• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

Adventure Seeds

How about this?

The players are hired to transport bio-tech cultures from a planet to a nearby hospital ship/ station. The cultures are a disease which is an epidemic similar to chronic wasting disease (once found only in livestock). The players are hired because the colony is quaranteened and too small to have a space program of any kind.

The bio-tech company will provide all protective gear necessary to protect the players.

The players are not intended to catch the disease (unless the gamemaster wants them to), but a skip tracer will (erroneously?) repo the players ship. The players will obviously need to recover their ship and cargo.

Now for the really ugly part-- the skip tracers, curious about the cargo, have opened the containers. They were hoping to claim further salvage, but will instead spread the epidemic wherever they end up.

Skills necessary for this adventure will require those for finding a "trace:" lots of INT skills (computer, information gathering, streetwise, buracracy), as well as physical skills (hide, sneak, and potentially some combat skills. If none of the players are medics or academics, then it might help to outsource that labor. It would be the players's call to involve the bio-tech company-- it could loose confidence in thier abilities, and even the contract.