heh, chill dudes, yes you gotta join to get the goodies but it's easy and won't cost a cred.
I guess I'll post my note to Randy Tyler here since I'm here now...
Brave lad, I was thrilled when I saw someone actually put up a design on the deckplans page earlier today, I hope your ego is up for it

. My personal critique follows.
Perhaps a few too many details were omitted in the interest of adaptability. Presumably the fuel is all in the aft half of the disc. The Bridge strikes me as overly large. I think I will in future assume my bridge tonnage (in CT/HG/D20 designs anyway) to include a ready room, perhaps you could add one, maybe with a direct link to the Captain/Owner's cabin above (just a thought). I'd think flipping one of the decks horizontally (if you catch my meaning) would be better, to arrange the airlocks to opposite sides rather than atop one another. The Jump Drive and Power Plant (at least, and probably the Purification Plant too) should be on the other side of the bulkhead, seperate from the Main Section. Presumably there are cargo doors and at least one large cargo airlock, perhaps two. I'd have one port and one starboard, on the lower deck.
I like the stats and notes, for a TL 15 ship. My personal taste is to build using the minimum TL required, especially for a free-trader (as your notes list one use of this model) that may be required to obtain service at less than TL 15. Of course if this is mainly a 'Fancy Nancy' Core trader, no problem. Though it will likely never need to drop anything in those turrets then.
Certainly I might pick a few more nits but you know what, it's pretty ok. The final call is does it work for your players. If you all have the same imagination wavelength you can fill out any details needed. And if all they need to know is how far is it to the hijacker and what's in my line of fire then there you go. Better one (or a dozen
) designs of this calibre than none with more detail. Anyway, a belated welcome aboard