wherefores, ifs, ands, and buts of the Imperium, Zhodane Consulate, Vargr Extents, 2000 Worlds, Hiver Federation, Solomani Confederation, and Aslan Hierate."

In about ~175 pages you get a nice slice of the OTU. There is a timeline, thumbnail descriptions of each major race and few minor ones, discussions about the major polities, metaplots, campaing suggestions, some ship descriptions, a nice selection of equipment, and just about everything else on your list. It's a perfect starter kit for someone new to Traveller.

What you don't get in the single G:T volume is the oppressive canonical weight that the twenty five-plus years of Traveller's continued existence has as an almost toxic side effect. You read Mr. Nilsen's posts regarding GDW's desire to 'reset' Traveller. They knew back then the weight of Traveller's history was the major barrier to attracting new players. The ensuing years have added to the problem as they have added to the amount of canonical data.

What Traveller needs is an introductory gazette of sorts and not a Shanghai telephone book crammed with so much information as to scare off anyone new to Traveller. Can you imagine the questioning stares at your FLGS when you hand over a 500+ page tome that purports to 'introduce' someone to the basics of Traveller? "I gotta wade through THAT just to play? No thanks!"

Coax them in first, then, if they like the setting, hit them with 25+ years of details. Details are fine and dandy, just not in the first bite. Let's not drown the poor slobs.

The project you're pitching here - a project I'd like to see happen, BTW - is all wrong for an introduction to Traveller. It's pretty much perfect in the role of a Traveller's favorite compendium though!

Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
I think it's a great idea Chris,
Thank you!

Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
but I wouldn't be so quick to dump the library data format inless you rae going to have a massive index at the back.
How about splitting the book into sections, each section covering a major feature of the setting, and keep library data as a sort of "super glossary" - sort of like TNE's Regency sourcebook did it.
I never saw the Regency Sourcebook.

Part of the "Why don't new people play Traveller" discussion, and a major repeated complaint on a 100+ post RPG.net thread on the same subject, was the "library data" format.

Personally, I like library data. But then, I'm already a Traveller fann.

For new people, though, whom we wish to lure into the ensnaring web of the OTU, Library Data is intimidating. For many, library data sections look like dictionaries or encylopedias (both of which, BTW, I read through), and most people recoil in horror at reading through such tomes.

Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
Oh, and a second book with a referee's guide to the secrets hidden within the library data...
Sigg Oddra reveals the subject of the next poll I was going to make. ;)
Originally posted by Larsen E. Whipsnade:

Well, the volume you propose already exists, albeit in an abridged form. It is called GURPS: Traveller.
I bought it many years ago, and don't know where it is. I'm reluctant to buy it again.

But, in any event, GT has already been bought into by GURPS gamers who want that product. GT is all GUPRS universe mechanics, unconvertible credit, English measurements, a game mechanic and design sequence that isn't going to be appreciated unless the gamer is already a GURPS gamer (or the type who will appreciate the GURPS system when they learn it).

Originally posted by Larsen E. Whipsnade:
What you don't get in the single G:T volume is the oppressive canonical weight that the twenty five-plus years of Traveller's continued existence has as an almost toxic side effect.
I don't believe it is the weight of the past canon history that has the toxic effect. I believe it is the scattering of information, some of which was never well presented (or was presented in formats that large numbers of people found disaffecting), in many now-difficult to acquire sources, that has the toxic effect upon expansion of our game into new gamers.

Originally posted by Larsen E. Whipsnade:
You read Mr. Nilsen's posts regarding GDW's desire to 'reset' Traveller. They knew back then the weight of Traveller's history was the major barrier to attracting new players.
Well, that was a long topic. Could you cite the specific post you are mentioning so I can re-read it?

Originally posted by Larsen E. Whipsnade:
The ensuing years have added to the problem as they have added to the amount of canonical data.
Rather, I believe, that the ensuing years have added to the diverisity of sources.

Originally posted by Larsen E. Whipsnade:
What Traveller needs is an introductory gazette of sorts and not a Shanghai telephone book crammed with so much information as to scare off anyone new to Traveller. Can you imagine the questioning stares at your FLGS when you hand over a 500+ page tome that purports to 'introduce' someone to the basics of Traveller? "I gotta wade through THAT just to play? No thanks!"
Hmmm. In one respect, it may be a good idea. But I think a short gazette is exactly what already appears, effectively, at the beginning of GtD (and to a lesser extent, in other new books; there is a multi-page OTU intro at the beginning of Starfall, an upcoming book).

It does fly directly in the face of shelf evidence at my FLGSs. There, I see new giant worldbook after new giant worldbook being released. One after another, and the gamers are eating them up. Blackmoor, Exalted:Fair Folk, Stargate ($50!), and others I can't remember right at the moment. These are all huge books!

Originally posted by Larsen E. Whipsnade:
Coax them in first, then, if they like the setting, hit them with 25+ years of details. Details are fine and dandy, just not in the first bite. Let's not drown the poor slobs.
It's my experience that most gamers tend to jump into new games with both feet while carrying a weighty bag of dice, laptops, and support books. If it were swimming and they were jumping into an ocean, they'd sink like a rock.

Tempting vaciliating gamers into the fold is hard to do with specific products. The doubter will doubt their way out of evening purchasing.

Originally posted by Larsen E. Whipsnade:
The project you're pitching here - a project I'd like to see happen, BTW - is all wrong for an introduction to Traveller. It's pretty much perfect in the role of a Traveller's favorite compendium though!
Most other game companies seem to succeed remarkably well with the format I've been discussing.

Will Traveller "look the same", product-line wise, if it does this? Yes. I view this as a good thing, because when a gamer sees a "worldbook" that's "like" the worldbook's of other game systems (but, hopefully, better), they'll be able to comprehend a known quantity, and it will seem like less of a risk to order it.

Ok, unless it's not completely obvious. The book I want would be subtitled, on the front cover, "A Worldbook for the Official Traveller Universe", just to make it painfully obvious to anyone who looks at it.
Just to be slightly heretical, I think if such a book were produced as a setting guide it should include enough material to make it usable with d20 Future - and market it as such.
Many of the d20 crowd who still haven't given T20 a chance may well it pick up, and once we've got them hooked... ;)
D20 Future is crying out for a decent setting sourcebook, and the OTU is one of the best there is.
If it were a setting guide, then yes. It might need a sort of (brief) introduction for new players, maybe something telling what Traveller is and how it came to be.

A section on the history of the game editions, plus designer's notes (with cameo articles from Joe Fugate and Dave Nielsen, and any others who care to contribute), would be appreciated by many.

I had a lenghty post readied to respond to your last. Then it struck me; Why bother? The game isn't worth the candle.

You have your opinions, I have my opinions, and who really cares?

Have fun playing Our Olde Game!

Originally posted by Burocrate:
Well, you know the collectors(like myself) will want a copy of this beast, no matter what the size/cost.
If it's well-put-together, with spectacular cover art, excellent organization, good text and art layouts, easy on the eyes, and is built using the modern big-game-book method that keeps it from spliting apart along the binding, I think it'll sell to a whole lot more than just Traveller collectors.