SOC-14 1K
[Copied and started in new thread so as not to mess up Dragon's Bane OOC thread]
Heh. I remember when I first got Traveller at age 17, thinking it would be weird to play such OLD characters - why, if you put a character through even four terms in a service, he would be 34 years old! Ancient!
Now I am making new characters w Traveller chargen for the first time in years, and I discover that I can't even make one as old as I am (50) unless he rolls a 12 on re-enlistment after his 7th term! (And - wow - those ageing rolls sure are rough! It's a wonder us middle-aged folks can even tie our own shoes - what would it be like to have a Traveller character aged 70 or 80?)
Thought: How old was Marc Miller when he first wrote this game?
Man, I'd forgotten how hard it is to push a Traveller character through chargen to get the skills you want without dying! (I'm more used to point-buy systems like GURPS or FUDGE.)
I finally got a guy w pretty much the skills I want, but w one problem - he isn't old enough! I picture this character as kinda grizzled, been-there-done-that - but at this point he is only 36 years old! (4.5 terms - got discharged from the Navy mid-term - it's a Vargr thing.)
Being Vargr, he could enlist in another service after quitting or being discharged from current service, but I don't really want to do that and risk having him fail survival. Do I need to enlist him in another service and push him through more terms to get him as old as I want, or can I just say he is older, without taking the advantages and disadvantages of actually serving more terms?
I've a friend, a year younger than I, who looks QUITE grizzled... looks 50ish. He's 42, and a LTC. Me, I often get accused of being in the low 30's... and am 43. Another friend, couple months older than me, still gets asked for his ID at the NCO club, even when in uniform... he's on his way to warrant course, with 15 in. Another friend, when he forgets to shave, gets accused of being 60+; when shaven (pate and chin), gets accused of being 30ish.
Heh. I remember when I first got Traveller at age 17, thinking it would be weird to play such OLD characters - why, if you put a character through even four terms in a service, he would be 34 years old! Ancient!
Now I am making new characters w Traveller chargen for the first time in years, and I discover that I can't even make one as old as I am (50) unless he rolls a 12 on re-enlistment after his 7th term! (And - wow - those ageing rolls sure are rough! It's a wonder us middle-aged folks can even tie our own shoes - what would it be like to have a Traveller character aged 70 or 80?)
Thought: How old was Marc Miller when he first wrote this game?