I’ve just noticed a little anomaly with various AHLs. The original Fleet Intruder configuration had a PAWS spinal mount, missile bays, and a mix of laser/energy/sand turrets. In the Frontier Cruiser refit, these were changed to a meson gun spinal mount, PAWS bays, and some of the laser and sand turrets were replaced with missile turrets.
In Supplement 9, the AHL is titled a Frontier Cruiser but the Fleet Intruder’s weapon load-out is listed. “Arrival Vengeance” has it right. The version by Mongoose is different but seems closer to the Fleet Intruder.
Focussing on the bay weaponry (big turrets) for a moment, a missile bay has multiple launchers but a PAWS bay just has one large gun. In all the depictions of the AHL, I’ve only ever seen multiple gun barrels (which could be missile launchers), suggesting the Fleet Intruder.
Are there any illustrations (canon or otherwise) of what a PAWS bay might look like? Or any non-spinal mount PAWS? (I know magmagmag favours an anime-style fork thing. Given a choice, are people happy with that look?)
In Supplement 9, the AHL is titled a Frontier Cruiser but the Fleet Intruder’s weapon load-out is listed. “Arrival Vengeance” has it right. The version by Mongoose is different but seems closer to the Fleet Intruder.
Focussing on the bay weaponry (big turrets) for a moment, a missile bay has multiple launchers but a PAWS bay just has one large gun. In all the depictions of the AHL, I’ve only ever seen multiple gun barrels (which could be missile launchers), suggesting the Fleet Intruder.
Are there any illustrations (canon or otherwise) of what a PAWS bay might look like? Or any non-spinal mount PAWS? (I know magmagmag favours an anime-style fork thing. Given a choice, are people happy with that look?)