When was the last time the 3I expanded? Or tried to expand?
The first war with the Zhos pretty much stopped any expansion in the Marches and all the others have just kicked the 3I out of more territory. The Julian War stopped expansion coreward. Would the last expansion have been rimward before all the Solomani troubles began?
Enoki's points about taking into account Eskufet's "neighborhood" are good ones too. There's a Ral Ranta world 2 parsecs away, a marginal one with a poor port and a TL of 8 but still one with 40 million people on it. There's an ATC world 5 parsecs off, low population but it can be used as a base.
Just what are these off-world corps shipping off Eskufet? Food? There's a world, Boilingbrook, with an insidious atmosphere and 70 million people right next door. Maybe Ral Ranta, ATC, or both are interested in Broilingbrook's breadbasket?