TNE Contra grav with thrusters is the only thing that makes sense to me. The game is keeping the vehicle stable while moving and "buoyant". But then you also the issue of thrusters. You don't need much at "99%", but you do need some. And you either need to spin around, or put some in front to slow the thing down.
The premise that contra grav just nulls out the gravitational force, is distinct from resisting the gravitational force (which requires a counter force).
For example, what's it like beneath an air/raft or grav tank that's 1 foot off the ground? SOMETHING is holding the vehicle up, shouldn't that "something" also be crushing what's beneath it? Potentially not so much an issue higher above ground (but, you know, how high? altitude squared high?)
Just like helicopters blow dust in the air, or push the grass aside, I would think a grav lifter would to the same. The detail on a helicopter is that its getting real lift from the atmosphere, that is what's actually holding it up and taking the load. A grav vehicle, not so much.
Contra grav doesn't have that problem, rather it has the thrust problem. Things don't "weight" anything, but they still have the mass to push around. The key point is push. It just has to push it, and overcome air resistance. But even then, a scout ship is 500 tons of mass. That's gonna take some thrustin' push about.