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Ad Astra Traveller Starship Minis


SOC-14 1K
As you may know Ad Astra does some very nice starships minis for Power Projection which is a version of traveller high guard. The only problem is each fleet box is $60.

I have managed to get ther prices from Ad Astra games for individual ship minis (from their fleet boxed sets)

Here is the pricing for the Traveller miniature singles:
Ship Cost
Beowulf Free Trader $16.74
Scout Courier $9.00
Imperial Pinnace $2.70
Plankwell A $9.63 }
Plankwell B $9.45 } You need all three parts to make the battleship
Plankwell C $8.19 }
Azhanti High Lightning $8.19
Gionetti $5.22
Fer De Lance $1.89
Chrysanthemum $1.62
Veipchakl $22.05 - Zho battleship
Kevchenzh $10.26 - Zho 50ktn cruiser
Zhdavlditz $2.97 - Zho Light cruiser 14ktns
Zhadiak $1.89 - Zho destroyer - 4ktns

Thanks! I believe I'll have to order a few of those. I really don't want a Plankwell, but most of the other Imperial ships would be worth having.
The Plankwell is a bit problematic as a mini - the join at which you can cement is pretty small for the weight of the pieces you are connecting.
I took a look at there website and like what I see. I just wish they would concentrate on a bunch of the under 1K tonnage ships. Maybe make them a little larger and cover all the normal merchant ships from the books. It seems the line is made for their rules set. If this is so they need a lot more ships to fill things out.

Making all the types of ships from the Imperium game could be fun also. Then whack together a small battle map to play out the game with minis.
I managed to superglue the plankwell together easily enough, just need to support the parts whilst the glue is drying.

Ad astra do the Beowulf far trader and a pack of 2 scout ships. They are about 3 times the scale of the RAFM figures. Quality is okay. They also do a pack of pinnaces (5). These look very nice with their swept wings.
