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CT Only: Alien Module (AM) 3 Gvurrdons Story


SOC-14 1K
Howdy all,

Continuing with questions concerning the information provided for the adventure in CT AM 3 I am finding I can't figure out the route that Gvurrdon took from the secret base at Tanga to Zhdant which takes less than a year.

Background information:

Per CT AM 3 page 44 spanning the bottom of column 1 and the top of column 2 Gvurrdon as a member of a corsair crew encountered a starship of a totally unknown design with a crew of aliens at Tuskifi hex 0720. Gvurrdon helps the aliens escape and discovers that the ship is capable of J-3 which is better than the J-2 capability he has crewed. The ship takes 8 jumps to go from Tuskifi at hex 0720 to Tanga in hex 2005. Seven of the jumps were at J-3 and one at J-2.

Page 44 top of column 2 Gvurrdon states that they arrived at the secret base and discovered that the base was being abandoned. Gvurrdon then goes with the aliens to their capital and travelled for nearly a year. The sentence references Note 28 on page 45.

CT AM 3 page 45 Note 28: At jump-3, assuming one jump every two weeks, plus time off for trading and exploration: 100 parsecs. The Imperial capital at Vland is 109 parsecs away from the base in system 2005 (remember that this story takes place during the First Imperium, with its capital at Vland); the Zhodani capital at Zhodane is 103 parsecs distant.

Back to the questions.

Question 1: Dose a J-1 starship cover 1 parsec each time the vessel makes a jump?

Question 2: Does a J-3 starship cover 3 parsecs per use of the jump drive?

Question 3: Would a J-3 drive take 33 full J-3 jumps and 1 J-1 to cover 100 parsecs?

Question 4: Wouldn't the 34 Jumps equal approximately a minimum of 34 weeks with 1 week spent in Jump space to cover 100 parsecs without stopping to refuel, explore, and/or trade with the locals?

Question 5: Does the part of Note 28 of "At Jump-3, assuming 1 jump every 2 weeks..." mean that the ship is in jump space for 1 week and in normal space for 2 weeks which is a total of 3 weeks of time?

Question 5: Wouldn't the 2 weeks in normal space add 68 weeks for a total of 102 weeks?

Using the information from Note 28 I'm getting that the trip from Tuskifi to Tanga covered 23 parsecs with 8 jumps which is at least 8 weeks in jump space. Taking 2 weeks between jumps adds approximately 16 weeks. The total trip covering 23 parsecs appears to have been 24 weeks or approximately 6 3I months.

If I'm following the right trail to cover 100 parsecs would take approximately 25.8 months, 26.4 months for 103 parsecs, and 28.2 months for 109 parsecs.

So far I have been unable to plot a route from Tanga to the Zhodani capital in the 103 parsecs per Note 28.

Can someone help me out?
Q1 - yes

Q2 - yes

Q3 - yes, but that trip almost certainly is not in a straight line, and thus the destination will be less than 100 "straight-line parsecs" from the starting point. There is often a significant different between "trip distance" and "actual distance".

Q4 - yes

Q5 part1 - no, the "two weeks per jump", as stated from the earliest rules of Travelling (CT book 2), means you enter jump every two weeks. You spend one week in jump, and one week heading from the jump point to the planet/refueling point, conducting business, and heading back out to the jump point.

Q5 part 2 - no, the theoretical 34 jumps would take 68 weeks total.

The trip from Tuskifi to Tanga would take 16 weeks at normal travel rate.

To cover 100 parsecs would take (using the numbers you gave) approximately 17.2 months, 17.6 months for 103 parsecs, and 18.8 months for 109 parsecs.

So far I have been unable to plot a route from Tanga to the Zhodani capital in the 103 parsecs per Note 28.

I can't help you there, sorry.
So far I have been unable to plot a route from Tanga to the Zhodani capital in the 103 parsecs per Note 28.

Can someone help me out?

#1 Your Nav skill must not be high enough
#2 Why in the blue blazes of Hades handbag would anyone want to be on Tanga?

I hope that helps.
Hello once again BlackBat242,

Been a while since you have dropped by to help out this gray haired retired old submarine sailor.

Q1 - yes

Q2 - yes

Good to know that I was on track about a jump is equal to 1 parsec x the jump number.

Q3 - yes, but that trip almost certainly is not in a straight line, and thus the destination will be less than 100 "straight-line parsecs" from the starting point. There is often a significant different between "trip distance" and "actual distance".

I realize that the trip from the start point over a distance to an end point is probably not straight on a lot of runs.

So far the only route I've been able to match is Gvurrdon's trip from Tsukifi to Tanga. My efforts to plot a route from Tanga to Zhdant have varied around the 103 parsecs, but I haven't managed to get number per the adventure.

My average of staying on track is better than usual.

Q5 part1 - no, the "two weeks per jump", as stated from the earliest rules of Travelling (CT book 2), means you enter jump every two weeks. You spend one week in jump, and one week heading from the jump point to the planet/refueling point, conducting business, and heading back out to the jump point.

Q5 part 2 - no, the theoretical 34 jumps would take 68 weeks total.

The trip from Tuskifi to Tanga would take 16 weeks at normal travel rate.

Now I'm back to my normal self and my understanding has just taken a very bad hit.

Here is how I'm understanding the standard system for jump drive using 9 points.

Starting Point 1 to 2

Point 2 to 3: The ship spends 1 week in jump space, 2 weeks in system before heading for Point 3. Time since leaving Point is 1+ 2 = 3 weeks.

Point 3 to 4: The ship spends 1 week in jump space, 2 weeks in system before heading for Point 3. Time since leaving Point 1 is 3 weeks at Point 2 + 1+ 2 = 3 weeks at Point 3 for a total of 6 weeks.

Point 4 to Point 5: The ship again spends 1 week in jump space, 2 weeks in system before heading for Point 5. Time since leaving Point 1 is 6 weeks at Point 3 + 1+ 2 = 3 weeks at Point 4 for a total of 9 weeks.

Point 5 to Point 6: The ship again spends 1 week in jump space, 2 weeks in system before heading for Point 6. Time since leaving Point 1 is 9 weeks at Point 4 + 1+ 2 = 3 weeks at Point 5 for a total of 12 weeks.

Point 6 to Point 7: The ship again spends 1 week in jump space, 2 weeks in system before heading for Point 7. Time since leaving Point 1 is 12 weeks at Point 5 + 1+ 2 = 3 weeks at Point 6 for a total of 15 weeks.

Point 7 to Point 8: The ship again spends 1 week in jump space, 2 weeks in system before heading for Point 7. Time since leaving Point 1 is 15 weeks at Point 6 + 1+ 2 = 3 weeks at Point 7 for a total of 18 weeks.

Point 8 to Point 9: The ship again spends 1 week in jump space, 2 weeks in system before heading for Point 9. Time since leaving Point 1 is 18 weeks at Point 7 + 1+ 2 = 3 weeks at Point 8 for a total of 21 weeks.

End Point 9: The ship arrives at Point 9 after 1 week in jump space. Time since leaving Point 1 is 21 weeks at Point 8 + 1 week in jump space for a total of 22 weeks.

Well my original number of 24 weeks for the run is incorrect since I included the 2 weeks of transiting from and to the jump points.

However, my number still does not match the 16 weeks. On the other hand if a ship spent 1 week in jump space and then spent 1 week in system then the trip 16 weeks, at least that is what

To cover 100 parsecs would take (using the numbers you gave) approximately 17.2 months, 17.6 months for 103 parsecs, and 18.8 months for 109 parsecs.

A ship with a J-3 drive requires, without actually looking at a map, 33 J-3 jumps for 99 parsecs and a J-1 jump for a total 100 parsecs for a total of 34 jumps. 33 jumps takes 1 week in jump space + 2weeks in system for a total of 33 x (1+ 2) = 33 x 3 = 99 weeks + 1 week in jump space to get to your destination for a total of 100 weeks or 25 3I months to go from the starting point to the end point 100 parsecs away.

I can't help you there, sorry.

I was hoping that someone might be able to help me figure the trip from Tanga to Zhdant, at least you have tried to clear up other parts of the I seem to be missing. Unfortunately I appear to be missing the boat.
Thanks inexorabletash for the link to the Jump Route calculator. Over on the Yahoo groups MGT board someone created and posted to the files section a spreadsheet that calculated jump routes. Unfortunately, when they revamped the site the links to the most, if not all, the files return the error HTTP 404 Web page not found.

This service calculated a 33 jump route:


Note that just under half the route (anything past Ziafrplians) is unofficial data, of course.
Morning Khan Trav,

#1 Your Nav skill must not be high enough

I'm in Traveller skills a sensor tech and a navigator. Besides Traveller navigators have computers to help them plot courses. I'm using a star map from the web which is equal to pulling out a road map that shows cities without the roads between them.

#2 Why in the blue blazes of Hades handbag would anyone want to be on Tanga?

Per the adventure in Classic Travel Alien Module 3 Zhodani traders set-up a base in the Tanga system. The base was secure since at the time the Vargr's standard was J-2 and from what I can see on various star maps Tanga required a J-3 drive to reach. Of course any Vargr that did enter the system probably got there by a miss jump or if they had fuel to reach Tanga could have been captured or destroyed by the ships at the base.

I hope that helps.

Yep, helps by making me smile. Thanks.
Hello all,

I just noticed an error in Post 7, the bold type are the corrections.

Morning Khan Trav,

I'm in Traveller skills a sensor tech and not a navigator. Besides in Traveller navigators have computers to help them plot courses. I'm using a star map from the web which is equal to pulling out a road map that shows cities without the roads between them.
Morning BlackBat242, inexorabletash, Khan Trav, and everyone associated with COTI,

Off Topic
First off, I hope that December 25, 2013 was a happy time for everyone and to wish one and all the best of life for 2014.

Back on topic:

I finally was able to find and unbury my CT Book 2, thank you BlackBat242 for reminding me of which book to look through.

From CT Book 2 page 4:
"Commercial starships usually make 2 jumps per month. They spend 1 week in jump, followed by 1 week in the star system, travelling from the jump point to the local world, refueling, marketing cargo, finding passengers, leaving the starport and proceeding to a jump point again. The week in the system usually provides some time for recreation and wandering around the planet.
Non-commercial starships usually follow the same schedule of one week in jump and 1 week in a system. If haste is called for, a ship may refuel at a gas giant immediately, and re-jump right away. This allows the ship to make 1 jump per week, but makes no provision for cargo, passengers, or local stops."

After reading the material in CT Book 2 and comparing the wording from CT AM 3 Note 28 page 45 I now see where I went off track. Basically, I understood Note 28 to mean, as shown in my examples, that the starship spent 1 week in jump space and two weeks in system, not that the starship spent 1 week in jump to enter the system and 1 week in system before making the jump out of the system.

Entering the system after 1 week in jump and proceeding to the closest refueling site, usually a gas giant, would add time between jumps. The time taken from the jump re-entry point is 100 diameters from a world or star. The ship has to travel from the re-entry point to the gas giant, make enough passes through the atmosphere, and then head 100 diameters to the outbound jump point.

Gas giants per CT Book 6 have radii, measured at the equator, of between 20,00 to 120,000 km. The diameters would between 40,000 and 240,000 km. The closest exit or entrance point to a gas giant is between 4,000,000 and 24,000,000 km.

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to figure out how long the trip from the 100D point when the ship exits jump and then the time to reach the next jump point.

Anyone know of a calculator that will help this math challenged individual?
Morning all,

In Post 9 besides stating I finally figured out what Note 28 on CT AM 3 page 45 means with some help by others I also mentioned the alternate method for making jumps.

Per CT Book 2 page 4 a starship drops out of jump space in the destination system transits to a refueling point, takes on fuel (usually a gas giant they skim), and then transits to the jump point heading to the next destination.

The number of weeks take to make a complete journey by the method of stopping for fuel is calculated by the number of jumps made from the starting point to the end point. The trip to the secret base, CT AM 3 Note 27 page 45, using the in Gvurrdon's adventure starts in the Gvurrdon Sector Subsector E hex 0720 to 0817 to Subsector F hex 1116 to Subsector F hex 1415 to Subsector F hex 1413 to Subsector F hex 1511 to Subsector B hex 1508 to Subsector C hex 1807 to Subsector C hex 2005.

Hex 0720 to 0817 = 1 week in jump: total 1 week
Hex 0817 to 1116 = 1 week in jump: total 2 weeks
Hex 1116 to 1415 = 1 week in jump: total 3 weeks
Hex 1415 to 1413 = 1 week in jump: total 4 weeks
Hex 1413 to 1511 = 1 week in jump: total 5 weeks
Hex 1511 to 1508 = 1 week in jump: total 6 weeks
Hex 1508 to 1807 = 1 week in jump: total 7 weeks
Hex 1807 to 2005 = 1 week in jump: total 8 weeks

The problem I see is that the travel time does not include the time needed to transit from where the ship entered the system at the 100D jump limit, to refuel, and then transiting from the refueling point to the 100D limit to make the next jump.

The system in Hex 0817 has 1 gas giant. Unfortunately, looking at the information provided on http://travellermap.com , the map Donald McKinney recommended using, does not provided the orbital position or the equatorial diameter of the gas giant to determine the 100D jump limit.

The time taken to refuel by skimming a gas giant, sucking up the appropriate liquid from a planet, or taking on fuel from some sort of station is another item I cannot seem to recall information on.

The Interactive Atlas on http://www.utzig.com/traveller/iai.shtml , shows that the gas giant is in orbital slot 8, but does not give either the diameter of radius of the planet to calculated the 100 D limit.

Under ideal conditions the gas giant's orbit intersects the jump line of a starship entering hex 0817 from 0720. Per CT Book 6 page 39 gas giants have a radius of 20,000 km to 120,000 km. This puts the diameter between 40,000 km to 240,000 km.

Using the travel formula from CT Book 2 page travel from or to the 100D limit with a 6G acceleration takes about 3.2 hours for a gas giant with a diameter of 40,000 km with an acceleration of 6G. A gas giant with a diameter of 240,000 km traveling with an acceleration of 6G takes roughly 11.1 hours to get from or to the 100D jump limit.

Since I don't have the size of the starship the size of the fuel tanks is unknown and not recalling how to figure out how much time skimming the gas giant, with or without fuel purification plants, I haven't any idea how long the operation takes.

At minimum between 6.4 and 22.2 hours need to be added to the travel time.

Of course the 100D limit will be variable based on what system mass intersects the jump path at each system the starship passes through.

Of course being a lazy lout and unless there is a good reason I'll stick with the 8 weeks.

Unfortunately, I still haven't been able to plot a path from Tanga Gvurrdon Sector Subsector E Hex 2005 to Zhdant Sector Subsector H Hex 2719 that takes nearly a year using the jump/1 week/jump or the jump/refuel/jump methods of travel.
I have really confused myself on how to determine a trip in Traveller based on Gvurrdon's Story In Classic Traveller (CT) Alien Module (AM) 3.

Here is how I am looking at the trip from Tsukifi Gvurrdon/0720 to Tanga Gvurrdon/0720 per note 27 page 45 of CT AM 3.

I have not included any time that the starship was in Tsukifi before making the jump out or after the starship arrived at Tanga.

Departing from Tsukifi Gvurrdon/0720 makes a J-3 to Ellallues Gvurrdon/0817 which takes 1 week and covers 3 parsecs.

The starship spends 1 week in Ellallues Gvurrdon/0817 and makes another J-3 to Dzerrdhakse Gvurrdon/1116 which takes 1 week and covers 3 parsecs. Total Weeks: 1 + 1 +1 = 3 and covers a total of 6 + 3 = 9 parsecs.

The starship spends 1 week in Dzerrdhakse Gvurrdon/1116 and makes another J-3 to Urkhalsadh Gvurrdon/1415 which takes 1 week and covers 3 parsecs. Total Weeks: 3 + 1 +1 = 5 and covers a total of 9 + 3 = 12 parsecs.

The starship spends 1 week in Urkhalsadh Gvurrdon/1415 and makes a J-2 to Dzuerongvoe Gvurrdon/1413 which takes 1 week and covers 2 parsecs. Total Weeks: 5 + 1 +1 = 7 and covers a total of 12 + 2 = 14 parsecs.

The starship spends 1 week in Dzuerongvoe Gvurrdon/1413 and makes a J-3 to Thadzlaksak Gvurrdon/1511 which takes 1 week and covers 3 parsecs. Total Weeks: 7 + 1 +1 = 9 and covers a total of 14 + 3 = 17 parsecs.

The starship spends 1 week in Thadzlaksak Gvurrdon/1511 and makes a J-3 to Gikhs Gvurrdon/1508 which takes 1 week and covers 3 parsecs. Total Weeks: 9 + 1 +1 = 11 and covers a total of 17 + 3 = 20 parsecs.

The starship spends 1 week in Gikhs Gvurrdon/1508 and makes a J-3 to Gzazoge Gvurrdon/1807 which takes 1 week and covers 3 parsecs. Total Weeks: 11 + 1 +1 = 13 and covers a total of 20 + 3 = 23 parsecs.

The starship spends 1 week in Gzazoge Gvurrdon/1807 and makes a J-3 to Tanga Gvurrdon/2005 which takes 1 week and covers 3 parsecs. Total Weeks: 13 + 1 +1 = 15 and covers a total of 23 + 3 = 26 parsecs.

The trip took a total of 15 weeks and covered 26 parsecs. Not taking 7 weeks of in system time the trip takes 8 weeks and covered 26 parsecs.

Can someone please help me out?
Alternative route to add to the confusion? All J3 except Dzuerongvoe/Firullvorzkokh

You CAN'T cover 26 parsecs in 8 jumps/weeks at J3 (@J3; 3 parsec/week x 8 week(s) = 24 parsecs) Since one was a J2 only 23 parsecs could have been covered.

Gvurrdon 2005 Tanga B9C56BB-9 Fl Ni DroyW { 0 } (A54+0) [867B] 120 (circa 1105) (Subsector C: Adhsakh)

Gvurrdon 1807 Gzazogze B424779-8 Pi { 0 } (D68+0) [8769] 313 (circa 1105) (Subsector C: Adhsakh)

Gvurrdon 1508 Gikhs B766759-7 Ag Ga Ri { 2 } (96A+2) [8968] 801 (circa 1105) (Subsector B: Zoghz)

Gvurrdon 1511 Thadzlaksak D86769C-4 Ag Ni Ga Ri { -1 } (853-1) [9587] 535 (circa 1105) (Subsector F: Dzen)

Gvurrdon 1413 Dzuerongvoe B664997-C Hi Cp Pr { 3 } (F8E+3) [9C5C] 422 (circa 1105) (Subsector F: Dzen)
Gvurrdon 1315 Firullvorzkokh B436654-9 Ni { 0 } (A54+0) [4637] 920 (circa 1105) (Subsector F: Dzen)

Gvurrdon 1015 Tongaesodhongaell C435779-6 { -1 } (966-1) [8667] 201 (circa 1105) (Subsector F: Dzen)

Gvurrdon 0817 Ellallue B302632-9 Ic Na Ni Va { 0 } (954+0) [2615] 901 (circa 1105) (Subsector E: Uerra Rueshken)

Gvurrdon 0720 Tsukifi B97788C-8 Pa Ph Pi { 0 } (C78+0) [B88B] 220 (circa 1105) (Subsector E: Uerra Rueshken)
Evenig Vladika,

My math may be off.

Alternative route to add to the confusion? All J3 except Dzuerongvoe/Firullvorzkokh

Still covers the route to the secret base in the same number of weeks as given in Classic Traveller Alien Module 3 Note 27 on page 45.

You CAN'T cover 26 parsecs in 8 jumps/weeks at J3 (@J3; 3 parsec/week x 8 week(s) = 24 parsecs) Since one was a J2 only 23 parsecs could have been covered.

0720 to 0817 at J-3 moves 3 parsecs
0817 to 1116 at J-3 moves 3 parsecs Total parsecs 6
1116 to 1415 at J-3 moves 3 parsecs Total parsecs 9
1415 to 1413 at J-3 moves 2 parsecs Total parsecs 11
1413 to 1511 at J-3 moves 3 parsecs Total parsecs 14
1511 to 1508 at J-3 moves 3 parsecs Total parsecs 17
1508 to 1807 at J-3 moves 3 parsecs Total parsecs 20
1807 to 2005 at J-3 moves 3 parsecs Total parsecs 23

Yep, proves that I am having issues with adding up numbers especially when I was pasting and editing the various line.

I found where I added the 3 extra parsecs in Post 11:

Departing from Tsukifi Gvurrdon/0720 makes a J-3 to Ellallues Gvurrdon/0817 which takes 1 week and covers 3 parsecs.

The starship spends 1 week in Ellallues Gvurrdon/0817 and makes another J-3 to Dzerrdhakse Gvurrdon/1116 which takes 1 week and covers 3 parsecs. Total Weeks: 1 + 1 +1 = 3 and covers a total of 6 + 3 = 9 parsecs.

6 + 3 = 9, however the equation should have been 3 + 3 = 6.

Thank you for catching the error, at least I had the idea right if not the right number.;-)

Gvurrdon 2005 Tanga B9C56BB-9 Fl Ni DroyW { 0 } (A54+0) [867B] 120 (circa 1105) (Subsector C: Adhsakh)

Gvurrdon 1807 Gzazogze B424779-8 Pi { 0 } (D68+0) [8769] 313 (circa 1105) (Subsector C: Adhsakh)

Gvurrdon 1508 Gikhs B766759-7 Ag Ga Ri { 2 } (96A+2) [8968] 801 (circa 1105) (Subsector B: Zoghz)

Gvurrdon 1511 Thadzlaksak D86769C-4 Ag Ni Ga Ri { -1 } (853-1) [9587] 535 (circa 1105) (Subsector F: Dzen)

Gvurrdon 1413 Dzuerongvoe B664997-C Hi Cp Pr { 3 } (F8E+3) [9C5C] 422 (circa 1105) (Subsector F: Dzen)
Gvurrdon 1315 Firullvorzkokh B436654-9 Ni { 0 } (A54+0) [4637] 920 (circa 1105) (Subsector F: Dzen)

Gvurrdon 1015 Tongaesodhongaell C435779-6 { -1 } (966-1) [8667] 201 (circa 1105) (Subsector F: Dzen)

Gvurrdon 0817 Ellallue B302632-9 Ic Na Ni Va { 0 } (954+0) [2615] 901 (circa 1105) (Subsector E: Uerra Rueshken)

Gvurrdon 0720 Tsukifi B97788C-8 Pa Ph Pi { 0 } (C78+0) [B88B] 220 (circa 1105) (Subsector E: Uerra Rueshken)

Nice route and my apologies for being less detailed with the system information especially with path plotted above. The Jump Route Calculator at http://www.joffrehorlor.com/Roleplaying/JRC/ has another alternate route.

0720 to 0817 at J-3 moves 3 parsecs
0817 to 0815 at J-2 moves 2 parsecs Total parsecs 5
0815 to 1014 at J-2 moves 2 parsecs Total parsecs 7
1014 to 1112 at J-3 moves 3 parsecs Total parsecs 10
1112 to 1310 at J-3 moves 3 parsecs Total parsecs 13
1310 to 1508 at J-3 moves 3 parsecs Total parsecs 16
1508 to 1807 at J-3 moves 3 parsecs Total parsecs 19
1807 to 2005 at J-3 moves 3 parsecs Total parsecs 22

Of course, even with a couple of rechecks, my math may be off.

Again thanks for catching my math error.
Happy New Year everyone,

I believe that I have discovered a route from Tanga to Zhdant that covers 103 parsecs that took nearly a year per the text on Classic Traveller (CT) Alien Module (AM) 3 page 45 that references Note 28 page 45.

I plotted a course from Zhdant to Tsukifi which is 80 parsecs and then followed the path taken from Tsukif to Tanga which is 23 parsecs, which Vladika indicated earlier. By not staying in a system for a week the travel time in Jump space when the time averages out to be 168 hours is 9 months. Of course the time frame can be longer or shorter than 9 months based on the +/- 10% variable.

Does anyone know of a calculator or formulas that can be used to determine the 100D limit, travel time, how fast a fuel purification system takes to refine the fuel, and how long the skimming of a gas giant takes.
Hello all,

Yesterday, 01/01/2014, I indicated that I may have found the path that Gvurrdon took from Tanga (Gvurrdon Sector Subsector C hex 2005) to Zhdant (Zhodane Sector Subsector H hex 2719) covering 103 parsecs in nearly a year per the information from Classic Traveller (CT) Alien Module 3 pages 44 and 45.

The time of nearly a year is done by jumping into each system at the 100D limit, taking the time to refuel, and then heading to the not jump point at the 100D limit.

The time in jump is 168 hours +/- 10% which over the trip probably averages out to 168 hours per jump over the distance travelled.

There are a couple of items that do not appear to have been taken into account when using the method of jumping into a system, refueling, and then jumping out to the next destination on the flight.

One of the items is the transit time from and to, per CT Book 2 page 4, the joint point which IIRC is located 100 x the world's diameter in kilometers away.

The other is the time needed to refuel. At class A and B starports the starship could dock, refuel with purified hydrogen, undock, and be heading to the outbound jump in few hours. At starports and spaceports that have unrefined fuel and the starship having fuel purification plants the time needed would be slightly longer than systems with Class A or B starports. The longest time between entering and leaving a system occurs when a starship with fuel purification plants has to take on fuel by skimming a gas giant or pumping liquid that contains hydrogen and then decontaminating the fuel.

Of course a ship could use dirty fuel which would only take the time to skim through a gas giant or suck up fuel from another source.

CT Book 6 adding the star type, star size, and number of orbital slots, in my opinion, requires one to determine the 100 diameter limit for the star and the world sizes in each of the systems orbital slots.

Does anyone know of any application that is free I can use to workout the 100D limit for stars identified in CT Book 6?