It's all about aesthetics. If I can't read it, what benefit would it be to me? That's why Double Adventures is to me the worst error. Honestly, NO errata in a reprint book is truly acceptable, but publishing errata for a missing page or a dark chart can be easily done. Publishing errata consisting of a whole adventure though is a different animal.
And really, it has nothing to do with the animal encounter charts. That's what Supplement 2 is for.
I can see your point of view in that lost information is the larger sin, but I can't agree with it. Those two things can be attributed to printer error. It was human error though that caused the Double Adventures SNAFU.
That may seem a very harsh thing to say, as I know that MWM is being a one man gang in getting the reprints done and out to market. The statement is not intended to be harsh or overly critical, as he's done a tremendous job with the reprints. I would be more inclined though to start purchasing the reprints again if the problem with Double Adventures is solved, using whatever means available to do so.