Originally posted by Larsen E. Whipsnade:
Well, the volume you propose already exists, albeit in an abridged form. It is called GURPS: Traveller.
I bought it many years ago, and don't know where it is. I'm reluctant to buy it again.
But, in any event, GT has already been bought into by GURPS gamers who want that product. GT is all GUPRS universe mechanics, unconvertible credit, English measurements, a game mechanic and design sequence that isn't going to be appreciated unless the gamer is already a GURPS gamer (or the type who will appreciate the GURPS system when they learn it).
Originally posted by Larsen E. Whipsnade:
What you don't get in the single G:T volume is the oppressive canonical weight that the twenty five-plus years of Traveller's continued existence has as an almost toxic side effect.
I don't believe it is the weight of the past canon history that has the toxic effect. I believe it is the scattering of information, some of which was never well presented (or was presented in formats that large numbers of people found disaffecting), in many now-difficult to acquire sources, that has the toxic effect upon expansion of our game into new gamers.
Originally posted by Larsen E. Whipsnade:
You read Mr. Nilsen's posts regarding GDW's desire to 'reset' Traveller. They knew back then the weight of Traveller's history was the major barrier to attracting new players.
Well, that was a long topic. Could you cite the specific post you are mentioning so I can re-read it?
Originally posted by Larsen E. Whipsnade:
The ensuing years have added to the problem as they have added to the amount of canonical data.
Rather, I believe, that the ensuing years have added to the diverisity of sources.
Originally posted by Larsen E. Whipsnade:
What Traveller needs is an introductory gazette of sorts and not a Shanghai telephone book crammed with so much information as to scare off anyone new to Traveller. Can you imagine the questioning stares at your FLGS when you hand over a 500+ page tome that purports to 'introduce' someone to the basics of Traveller? "I gotta wade through THAT just to play? No thanks!"
Hmmm. In one respect, it may be a good idea. But I think a short gazette is exactly what already appears, effectively, at the beginning of GtD (and to a lesser extent, in other new books; there is a multi-page OTU intro at the beginning of Starfall, an upcoming book).
It does fly directly in the face of shelf evidence at my FLGSs. There, I see new giant worldbook after new giant worldbook being released. One after another, and the gamers are eating them up. Blackmoor, Exalted:Fair Folk, Stargate ($50!), and others I can't remember right at the moment. These are all huge books!
Originally posted by Larsen E. Whipsnade:
Coax them in first, then, if they like the setting, hit them with 25+ years of details. Details are fine and dandy, just not in the first bite. Let's not drown the poor slobs.
It's my experience that most gamers tend to jump into new games with both feet while carrying a weighty bag of dice, laptops, and support books. If it were swimming and they were jumping into an ocean, they'd sink like a rock.
Tempting vaciliating gamers into the fold is hard to do with specific products. The doubter will doubt their way out of evening purchasing.
Originally posted by Larsen E. Whipsnade:
The project you're pitching here - a project I'd like to see happen, BTW - is all wrong for an introduction to Traveller. It's pretty much perfect in the role of a Traveller's favorite compendium though!
Most other game companies seem to succeed remarkably well with the format I've been discussing.
Will Traveller "look the same", product-line wise, if it does this? Yes. I view this as a good thing, because when a gamer sees a "worldbook" that's "like" the worldbook's of other game systems (but, hopefully, better), they'll be able to comprehend a known quantity, and it will seem like less of a risk to order it.
Ok, unless it's not completely obvious. The book I want would be subtitled, on the front cover, "A Worldbook for the Official Traveller Universe", just to make it painfully obvious to anyone who looks at it.